Purity Organic - 26 Reviews

Purity Organic Mate with Grapefruit and Ginger

Purity Organic Mate with Grapefruit and Ginger
Purity is a company that I have grown to know and love. Their juices are of high quality without putting a huge dent in your pocket book. I'm currently in San Francisco recording a couple of songs at Tiny Telephone and I took a walk to the Mission for burritos and refreshments and my guys grew huge when I saw this bottle. I'm talking cartoon wolf ogling an attractive woman huge. In my head even the "ha-wooga" sound happened.

When I got back to the studio I cracked this open and my first thought was "Wow this is kind of week." The mate flavor is hardly there and it kind of tastes like a watery grapefruit juice with a touch of ginger in it. I had expected to be blasted with a strong bitter mate flavor and have the other flavors there to round it out. The more I drank it the more I grew to enjoy it though. It is tame, but every drink doesn't need to be in your face. There is nothing wrong with this beverage at all. The grapefruit and ginger tastes are very authentic, because it is made with organic juice. I do wish the mate was stronger. If it were this would get high marks. As it is it leaves a bit to be desired, but it is still very enjoyable. I'm just a boy with high expectations.
Ginger and Iced Tea
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Agave
Jason Draper on 6/16/16, 6:56 PM
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Purity Organic Superjuice Blackberry Apple Chia

Purity Organic Superjuice Blackberry Apple Chia
Dear World, Can we please put a memoritorium on adding banana juice/puree that are not specifically banana flavored things? I understand that they are fairly healthy and work as a nice thickening agent, but it's normally such an overwhelming flavor, and I for one am not a fan of it. So many juices in my life have been ruined by the inclusion of this dumb mushy fruit. Luckily Purity Organic used it sparingly, and while I could still detect it, it did not overpower the rest of the flavors. If this were a lesser drink I would have had a sip or two and left the rest to someone else, but Purity does not mess around and minus the folly of banana I really enjoyed it.

The other ingredients are apple, chia, blackberry, red beet, ginger and blueberry. That is quite the team they have assembled and some weird early 90's cartoon could have been based around them fighting evil. Saturdays mornings were strange during that time in our nations history. The chia has been ground up, and instead of juice there is puree used. The result is that this is fairly thick in an interesting way. All of the flavors are present, but the apple and blackberry are the leaders of this crime-fighting gang, hence they got top billing. I think in season two we are going to find out that banana is really a double agent and things are going to get interesting.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/26/15, 11:34 AM
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Purity Organic Orange Juice

Purity Organic Orange Juice
Good morning! I just brushed my teeth so I am going nowhere near that orange juice. Those two together are the worst combination since peanut butter and mustard that your mom used to eat when she was a kid. I don't know what that was all about. Back to that orange juice, let's have it, son. Lay it on your old man. What's it all about?

"It's orange juice, dad." is the review you're giving me? I'm telling you right now, son. You can do anything you want in this world but you will not be doing any reviews for Thirsty Dudes any time soon. Let me see the bottle. The ingredients are orange juice and orange juice from concentrate. Hmm, so it is just orange juice. My statement still stands. They have a certain flair to their reviews that your three-ish word review just doesn't have. Do your homework.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/7/15, 1:39 PM
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Purity Organic Coconut Water Organic Mango

Purity Organic Coconut Water Organic Mango
From great juice to great coconut water Purity Organic has you covered. While it is easy to screw up a juice, most coconut water is pretty standard. Unless it's something deep in the fancy end of the spectrum most coconut waters taste pretty much the same. There is something about this coconut water that is a bit different. I know this isn't the right word, but it tastes more fiberous. It's as if you can taste the shell of the coconut in this more than other brands. It's not a bad, nor a good thing; it is simply an observation.

The use of mango puree gives this a nice fruity kick that will make your hydration taste just that much better. I've met humans that don't like eating mango (I'm looking at you Mike), but I've never met one that does not like the taste of mango. When in doubt go mango, you can't lose.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 1/4/15, 1:41 PM
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Purity Organic Peach Black Tea

Purity Organic Peach Black Tea
Peach: Not my favorite fruit. It's got hair on it. You're supposed to eat that hair. That's called trichophagia and is not something we should endorse. I mean, look, a little hair never hurt anyone, right? Peaches are little hairs but a lot of little hairs add up and then all of a sudden you're munching on the world's largest ball of hair. I wonder if they have to shampoo that thing. Is it just an old, dry ball of hair? Peaches, right? Whatever, dude.

