Santa Cruz Organic Root Beer

Santa Cruz Organic Root Beer
I'm not sure if it's actually the container that is the difference, but I've found that most soda in cans is not as good as bottled varieties. This is especially true of root beer. I have never had a canned root beer that was anything more than acceptable. Given this, I didn't think this root beer was going to be anything to write home about.

Upon first sipping this, I was surprised how good it was. The actual color of it was clear, which is uncommon with root beers. Since this is an organic drink, they probably decided to not add unnecessary coloring to it. Plus, most people who drink out of a can don't check what color a drink is, only obsessive drink reviewers such as myself. We should really come up with a term for drinks that are clear when they normally aren't. I'll have to think this over more. Any suggestions?

Anyways, this root beer is great. It's really smooth with a very light root beer taste. While I'm a big fan of heavy and complex root beers, a light but flavorful root beer is nice from time to time. The root beer taste was very close to root beer barrel candy, which I've stated many times that I love. Maybe that's the taste they were going for and was the reason they put the root beer barrels on the can's artwork.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 5/2/11, 11:03 AM
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