Santa Cruz Organic Concord Grape

Santa Cruz Organic Concord Grape
At first, it tasted like your standard non-alcoholic, sparkling grape juice that you would use to ring in the new year. In addition, it didn't taste like concord grapes. Just like grape flavoring. Then it happened...

It started to taste like concord grape and started developing it's own taste. A crisp, fruity, sweet taste that tasted like that of a concord grape. Not as concord as the Aloevine Grape drink, which doesn't make sense, as there are actual concord grapes in this drink.

Nonetheless, this was good. Now, at any time you can celebrate the smaller things like:
  • Your dog not going to the bathroom in the house for a week.
  • Getting a raise.
  • Christmas.
  • Getting a new hat.
  • Passing a hard test.
  • Not dying.
Versatile and delicious. Like Parker Louis, this drink can't lose.
Sparkling, Soda Pop and Juice
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 12/13/10, 7:19 AM
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