Since Purity Organic is so nice to both the general public and Thirsty Dudes, they have pre-juiced the peaches into a nice drink mixed with a sweet black tea. No hair. No fuzz. No muss. No fuss. All you're left with is a nice, lightly sweetened black tea with a nice hint of peach. What more could you ask for? It's de-haired, pre and adequately sweetened and all natural. Fantastic.
Iced Tea
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/22/14, 5:41 PM
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Purity Organic Unsweetened Black Tea

Purity Organic Unsweetened Black Tea
If you ever want to feel real dumb go into an establishment and order yourself a hot tea. You'll ask for green tea, but all they will have it black, but that is fine. They also offer cream with it. You normally drink your tea black or with soy/almond milk, but hey why not live on the edge. It will show up to where you are sitting, and the mug will be filled, as well as the tea pot on the tray. It's always such a nice touch when they leave you a tea pot isn't it. You add a little cream and stir it up. You let it sit for a minute to cool down, and then take a sip. This is the weakest tea you have ever tasted, you immediately think. You take a few more sips, annoyed, but oh well the show must go on. A few minutes later it gets a bit brighter and you notice there is a tea bag on your tray. A metaphorical palming of the face occurs and you just hope no one else noticed your stupidity. Yes, this was my past Friday night when I went to see Jen Kirkman at a comedy club (dumb two drink minimum).

My reason for telling this story is that the only way you can really mess up plain unsweetened black tea is by forgetting to actually ad the tea. Luckily for me the folks at Purity Organic are not the same sort of dummies as I am. This is exactly what you would expect. It's black tea that has been properly brewed with no sweetener added (or anything else for that matter). If this is what you want, you simply can't go wrong.
Iced Tea
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/16/14, 8:59 PM
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Purity Organic Watermelon Strawberry Ade

Purity Organic Watermelon Strawberry Ade
Strawberries, watermelon and lemons; if that isn't summer, I don't know what this is. Marinate a hot dog in it, get some grass clippings on your new shoes after you mow the lawn, stop wearing socks, wear shorts, celebrate America and talk about going to the beach but don't actually go. This drink has it all and wants you to take that exotic trip back in time to something called, "July." That's right. This is a slightly sour but mostly fruity taste of lemonade with watermelon and strawberries in it. This has to be the culmination of years and long nights because to have this trio together outside of some sort of special occasion must have cost some money. You think it was cheap to have the Rat Pack play together? Boy, you should think again. Those guys were lady killers and this is like the drink equivalent of Frank Sinatra, that black dude from Cannonball Run, and the other guy.
Juice and Lemonade
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/15/14, 10:57 PM
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Purity Organic Raspberry Black Tea

Purity Organic Raspberry Black Tea
Raspberry tea, who doesn't like it? Oh, adults who think that it is too sweet? Yeah I can see that. It used to be a standard for me, but the older I get the less I drink of it. Actually my intake of sweetened tea is fairly low these days, while the amount of unsweetened tea is through the metaphorical roof. The thing is that you can't quite get a proper raspberry flavor without the sweetness. This product falls somewhere in the middle. It's nowhere near as sweet as say and Arizona or Peace raspberry tea, but it's definitely got some sugar in it to keep the flavor up; 19g per serving to be exact. Sure they could have gone even lower, but the taste of the raspberry probably would have suffered.

I like that this still has a good deal of the “dryness” you get from unsweetened teas, but it also has a nice raspberry flavor. It helps that they used real juice in the flavoring process.

Is this perfect? No. Is it still great? Yes. This may still be too sweet for those of you in middle age and above, but I bet it would sit just perfectly on the palate of someone in their late 20s. Am I really at a point in my thoughts where I need to rank teas by the age of their consumer? No, not yet, but close.
Iced Tea
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/3/14, 10:11 PM
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Purity Organic Orange Mango Paradise

Purity Organic Orange Mango Paradise
I can only hope that everyone who reads this is familiar with the Purity Test. If you're not, what did you do with your time in school? It's generally a questionnaire used by high school and college students to determine your degree of innocence in matters such as sex, drugs, and other damning things. Depending on what type of crew you roll with a low purity score could be a thing of embarrassment or pride.

