Snapple All Natural Raspberry

Snapple All Natural Raspberry
I know, I know. First we list 600+ reviews with no Snapple and then we've got three in a week. Well here's what happens...when you find something that used to be alright and then you discover that they changed their whole ingredient list and started doing things differently, they deserve another shot. I mean, they were early in the game of bottled tea and then once other cats got in the game, they were pushed aside. Now that they've stepped it up, and I mean really stepped it up, there's no stopping them.

This raspberry tea might be the best I've ever had. That says a lot. I've had tons of raspberry teas and this one tastes better. It's incredible what real sugar allows flavors to do. Artificial flavoring and sweetening disguises and distorts the real flavor of items. This is not bitter at all, even though there is green tea in it, but you can really taste the sweet, natural raspberry flavors come across like if you made it yourself.

This is saying a lot. If you wrote them off in the past, put your grudge aside and get a bottle of this.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 1/17/11, 12:37 PM
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