Crystalline Fructose - 57 Reviews

Glaceau Vitamin Water Defense

Glaceau Vitamin Water Defense
On a fluke, sometimes it's really nice in Buffalo. Contrary to popular belief, although it snows like the dickens...Dickens(?)...Who cares? Contrary to popular believe, although it snows like Charles Dickens, the grass and snow sometimes emerge and when they do at the same time, it can be a really nice day. When this blue moon happens, the city knows it and every one goes outside. I'm going to say that the crime rate drops to zero because even the gangsters are drinking lemonade or buying new slacks at local shops. Gunfights are an indoor activity and should not be wasted on nice days like today.

We went out today to Buffalo's one of two beaches which, if you live in suburbia, are smaller than your yard and one of them is landlocked. A novel attempt, but poor delivery and a poor use of my tax dollars, I should say. Regardless, we played in the sand, walked by some WWII battleships, and got some ice cream. It was a nice walk into the sun and it made me quite parched.

While waiting for ice cream, I picked up a Vitamin Water that we somehow didn't do. I was going to get the orange one, because I like it, but the raspberry apple sounded better and more quenching. I made the right choice. It was everything I wanted it to be and was very refreshing, very cold, and I wish I didn't have to share it because I'm home now and am still thirsty. It did actually taste like raspberry and apple and nothing else. It was really good and possibly my new fallback when it comes to Vitamin Water. That says a lot.

To cap the night, I'm sure that there will be drag races outside my window as there are on most night and maybe, just maybe, if I'm lucky, there will be prostitutes outside watching the races, soliciting the racers and passersby. Hey, a woman has to make a living. I won't call the cops on you, girls.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 9/25/11, 6:38 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Essential

Glaceau Vitamin Water Essential
As one can see from reading our reviews, we often compare orange water beverages to Tang. What can we say? It's the original and Mike loves the stuff. He always had a huge container of the powder in his cupboard when we lived together. He also hated astronauts. It's really a worrisome thing. He walks around making this outrageous claims about how there's going to be a fist fight on the fateful day he runs into Neil Armstrong on the street. I really don't get it.

Regardless this does remind me of Tang. It's orange flavored and it's not too thick. It's an old standby in the Vitamin Water world.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 9/5/11, 4:45 PM
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Clearly Canadian Daily Vitamin Tropical

Clearly Canadian Daily Vitamin Tropical
When I was in Hawaii a few months back our hotel had a giant water dispenser in the front lobby. For the first two days I didn't bother with it because I thought it was just water and I had my water bottle with me. On the third day Kevyn made me try it. It was water that had various tropical fruits floating in it that flavored the liquid. It was absolutely perfect. It was only faintly flavored, so it was completely refreshing and tasty, basically exactly the right drink to sip on in paradise.

As soon as this hit my lips the flavor brought me right back to my vacation. It tastes exactly the same, except a little sweeter. This is what I want from a flavored water. Too many companies go overboard with their flavor and it looses the water aspect. There is no doubt with this that it is water first and flavor second. I appreciate that. Now I'm going to close my eyes and pretend I'm surfing again.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Clearly CanadianWebsite
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 8/31/11, 10:39 PM
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Clearly Canadian Daily Vitamin Blueberry

Clearly Canadian Daily Vitamin Blueberry
You've got your flavored waters and you've got this. Hint does a nice job of putting a little bit of flavor into a lot of bit of water and making something both flavorful and pleasing. This drink does a good job of adding a little bit of flavor to a lot of bit of water and making it boring.

Initially it was alright. I thought it was going to be a nice drink but as soon as the temperature rose to room temperature, boredom sets in. It couldn't be blander, really.

I needed be bothered with writing a long, detailed review on this. It's not great and I don't recommend it to you. End of story. Blunt? Yep-ahh.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Clearly CanadianWebsite
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 8/18/11, 2:31 PM
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Just Chill Tropical Chill

Just Chill Tropical Chill
I've been unpacking into my apartment all week and figuring out what I need to do/buy. I didn't go to bed until after 2:30. At 5am I was still laying there awake thinking about things that needed to get done. Normally I'm out as soon as my head hits the pillow, but occasionally I have nights like these. It was about this time that I remembered that I had some relaxation drinks chilling in the fridge.

I know this wasn't meant to be a sleeping pill in a can, but if it would reduce my stress and help me not worry about a million things, it would be just what I needed. I downed the can (it's weird drinking a carbonated beverage fairly quickly when you're trying to sleep) and lay back down in bed. Within ten minutes I was out. My brain certainly did chill out.

Unfortunately here at Thirsty Dudes our rating isn't totally based on functionality. We're actually more concerned with the way a drink tastes. This is fruity tasting, but in a very light, light way. It's not diet tasting, and it's completely natural, but there's something about it that didn't quite sit right with me. I left a little in the can to taste this morning as I wrote the review. I can say it tastes better when it's no longer carbonated.