I hadn't taken one of these tests since college, so I decided now was as good a time as any. I would like to report that these juices were nowhere to be found on the test, shocking I know. I'm sure some weird questions could be rephrased to include it, but I can also assume that the company would be none too pleased about that. Oh well, I don't need to know what degrading things can be done with juice. All I need to know is that it's tasty and that I enjoy drinking it.

This is just mango puree and orange juice with some sugar and water added to it. The mango flavor is steering the ship, just as it should be. I have no problem with orange juice, but it's such a standard juice that I enjoy when other flavors take over. I personally don't see the need for the added sugar. I would have enjoyed it much more in its natural state, so I didn't feel as if I had to brush my teeth afterwards. I can't argue with flavor though, and this is full of it.

For those of you keeping score at home, I got 44% on the purity test. I'm sure there are people everywhere praying for my soul. Take the test yourself and see if you need to be saved.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/27/14, 12:18 PM
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Purity Organic Honey Green Tea

Purity Organic Honey Green Tea
When a beverage has pictures of honey combs all over it, as this one does, and it boasts to include organic honey, I expect a very, very strong honey flavoring to it. Actually I would be fine with a plain old very strong honey flavor to it. Unfortunately Purity Organic did not deliver. I went in expecting a thick, sticky tea and what I received was a pretty standard green tea with just a touch of honey added. I wanted them to go overboard with that particular ingredient, and it ended up being something that you could miss if you weren't looking for it. I still enjoyed the beverage, but I had high hopes that were not met. It tastes like a natural version of Arizona's green tea. We here at Thirsty Dudes will always have a soft spot for that particular beverage, so that is nothing but an improvement on a classic to us. Just up the honey, will ya?
Iced Tea
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/5/14, 6:01 PM
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Purity Organic Superjuice Lemon Agave Ginger

Purity Organic Superjuice Lemon Agave Ginger
Two kids in the office didn't ask for the punishment I gave them but oh did they enjoy it. One dude was sitting there and the other just walked in with a drink in his hands. Guess what? I don't give a rip. Everyone will enjoy this and there is nothing you can do about it. You know why? Because I'm older, that's why. I'm their mean older brother who bought them beer but instead of beer it was a spicy lemonade type drink.

We've all got glasses of our drinks and we take our first sips. Ahhhh, we all say. Ahhhh. That there was a sipping drink, one to mull over whilst looking across the water as the sun sets on yet another beautiful day at the cabin. Fish are jumping out of the water. Birds are chirping all around. Bears aren't murdering you but instead sitting beside you on the dock with their bear feat danglin' in the water.

What's so G.D. great about it? It's like lemonade with bits and grits in it. Accompanying that would be a strong, strong ginger taste that is something to call your mama about. Everything is alright. The burn. The lemon.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Agave
Mike Literman on 9/29/14, 4:24 PM
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Purity Organic Coconut Water Original

Purity Organic Coconut Water Original
I'm not a betting man but if you asked me ten years ago if you should invest in coconut futures, future Mike would say that you should. Previously only known as a topping for ice cream and a filling for Mounds and Almond Joy, now it's everywhere. Everywhere includes the homebase of one of our favorite juice companies, Purity.

Problem with all these coconut waters is that the point of it is to just have 100% pure, clean, unaltered coconut water. What does that do to the drinks? It makes them all the same. Coconut water is turning into orange juice and apple juice where it all tastes the same. What does this taste like? Oh, it tastes like if you cracked open a coconut with a machete and dumped it in a cup. Well what does that one taste like? It tastes like if you broke open a coconut on a rock and poured it into a cup. How about that one over there? It tastes like you put a nail into it, pulled the nail out and put in a straw and a little umbrella.

This is good. It's clean and crisp. It's clearly naturally sweetened and there is nothing in there you would second-guess giving to your kids, although I don't know any kids that would rather drink coconut water than, say, chocolate milk. That is a crowd pleaser. Coconut water? It's fine. Just fine. This? It's fine.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 9/12/14, 10:25 AM
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Purity Organic Superjuice Kale Coconut Water Apple Spinach

Purity Organic Superjuice Kale Coconut Water Apple Spinach
I anticipated a nightmare. I thought I would find myself in a pleasant juice dream that would lull me into complacency, and just when I least expected it things would turn to terror as the banana in this juice took hold. The strange thing is that it never did. I've found myself in the endless joy that is a dream that is even better than I ever could ever have expected. This tastes like an apple-lemon juice that has a bit of ginger spicing it up. I was shocked at the level of spice in here, not in a “oh man it burns” way, but in an Autumnal dessert sort of way. There are some other flavors floating around, but none of them really stand out, they just provide nourishment and subtle flavor. I had really expected this to taste like greens and coconut water that had been slightly sweetened by the apple juice, but things went the opposite way.

