Metromint - 7 Reviews

Metromint Good Berry Mint

Metromint Good Berry Mint
Mondays I am home. I work for 15 minutes at a time while either feeding or changing or consoling Max. He rules, don't get me wrong, but he is tiring. I always eat quickly. I'm like a cop. Why do cops eat donuts? No, not because it's clichè, but because they need to. How long does it take to make a turkey dinner? Longer than it takes to get a donut and go solve crimes. Pop in, pop out. They have all the assortment in the world. Crueler, bear claw, angel cream and it's lesser, associate brother, Boston cream...the list goes on.

I wish I had a donut. I had to make microwave burritos. A little bit about these burritos; they aren't as old as they taste. They left a strange film on the roof of my mouth, much like Captain Crunch does. I've gotten over the "Oh, Captain Crunch tears the roof of your mouth to shreds." That's old news. Did I get sidetracked? You know that's right.

So I'm eating these burritos and...they...suck. I put a lot of pico de gallo on there, too. I needed to solve this pickle with something. In my fridge, keeping cool, was this Metromint Good Berry Mint. I was excited to see a new flavor and, because of that, I bought it. Isn't that how it works? I seem to think so.

So here I am, trying to disguise the foul grossness of these microwave burritos and anxiously awaiting the new flavors of whatever the heck Good Berry Mint is. First Second Third Excuse me...hello? Fourth Let's read the side of the bottle: raspberry, blueberry, pomegranate, acai, and blackberry. I don't taste any of the berry friends in here. Fifth Is it overpowering? Possibly, but I don't really get any fruit. If I was drinking this next to a Metromint Peppermint, I might be able to taste the difference, but by itself, plain mint.

It's hard to rate something that doesn't taste like what it's supposed to taste like. It's not bad, it's just mint-flavored water, but I don't get what they are trying to sell me.

Wishin' I just bought another Chocolate Mint. That's all I'm saying. No regrets, just wishin'.


So, after the encouragement by MetroMint themselves, I gave it another whirl. They thought that what I had may have been a bad batch or the fact that I drank it when it was cold, combined with the mint, may have hidden the berry. So I got another one, drank it right then and there, and, don't'cha'know, there was that berry critter. It was good. So, word to the wise, if you're going to drink the Good Berry Mint flavor maybe pour it in a glass with some ice or drink it at room temperature because once you get it the way that it's supposed to be got, it's really good.
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Mike Literman on 5/16/11, 5:25 PM
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Metromint Cherry Mint

Metromint Cherry Mint
Who doesn't love a refreshing water to cap a long afternoon of shoveling snow? I'm pretty sure that I can speak for the entirety of the North East United States when I say, "Us!" To put a feather in the fake cap of water, we will put a touch of cherry to sweeten and flavor it up and a touch of mint to cool it down. Together, we have the hard to find Cherry mint Metromint water. This was the hardest to find and for that reason, the flavor that I looked forward to the most. Sadly, yes sadly, I shouldn't have. First sip is strange. You know what it's going to taste like because you've been down Metromint Boulevard before. It still doesn't prepare you for what's to come. Water, cool refreshing water, followed by cherry "essence" (which is fine with me) and mint. Do you know what mint and cherry tastes like? Luden's. Yep. You know when you're sick and you've got that scratch in your throat and you want to take care of it in a flash? Luden's to the rescue! Cherry to mask the clearly medicinal taste of the Mentholatum which in itself tastes like cool mint.

So, because of the relevance of this drink to medicine, and the fact that it's just not quite what I wanted since I'm not sick. I am forced to say that this is my least favorite Metromint water. I do not regret the quest for the holy grail that I put myself through, but I wish that I had liked it more than I did. Sorry Metromint, you can't win all the time. We'll always have chocolate mint.
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Mike Literman on 1/29/11, 4:07 PM
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Metromint Lemon Mint

Metromint Lemon Mint
It's good. It's not the best, but it's good. I think that lemon in water is so commonplace that I'm almost not surprised that this exists. You drink it and you know that it's mint, but it's almost the equivalent of having constantly frigid water. Here's how to recreate this in a couple easy steps:

1. Get a glass.
2. Fill it to the brim with ice.
3. Fill the gaps in the ice with water.
4. Squeeze a fair amount of lemon up in there.
5. Wait a minute for the ice to do its thing.
6. Drink.

Sure, it's easier to buy this than to make it, but not much. Regardless, this wasn't a bad drink by any means and I think it's a good stepping-stone into the rest of their line. You could go this, to peppermint, to spearmint or orange, to cherry (still to be had by me) to chocolate because it might be the strangest but my favorite.

Someone follow my steps and let me know if you could re-work them any better. In the mean time, I'll be enjoying the tail end of this minty, lemony drink in solitude.
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Mike Literman on 12/1/10, 12:48 PM
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Metromint Orange Mint

Metromint Orange Mint
You know what's strange? I gave this to everyone in my office. Everyone. Men, women, diet, non-diet and no one liked it. I got a lot of, "Oh, that's not what I expected." and "That's the worst thing I've ever drank." and it made me think, "Why?" It's nothing but orange, mint, and water. It tastes only like that and nothing else. No aftertaste, no overpowering flavors, no funny or risky business. I liked it. Do I like everything? Nope. Do I hate everything? That is closer to the truth, but still a fallacy.

I like taking a big swig and seeing what it tastes like and then I like letting it wallow in my mouth so I get a rush of orange and then a rush of cool mint when I swallow. It's good. It's good for you. It's a fantastic alternative to water. What's to hate? I don't know. I like it. I've got a lemon mint in the fridge to try and still, somewhere on deck, is that cherry mint that I can't find but really want to try. More Metromint reviews to come soon, friends!
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Mike Literman on 11/23/10, 10:20 AM
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Metromint Spearmint

Metromint Spearmint
The spearmint, so far, has been my least favorite flavor by Metromint by far. Simply put, it tastes like when you are chewing spearmint gum and drinking water at the same time. Sure it's a crisp taste, but I feel that the flavor of spearmint is so unique to gum that it's hard to think otherwise.
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Mike Literman on 9/16/10, 9:18 AM
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Metromint Peppermint

Metromint Peppermint
The first time I bought this I went in headfirst and bought a 4-pack. I lucked out because it was actually pretty refreshing. It is just peppermint and water so it didn't leave much to imagination but it was a nice, cool flavor that left a clean aftertaste. I feel like this is something that you could even water down to be more of a hint of peppermint.

It would be nice if they made it in a larger container so you could share it with others now that I think about it. For the first time I think that personal bottles are greedy.
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Mike Literman on 9/16/10, 9:14 AM
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Metromint Chocolate Mint

Metromint Chocolate Mint
As soon as I saw this I had to buy it. Where can you get chocolate flavored water, let alone with mint in it? Now you see my urgency. I opened it and it was a nice light cocoa scent.

At first sip it was a nice light mint followed by a chocolate aftertaste. I actually liked it more than the other Metromint flavors I've had so far.

UPDATE: I can't stop telling people about this drink so I'm upping it from a 3 to a 4. Congratulations Metromint.
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Mike Literman on 9/14/10, 10:54 AM
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