Alpha Wolf - 3 Reviews

Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Watermelon/Strawberry/Coconut

Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Watermelon/Strawberry/Coconut
Back in the late 90s when Sobe came out I was in love with them. Even though almost all of the little money I made from my job went to buying records, I still found a way to get a bottle somewhat regularly. Okay, so I may have nicked a bottle or two (or 50) from my place of employment. When you're paying your employees $4.35 an hour you should probably expect them to fill in the wage gap somehow. The point of me mentioning this is that the beverage I am currently drinking reminds me of a classic Sobe from a glass bottle, before they went plastic and the recipe changed (at least I'm pretty sure it did, maybe it was just my tastes that changed). I suppose there is a reason for that because I believe those old drinks were also marketed for focus, revitalization and the like.

Specifically this brings to mind the Dragon flavor of Sobe. I believe that involved pitaya, but this combo of watermelon and strawberry tastes like my memory. It even does a great job of masking the taste of the erythritol/stevia. This tastes fruity and wonderful, and not diet and poisonous. The coconut is undetectable to me. This is an advancement of sports/recovery drinks. Goodbye garbage. Hello wonderment.

Sports/Dietary Supplement
Alpha WolfWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 9/26/17, 6:06 AM
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Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Passion Fruit / Pineapple

Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Passion Fruit / Pineapple
I know it is summer, but this recent heat humidity combo has been too much. Maybe I'm just getting old, or perhaps it's because I spend my time standing next to a 1,000 degree dryer printing shirts all day. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's the latter. I feel like I'm sweating out more than I can imbibe. All of the water in the world's oceans doesn't feel like it would make a difference. You know if it were desalinated. I'm drinking gallons upon gallons of water every day and it's not enough. Then I drank this bottle of Alpha Wolf and for a brief moment I felt a difference. I felt the will to live return to me. I no longer wanted to lay down on that conveyor belt into the dryer and let the heat finally take me. This is certainly not a cure all. Nor is it some magic potion. It is simply formulated to give you temporary relief when you feel beaten down and dehydrated. In reality the effects didn't last all that long, but for a half hour or so I did feel revitalized as the bottle boasts. Can I really ask for more?

As it turns out, I can in fact ask for more. This could have tasted like old hose water and if it had these results I would have been happy with it, but as it turns out it is quite delicious. It's no secret that most fruit flavored drinks taste little to nothing like the produce they are impersonating. This tastes very much like passion fruit, with a little bit of pineapple thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately erythritol and stevia are in the mix as well. That is fine for some and a complete deal breaker for others. It's very specific taste that shows itself more as the drink warms up. Ice cold it is hardly noticeable. When paired with the passion fruit it didn't bother me nearly as much as it has in other beverages. I guess it's all a part of keep calories low and not poisoning yourself in the process.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Alpha WolfWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 8/9/17, 8:22 AM
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Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Goji / Pomegranate / Mango

Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Goji / Pomegranate / Mango
One of the simple pleasures in life is when you come home and there is a package waiting for you that you were not expecting. There is the rush of excitement when walk up to the package wondering what it could possibly contain. It's even nicer when you look at the return label and discover that it is not junk, but something you could truly enjoy. I came home to this, opened the box and then less than 15 minutes later I got an email from Alpha Wolf telling me that they forgot to give me a heads up that a package was coming. I appreciate their oversite because it perked up my day a bit.

I wish it wasn't my job to pay close attention to beverages. I put these in the fridge to get cold, and when I finally cracked one open it was wonderful. It tasted fruity and real. There were some other flavors in there as well, but it was all pleasant and it seemed to all make sense. I have never had mango mixed with an antioxidant rich fruit before and now I don't know how no one ever paired them up before. They complement each other perfectly. After a few wonderful sips in when the troubles began. I looked at the ingredients list. Right there in the #2 position was erythritol. Up until that point I had no inkling at all that any zero calorie sweeteners were being used in here at all. After reading that I took another sip and it was painfully obvious. I'm taking full blame on this one. It's not on Alpha Wolf. If they can make a product that uses erythritol and stevia and not have me notice it instantly they have created something great. I'm chalking it up to my brain searching out the flavor once I knew it was in there. This is a wonderfully fruity beverage that will do it's best to help you achieve some clarity in this horrible world in which we live.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Alpha WolfWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 7/9/17, 4:21 PM
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