Purity Organic has done the unthinkable and added banana and celery to a juice, and have those flavors be indistinguishable. Seriously, banana puree is the second ingredient and I can't taste even a hint of the only terrible fruit in existence. Face your fears people and you may just be rewarded with some of the best juice you've ever tasted.
Coconut and Juice
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/11/14, 10:26 AM
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Purity Organic Superjuice Orange Carrot Turmeric Mango

Purity Organic Superjuice Orange Carrot Turmeric Mango
Oh turmeric. We meet again. Back about four years ago when we had under 200 reviews, I reviewed a turmeric drink that was putrid which you can read here. Since then, we have reviewed multiple turmeric drinks with multiple different results. This, from a company that has been very good to us in both their generosity and their quality of drinks, is not that drink I drank many moons ago. This is something different.

This drink is a wonderful blend of the ingredients stated in the flavor list which I will refresh here; orange, carrot, turmeric and mango. Everything aside from the turmeric is a pretty basic fruit juice but that turmeric brings a pretty fantastic, light burn that is not at all reminiscent of Indian food and just a flavor, and a good one at that. It's also more of a puree than it is a straightforward juice because there are bits and grits in there.

Some people in the office did not like this, which isn't surprising, but it is something new that if I could find around here, I would most defiantly buy again.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 9/5/14, 2:04 PM
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Purity Organic Peach Paradise

Purity Organic Peach Paradise
I have a stern warning for those of you who are looking for a weak, fake peach candy tasting beverage; this is not for you. Sure there is added sugar and a couple of other added juices to round it out, but this is very accurate on the flavor. It's like someone skinned a peach and let it soak for an hour or so in sugar water. That actually is a terrible comparison, because in theory that sounds horrible, but in reality it is ridiculously tasty. It just happens that's an accurate description. It tastes like overly sweet peaches, and I will not apologize for wanting to drink a whole mess of it.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/3/14, 9:20 PM
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Purity Organic Superjuice Beet Apple Ginger Lemon

Purity Organic Superjuice Beet Apple Ginger Lemon
Are you anti Purity Organic? If so then you have voted against good taste. Not in a “Screw good taste let's go have a John Waters marathon” kind of way either. I mean your taste buds have apparently just rotted out of your mouth. Those little guys must have just shriveled up and fallen right off your tongue onto your dirty, upswept floor.

The regular line of Purity Organic juices range from the better side of decent to wonderful. With their new Superjuice line, they have gone above and beyond. It's no secret that juicing is all the rage these days, and most of that attention is spent on cold pressed juices. Purity has taken the ingredients and flavor combos that have come into vogue with cold pressed juices, and made the juice the old fashion way. While a combination of beets, apples, ginger and lemons is nothing shocking these days, a mere five years ago and it would have been turning people's heads. I'm going to tell you, cold pressed or not this juice blows my socks off. It has a nice thicker consistency, and all of the apple pulp hasn't been strained out. That makes me feel like I'm getting more from the juice, like I made it at home.

Oh top of everything else the flavor is dead center perfect. They got the balance right, when these flavors could have easily been falling off the balancing beam. Any one of these flavors could have taken the helm of this drink if the ratios weren't just quite right, but Purity Organic blended them all together perfectly. You can pick out each individual flavor if you think about it, but if you aren't concentrating they are just one exceptional new fruit flavor. Normally I like my ginger to have more of a burn to it, but the fact that it's more reserved in this beverage makes it perfect. I can only hope these start showing up on shelves in Buffalo as soon as possible.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/29/14, 11:27 AM
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Purity Organic Chocolate Coconut Water

Purity Organic Chocolate Coconut Water
As an adult do you ever find yourself craving chocolate milk, but you feel that it is a beverage made for children and someone in your life told you it was time to leave childish things behind? First off, if that is true someone told you a horrible lie and wants you to lead a miserable existence. Nearly all things that are fun are childish, and life without fun is just pain and now we're getting into philosophy and I'm not prepared for that. Regardless, this beverage is for you. There is nothing seemingly childish about coconut water, but the fun is hidden in there.