One other thing; I absolutely hate it when any company uses the "Papyrus" typeface. It's everywhere and you don't even realize it until it's pointed out. After that you see it everywhere and it's unnerving. There are only two lines of text on the can that use it, but it's enough to annoy me.
Just ChillWebsite@DrinkJustChill
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 8/5/11, 5:50 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Stur-D

Glaceau Vitamin Water Stur-D
I just realized that I have not had a Vitamin Water since we started this site. That seems insane because there was a long stretch of my life where I got them for free so I drank at least one a day. Since this incarnation of Thirsty Dudes ten months ago I just figured there were other, weirder, drinks that needed my attention. When I was in a gas station and I wanted something that wasn't carbonated I went with a new flavor of an old standby.

As soon as I opened it I remembered how much I actually enjoy Vitamin Water. Glaceau took the traditional sports drink and upped the ante. They add extra vitamins and minerals to make their drinks more functional, but at the same time they take extra care to make sure that all of their products have a strong pleasant flavor. The only thing that could really make these better would be if they actually used the juice from the fruits listed in the flavors. I guess this would fall under a different category if they did though, and it might lose its functionality.

This particular bottle is supposed to be blue agave, passion fruit and citrus flavored. The individual flavors don't stand out at all, but it does taste like a hodgepodge of the flavors combined into something new. Maybe it's just passion fruit and citrus. I've never had straight up agave before, but I've had it as a sweetener and I don't really remember it having a distinct taste. Overall it taste rather great. I would definitely pick this over a Gatorade any day. I don't think I will be waiting nearly as long before I pick up another bottle of this.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 7/23/11, 11:22 AM
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Neuro Sonic

Neuro Sonic
These Neuro drinks look so alluring on the shelves. I applaud the company for making a unique looking bottle with enticing colors (even though it looks like it should be some sort of adult toy).

Derek had reviewed one of these a while ago, but I had never seen them in stores. When I found them in a grocery store I felt compelled to buy them all, even though he had given his a terrible review. That, my friend, is proof that quality packaging can go a long way for a product. I convinced myself that I really only needed to buy one. I chose the one that is suppose to increase mental energy and focus. I chose this one because I'm on vacation, and when people are away from the real world for too long they tend to become morons. When you don't have to think or worry much about live everything seems great, and I know I tend to become vulnerable to making dumb decisions. So I'm taking the offensive here. Will it work? Who knows, but it's worth a try.

The first thing I have to say about this drink is "Holy diet!" It's hard to make out what flavor this is supposed to actually be. The taste I'm searching for is lost in a cloud of artificial sweeteners. I think it's supposed to be berry, but I couldn't testify in a court of law. Drink that is an idea. Customers take companies to court for putting out terrible beverages. I'm smelling reality TV of the dumbest kind. I wonder if they would let us be the judges. We could be called in for our expert opinions. I mean Mike and I are scientists. I would even settle for being the thirsty jury. Someone pitch this to the networks. Quick!
Other/Weird and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 4/26/11, 12:27 PM
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Asante Immune Mandarin Orange

Asante Immune Mandarin Orange
Houston, we have a problem. We've been orbiting out here in space for a few weeks now and the most disastrous of problems has come to fruition. Houston we are out of Tang! How do you expect us to be proper astronauts without this life giving powder?

Buzz, we got you covered there. Head back to the cargo bay and pop open the container that is supposed to have your back up oxygen. There you will find a few cases of Asante Immune Mandarin Orange drink. It's basically pre-made Tang. It tastes like it was made from a powder and it's just an orange flavored drink. Now Buzz, I know you would have rung my neck if you had found out we had replaced your auxiliary oxygen with drinks, but aren't you thankful now?


Buzz? Are you there Buzz! Oh no....looks like they ran out of oxygen. Oops.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 3/8/11, 11:24 AM
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Neuro Gasm

Neuro Gasm
According to the label, there is "passion in every bottle". This, and the name of the drink intrigued me. It also is supposed to promote healthy circulation and enhance the pleasure response. While I don't know if drinking this gives me the proper side effects, I can comment on the taste of this.

Carbonated Flintstones vitamins. That is what it tastes like. I used to enjoy Flintstones vitamins, but i don't enjoy this. It's not the worst thing ever, but it's not good at all. Maybe they decided they didn't need to make this taste good because people will drink it in hopes to make sex better. Personally, it's not worth it to me.
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Derek Neuland on 1/7/11, 11:28 PM
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Wegmans Aqua-V Lemonade

Wegmans Aqua-V Lemonade
Jumping on the Vitamin Water wagon is Wegmans. It doesn't matter though because they've got some different flavors. This lemonade flavor is light a light lemonade and some other taste. If you want lemonade I wouldn't get this but if you want something like Vitamin Water by new and different, look no further.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Lemonade
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 1/4/11, 6:29 PM
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Genesis Today Superfruit Tea

Genesis Today Superfruit Tea
For starters this is made with black, green, white and even red tea. Maybe, just maybe they went a bit overboard. You know what, I don't care. If going overboard is what is needed to make a tea this good, by all means, go ahead.
Most super fruit drinks are a bit crazy tasting and insanely strong, but they somehow managed to just have it taste nice and fruity. Maybe it's the million different teas they used.
Iced Tea
Genesis TodayWebsite@genesistoday
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 10/31/10, 9:09 AM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Energy

Glaceau Vitamin Water Energy
Tropical? Yes.
Quenching? Yes.
Pretty good? Yep.

