Herbal Mist - 10 Reviews

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Lemon

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Lemon
If you told me this was a simple tea with lemon I would tell you that Herbal Mist did a great job with it. I mean it's sweeter than I normally like, but I can't deny that it tastes great. It has a nice tea taste and the lemon is the way that I like it, you know the way it doesn't taste like cleaner, but like real fruit.

All of that comes tumbling down when you add the words yerba mate into the mix. Yerba mate is wonderful, it's one of my favorite types of tea, but like all of the flavors in their line, the tea doesn't taste like mate at all. It tastes like black tea with a little something extra in it. It doesn't taste earthy or like the woods though, and that is what I love about yerba mate when it is done correctly.

This is the last flavor we had to review and I will leave you with these parting words Herbal Mist: Keep the mate in the mix, but don't advertise it so boldly. As of now you're not following up with what you promised, but if I went into these teas thinking they were normal tea I would be pleasantly surprised. It's all about meeting expectations, and you need to aim a bit lower.
Iced Tea
Herbal MistWebsite@Herbalmistdrink
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/1/13, 11:45 PM
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Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Green Tea with Honey

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Green Tea with Honey
On this day, National Iced Tea day, I did intend on drinking only iced tea but promptly screwed that up. Who cares, right? It's just one day a year. I'm getting my iced tea in. You should be celebrating it stronger than us because we drink more than you. We don't like to drink old things and it is often hard to find new, specific drinks. Believe it or not, I only had this one iced tea at the office. Please allow me to review said drink now.

This is good. It's got a nice green tea taste and is substantially less sweet than Arizona although the taste is pretty close. I feel that they really hit the nail on the head with the quantity of honey because you can really taste it. I am no mathemagician but I can tell you it's about 50/50 sugar/honey up in hrrrrrrrr and I like it.

Now that you can add one more tea to your repertoire, find it and drink it. According to the Eastern time zone, you've got less than ten hours to celebrate!
Iced Tea
Herbal MistWebsite@Herbalmistdrink
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/10/13, 2:15 PM
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Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Unsweetened

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Unsweetened
Dear Herbal Mist,
Do you know what yerba mate is? Are you adding so little that you know you can't taste it but you can still say that your tea is made with it? We've got a guy in this office called Dan and he read this, said Joe Nemechek's name and starting talking about some special NASCAR Language. Something about "Jumpin' Joe," and "Boogity, Boogity."

Look, this is a great iced tea but it's nothing that I haven't gotten at every restaurant I've ever been to. I thought that it would be a chance to really see what your yerba mate tea would have since there are no fruits or sugars getting in the way between me and m' tea. You know what? Since Dan had so much to say about Joe Nemechek, I'm going to let him close out this review but before I do, I would like to say that this is good as far as generic iced tea goes but nothing more. Joe, you may be a fantastic racecar driver but you might want to relay the message to Herbal Mist that you want more yerba mate in your tea. After all, your good name is on it. Alright, here's Dan to say a couple things.

Seriously, Joe? You're better than this. You are THE "Jumpin' Joe," or at least you were. You didn't just only turn left like the other dudes. You hopped and galloped your way around the bends of Daytona like a wild pony. This tea is probably more representative of you now: cruising the neighborhood in a Cadillac, judging your neighbors' unkempt lawns after a Sunday breakfast at Hardee's. Grow a pair, Joe. Get some. Act like it's you and The Intimidator (RIP Dale, Sr.) rounding turn three at Talladega, chasing the checkered. Bumpin' is racin'; Joe needs to get back to Jumpin'.
Iced Tea
Herbal MistWebsite@Herbalmistdrink
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/3/13, 5:23 PM
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Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Mango

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Mango
Finally! After all these herbal mists, we finally found one that tastes like actual yerba mate. Yes, it's only for a limited time but for the limited time, it's great. After this limited time offer, you are given a nicely sweetened mango tea. Xylitol, a natural sweetener, and all its Stevia brethren have been in seemingly everything and it's nice to see this used well. It's not too sweet and doesn't taste fake. It has a good mango taste to boot so this whole bottle has got winning all over it.

If I could have a lot of this, it would be great. I don't love mangos anywhere near as much as Jay does but I think that even him, ever-incrementing hater of all things Stevia, would enjoy this drink.
Diet and Iced Tea
Herbal MistWebsite@Herbalmistdrink
United States
Mike Literman on 5/30/13, 1:39 PM
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Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Diet Peach

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Diet Peach
The county fair is one of the most wonderful places in the summer. There is a ton of gross awesome food, animals galore and great people watching. Sometimes spending all day out in the sun gets to be a little too much in the heat department, so there are little “mist tents” set up where you walk through a little tunnel and water is misted on you from spray bottles and fans. It's really not the most effective thing in the world, but any little bit of help is appreciated.

All I can think about with the name of this company is one of those tents, but instead of spraying you with water, it pumps out iced tea. It would be the stickiest refreshment anyone has ever seen. It would also be absolutely terrible. If I were forced to go through one, I would choose the diet peach option. I can only assume it would be less sticky than real sugar, and also the peach doesn't taste as insanely strong in this as it does in the regular version. I would just wander through, with my mouth open and let the refreshment wash over me, and hopefully get a little flavor on my tongue along the way.