This is like someone dumped Nesquik into coconut water, but instead of the cheap chocolate powder we're all used to it was finely ground semi-fancy milk chocolate. It's ridiculous how much it tastes like real chocolate and not some powder garbage. This is indeed “chocolate milk” for adults. Also, on top of tasting delicious it also is extremely refreshing, unlike its childish counterpart. So yeah, put that specific childish thing behind you all accept this as your new chocolate beverage of choice.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/20/14, 9:55 PM
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Purity Organic Half and Half

Purity Organic Half and Half
When I was around 12 years old I learned a very hard but very important lesson. I learned what favoritism was. It was a terrible feeling but something that is a necessity for one to learn as early as possible so that they don't turn into the cynical jerk that I am today. No, I do not blame Tae-Kwon-Do for turning me into a cynical jerk, and I actually credit Tae-Kwon-Do for teaching me things like responsibility, punctuality, respect, defense, and (to a lesser extent) honor.

I took Tae-Kwon-Do for around seven years and I really liked it. I had a lot of friends, I did well, I got to get my black belt in Toronto which was a lot of fun and my aunt told me that on the way there, I might see things like boys kissing boys and girls holding other girls hands and that it was OK.

Where the lesson came from was there was a kid named Ryan, and yes, that was his real name. Like Taylor Swift, I too, can name names. He always got to do all the cool stuff, all the attention, and yes, I will admit he was better than me, but there is a scale to how much attention one person can get and one person can't get. It eventually got to me so much that I didn't really want to go anymore. Than combined with the fact that the owner kept "losing" our checks and probably ever other month, my mom had to come in the office and convince him we paid our dues and he would find our check in a pile of other kids checks that were probably double and triple paying because their mom's weren't smart enough to not give him the benefit of the doubt.

There is no favoritism in this drink. Half and half and that's it. It's like there is a strip of tape right down the middle of the room. Purity doesn't care if you have a closet and your brother who sucks has the door to get out of the room. You can leave out the window and you will like it. It's a fair game in this bottle and I appreciate it. Sure, some people are better at some things than others, but everyone deserves a fair shot: black and white, boys and girls, adults and children, Ryan and myself, iced tea and lemonade. We're all equal to Purity. I wish you taught me Tae-Kwon-Do. I would break boards with you all day.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 1/27/11, 6:09 PM
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Purity Organic Strawberry Paradise

Purity Organic Strawberry Paradise
You know that kid in school that seemingly was good at everything? Man, who wasn't annoyed by that kid? They could do, literally, everything. They were awesome at sports, got great grades, had a killer jaw line for a 4th grader, and had a way with teachers and ladies alike. Worst part is that they were awesome kids and you couldn't be mad at them because they were so nice. They just had everything going for them. Well imagine if that kid put his skills to good use and started a juice company. Yeah, that's the epitome of smarts in this scenario. That juice company would be called Purity Organics. Why? Because this company seems to have the Midas touch when it comes to drinks. They're all good, all of them.

Now, here at work, I work hard. At home, I play hard. I cover all bases. Something that doesn't work so hard here at the shop is the refrigerator because that joint is broke. Everything smells and I don't even know if anything is perishable in there. It looks like a college kid's fridge because there is nothing but drinks and condiments. No actual food. My drink was lukewarm and it still was good. Obviously it would be better iced, but what do I look like? A fridgeman? A man that fixes fridges? No, sir/ma'am.

This drink tastes like a strawberry lemonade. Kind of like the Made strawberry lemonade if you've had that. It's got a great lemon kick and leaves you with a nice natural strawberry taste. Nothing about this drink is bad unlike our work fridge where somehow even the mustard has gone bad.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 1/19/11, 1:48 PM
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Purity Organic Citrus Passion

Purity Organic Citrus Passion
Man. This was delightful. It was perfect for the time of day, mood, and just about everything in between and around. It was awesome, simply awesome. It started out with an orange juice and then quickly was followed up by a lemon passion fruit. Not passionfruit lemonade, but a lemon flavored passion fruit. It was soft, sweet, and just about everything I want in a drink.

I think an added bonus was that there was tons of stuff in it. When I got the drink, I didn't look at it, but when I picked it up to drink today, I noticed tons of pulp and stuff at the bottom and that excited me. I love a pulpy juice. When you give it a vigorous shake and then quickly drink some, you get a nice mix of juice and fruit pieces. I loved it. I want more. Zack probably wants more since we split it.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 12/30/10, 8:31 PM
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