As per most Vitamin Waters, they're pretty good. This one is no different. Everyone gives them flak because they're not good for you, and they're right, but calm down. Sometimes you need a bit of flavor in your life. You get a strong mango flavor so if you're not into it, put this back and get one of their other 15 flavors. Every time I look, they have more. You don't get a strong fake sugar flavor to this either, which is excellent. There is both crystalline fructose and cane sugar, so their duo might cancel each other out. As per all other Vitamin Water's, I don't know what is the distinguishable difference between a "water" and a "juice". I can't see through this beverage so I assume it's a juice. If I poured it into a glass, I would say that it's juice.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 9/27/10, 12:11 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero Go Go

Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero Go Go
It's weird putting this drink into the water category because like Mike said when he reviewed the dragonfruit Vitamin Water, this is much more like juice than water.

Anyways, this is part of the Vitamin Water zero calorie line of drinks. I like these a lot better than normal Vitamin Water because they're not as heavy tasting. As far as this flavor goes, it really lives up to its name because it truly tastes like mixed berries. Usually mixed berry drinks taste more like one or two berries, but I cannot distinguish any particular kind of berries in this. It's very delicious and refreshing.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Derek Neuland on 9/21/10, 3:41 PM
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Fuze Black and Green Tea

Fuze Black and Green Tea
How do I describe you, Fuze Black and Green Tea with Acai Berry and "these" essential vitamins? Floral? Clearly, the first thing you taste is the Acai, which has a fruity, almost flower spell and taste to it. It's not bad as much as it is...confusing.

As the days progress and I spend more time looking at beverages, the FDA is really insistent that we cram as much Acai down our gullets. Acai is two years ago's pomegranate. Remember when they couldn't leave that poor dude alone and it was in everything? Have you ever had a real pomegranate? They're wonderful. Wait, we were talking about Acai. Let's get back to work.

Do I like this...I still don't know. I personally don't care when vitamins are in my drinks. Sure, thanks, but I don't eat like an idiot so I get vitamins in my meals so I don't need people filling my otherwise healthy tea with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and experimental fruit.

Sidetracked again? What's wrong with me? Am I chronically unsatisfiable? Possibly/probably. I was stricken on day one with an analytical and skeptical mindset so I always think that things can be done better/faster/more efficient so when someone comes in and starts dumping some new foreign fruit unbeknownst to me down my throat by the 18.5 fluid ounces load, I can question it, can't it? 3. There. You want my review? Here it is:

It's a fruity, floral tasting drink with a sweet, bitter green tea aftertaste.
Iced Tea
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 9/21/10, 9:48 AM
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Fuze Healthy Infusions Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey

Fuze Healthy Infusions Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey
I like most Fuze tea. When I heard that Subway was getting it, it got excited and started eating way too much Subway.

This tea is nice. It has the initial bitterness of the ginseng but the genuine aftertaste of honey.

You can get this stuff everywhere and anywhere and for under $1.50 so give it a while and let me know what you think.
Iced Tea
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 9/19/10, 10:24 AM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Power-C

Glaceau Vitamin Water Power-C
I like Vitamin Water. It's more a juice than water regardless of what the folks at Glaceau say. I'm a fan of whatever the orange color/flavor is because it's like Tang.

I've had a real dragonfruit and it was weak. Did I get a bad one? Possibly? Was I young and stupid? Yeah.

This was a nice, flavorful drink. Refreshing with a real tasting fruit bite.

I don't care what people say about the calorie intake of Vitamin Water. This is a good drink and I'm sure there are more in the line that I'd like. Let the voyage continue.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 9/13/10, 6:32 PM
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Inko's White Tea Energy

Inko's White Tea Energy
After a day of hiking I stopped at a store to get a beverage. I normally wouldn't grab an energy drink under such circumstances, but the fact that it was in the natural section, and it said "Jitter Free" convinced me to take a chance. I was very pleased with my purchase. This beverage had none of the normal chemical flavors that you would normally find in energy drinks. It really just tasted like sweetened white tea with a slight ginger taste to it. I felt like I was just drinking a normal iced tea. I actually forgot it was an energy drink until my lady friend asked if it did anything as an energy drink. I did find myself feeling more alert, but not like a spazz like I normally would after an energy drink.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 9/6/10, 10:41 PM
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