Like every flavor in this line, it tastes nothing like yerba mate, which as always is disappointing. It tastes a little bit diet, but not in a chemical death way. It's a little strange because it's specifically the peach flavor that tastes diet and not the actual tea. It tastes diet in a way that makes you say, “Why not, there's nothing else to drink, and I don't find this completely disgusting.” Can you really ask for more in a diet drink? The answer is yes, but this is still better than most 0 calorie beverages on the market.
Diet and Iced Tea
Herbal MistWebsite@Herbalmistdrink
United States
Jason Draper on 5/28/13, 11:27 PM
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Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Mango

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Mango
Can you guess what I'm going to say about this tea? Oh perhaps it's that it's so sweet with a high concentration of fruit flavor that you can't taste the yerba mate that is supposed to be the base of the drink.

This drink is 100% natural, yet it tastes like it should be some random drink you find at a gas station. You know you go in and see a weird iced tea you've never tried and when you drink it you're in disappointment city because it just tastes like a sugar drink. Okay, that was a bit harsh, this is a lot better then that, but I so badly want this to have a strong yerba mate flavor that is nowhere to be found. Instead I'm left with a whole lot of sugary mango and the slightest notion of some tea.
Iced Tea
Herbal MistWebsite@Herbalmistdrink
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/13/13, 4:09 PM
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Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Sweet Tea

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Sweet Tea
Sweet tea. I've spent too much of my life critiquing it. I won't let it go either. It's the simplest thing to make. Anyone can make it. Black tea. Sugar. Done. I've modernized it a little bit by adding Monin syrup but it's only concentrated cane sugar so it's the same thing just cleaner than cups and cups of loose sugar. As soon as someone wants to add anything, even something that is a tea like yerba mate, can throw it off. I have had a couple versions of yerba mate, too and this is strange mix. It's not a very good yerba mate as it has close to no bitterness. If you are going to call it one thing, deliver it on that one thing. It's as simple as that. As a sweet tea it's pretty close. You can tell that it's good sugar and good tea. It's a little "softer" than I would like a tea but it's good. If I went to a restaurant and they gave me this in a glass, I would be stoked because it's not garbage fountain syrup tea. If I had a handful of ice and a glass next to me, I would serve this to myself ice cold. This is good. I wouldn't be mad if they removed "yerba mate" from the line all together because this is my second one and I feel it's been lacking. Jesus I love sweet tea.
Iced Tea
Herbal MistWebsite@Herbalmistdrink
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/9/13, 4:23 PM
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Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Raspberry

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Raspberry
There is a certain specialness that comes along with yerba mate tea. It has its very own earthy flavor that you just don't get with normal tea. When you get a drink that tastes this way, and you know exactly what the flavor is, you feel like you're in the inner circle, and all the dullards are on the outside looking at you slack jawed. In that moment, you know tea and you understand it completely.

Unfortunately you don't get to be in that moment with this iced tea. It is made yerba mate, but it's blended with black tea and 55g of cane sugar. The glorious taste of mate is nowhere to be found. It tastes like a slightly upscale, regular raspberry iced tea. There is nothing wrong with the flavor per say, I just feel a little disappointed that I didn't get to be all snooty while drinking mate.
Iced Tea
Herbal MistWebsite@Herbalmistdrink
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/1/13, 3:37 PM
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Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Diet Lemon

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Diet Lemon
I'll tell you what I don't like and then I'll tell you what I like. I like that I was scared to try this because it said "diet" and diet is synonymous with sucralose, aspartame, or some other borderline poisonous chemical. Anything to shed those extra inches, right? We're talking about things I like though, right? That's right. I'm still there. This isn't sweetened with those demons but it's sweetened with teeth's friend, Xylitol and the ever increasingly popular Stevia. As far as a lemon tea, it's pretty good. Speaking of "good," that's about it for the good.

The bad is that I was excited to taste a woody, bitter, adult yerba mate tea but the tag team of Xylitol and Stevia sweeten it up too much and erase whatever bitterness might have been there. I still don't hate those two but they are becoming a crutch that people don't know how to properly harness. Not everyone needs to have a super sweet tea. Some of us enjoy a weaker, lightly sweetened tea. Apparently Herbal Mist doesn't agree.

If I had to sum it up, which is what you want because of your non-professionally diagnosed ADD, this is a lemon tea sweetened with Stevia.
Diet and Iced Tea
Herbal MistWebsite@Herbalmistdrink
United States
Mike Literman on 4/23/13, 4:47 PM
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Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Peach

Herbal Mist Tea made with Yerba Mate Peach
The peach flavor in this is overpoweringly strong. It's so strong that you can't taste the yerba mate at all. It barely tastes like tea at all. It's just a sugary peach drink. I really want more tea flavor out of this, and I would really enjoy it. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't have expected much from a product whose label looks like part of the Ed Hardy line.
Iced Tea
Herbal MistWebsite@Herbalmistdrink
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/23/10, 3:24 PM
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