Metromint Orange Mint

Metromint Orange Mint
You know what's strange? I gave this to everyone in my office. Everyone. Men, women, diet, non-diet and no one liked it. I got a lot of, "Oh, that's not what I expected." and "That's the worst thing I've ever drank." and it made me think, "Why?" It's nothing but orange, mint, and water. It tastes only like that and nothing else. No aftertaste, no overpowering flavors, no funny or risky business. I liked it. Do I like everything? Nope. Do I hate everything? That is closer to the truth, but still a fallacy.

I like taking a big swig and seeing what it tastes like and then I like letting it wallow in my mouth so I get a rush of orange and then a rush of cool mint when I swallow. It's good. It's good for you. It's a fantastic alternative to water. What's to hate? I don't know. I like it. I've got a lemon mint in the fridge to try and still, somewhere on deck, is that cherry mint that I can't find but really want to try. More Metromint reviews to come soon, friends!
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/23/10, 10:20 AM
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