Mmm...Tea Co. - 9 Reviews

Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea, Honey & Hibiscus

Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea, Honey & Hibiscus
I'm just going to come out and say it folks; Mmm…€¦Tea Co just ahs too many varieties. Now I love when companies have a bunch of different options, and this company makes some great iced teas, but there just isn't enough difference in their teas to necessitate all of there separate flavors. We're already reviewed their green tea, honey & hibiscus and their green tea & hibiscus. I'm also pretty sure there is a black tea & hibiscus one out there. Do we really need a black tea, honey & hibiscus one too?

I understand that some people prefer black tea over green and vice versa. I also know that there is a sweetened versus unsweetened version, hence the honey. The thing is that this is not a big company. They are based out of Illinois, and that state is the only place I've come across these. On top of that the shelf life of these teas is less than six months. That's a long time, but not that long, especially in comparison to other companies teas. My point is how can they afford to make so many different flavors with minor differences and keep a back stock? I appreciate that I can have my choice for how I'm feeling at the moment, but I have concern for the companies lasting abilities with this game plan. I certainly want to see them expand their empire and not fold, because I love these teas.

Now that I have expressed my concerns, let's more on. Shall we? This is an awesome drink. The honey flavor is very strong, while having less than 15 grams of sugar per bottle. It does overshadow the hibiscus flavor a bit, but I'm okay with that. I mean this is the same drink as the green tea one I did a few months back, you know except with black tea. I know Mike would complain that the hibiscus isn't what he wanted it to be, but he needs to realize is that the hibiscus teas he likes have added spices to them. This is just black tea, honey and hibiscus flower. There is even a hibiscus flower floating around in the bottle. Of course I ate it. I am a professional. I could have used more hibiscus flavoring in this, but for a ready to drink tea, this more than exceeds my expectations.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Jason Draper on 3/17/14, 2:34 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea & Hibiscus

Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea & Hibiscus
Oooohhh how I wanted this to be great. You know, and if you don't you should, Jay and I love hibiscus. Green tea and hibiscus? Set me up because that jam is my jam. It's hardly floral and there is no green tea bite and it's just too tame to be good. Oh the disappointment. Oh the sorrow. Oh the tears. Oh the children. The poor crying children. They're crying over the promised millions that this dream team of a tea was supposed to earn in order for them to eat food. Welp, looks like there are going to be some hungry kids tonight. Thanks, tea representatives.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/27/14, 4:39 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea Honey Cinnamon & Lemon

Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea Honey Cinnamon & Lemon
Emmanuel loved cinnamon toast. It was his favorite thing in the whole wide world that his little 7 year old brain could comprehend. He loved it more than his parents, his dog and Batman combined. That's a whole lotta love people, and he favored Powdered Toast Man anyways. Every Sunday morning he would get up grab a little container and mix in sugar and cinnamon into the perfect combination to spread on his buttered toast throughout the week. He would heap the stuff on, so that it would make a mess if he even breathed on it. It was glorious stuff.

One afternoon his mom came home from shopping and handed him a bottle of iced tea. She said she bought it special for him and that she just knew he would love it when they gave her a sample at the store. As soon as he breathed in as he awaited the liquid to travel down the neck of the bottle Emmanuel knew she was absolutely right. Before a drop came into contact with his taste buds he could taste the cinnamon in the smell (yes that's a thing). It was like the time he opened the wrong side of the cinnamon container and way too much came out creating a powdery cloud around him.

After the luxurious eternity that seemed to pass the tea was finally in his mouth. It was all cinnamon and honey, and that was just fine by him. The green tea was down underneath the two stronger flavors and the lemon was hardly there. The honey gave it just the right amount of sweetness, while the cinnamon had a strange dryness to it that should have been weird, but was great.

Emmanuel proclaimed that this was a perfect drink for him and demanded she go back to the store and buy him a case. His mother nervously agreed and was on her way. Oh, did I mention that Emmanuel was the cousin of that kid from the Twilight Zone movie? Why else do you think his mother let him eat cinnamon toast for every meal, unless she feared being transformed into a Jack in the Box?
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Jason Draper on 1/10/14, 8:24 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea Honey Lemon

Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea Honey Lemon
Take a look around. Do you see any other bottles of tea on the shelves with real friggin' lemons in it? No, not lemon flavoring, seasoning, or essence. A real slab of lemon right there in the bottle. Aside from that, you've got a black tea and that is sweetened with honey. Could you imagine a better combination? I am not going to run through the ingredients again. I will just leave it there on the table, all spread out. One, two, three and you can take a look and decide if you need anything else to make a wonderful iced tea.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Mike Literman on 12/23/13, 12:06 AM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Unsweetened & Black Tea

Mmm...Tea Co. Unsweetened & Black Tea
What's that you got there? Black tea? Nice. You didn't put any sugar in it, did you? No? Good. Yup this tastes exactly like I would want an unsweetened black tea to taste. It wasn't steeped too long, so it's not very bitter. It just has a nice tea flavor to it. It's a bit on the watery side, but I think that helps to make it better. I mean it doesn't taste watered down, just not terribly strong. Yea, I'm 100% on board with this.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/15/13, 5:42 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea, Honey & Hibiscus

Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea, Honey & Hibiscus
The weather has turned to turd soup, but you aren't going to let that down. You gather up some provisions, and your significant other and head out to the local botanical gardens for a mid winter picnic. Sure, the gardens look down upon people taking their meals at their establishment, but that's nothing that a twenty slipped to the security guard can't take care of.

Everything is going perfectly. You're surrounded by wonderful green foliage, and the temperature is in the mid 80's inside the dome. No, not “Under the Dome.” I don't know how Brian K Vaughn got mixed up in that train wreck. He's better than that, and his comic writing proves it. Speaking of along with some sandwiches, veggies and hummus you also brought along the last few issues of Saga, for your lover to catch up on as you just sit back and enjoy the escape from winter as you sip on the tea you brought along. You spent a little time making it at home. You brewed it in this big kettle over the fireplace. You wanted to be romantic, and why waste the energy from the stove when you have a perfectly good fire roaring? You brewed some nice green tea in that kettle and added a little honey to sweeten it up. Okay you added a decent amount of honey, and it is very obvious when you taste it. It has the heaviest honey taste out of any tea you've ever made. Apparently at some point during your outing a single hibiscus leaf fell into the tea. It's weird because it gave it a bit of flavoring, but since it doesn't' have cinnamon or other spices in it, it tastes different to other hibiscus teas you've tasted. It's a great tea though to go along with a great outing to make you forget about the weather outside.

That is exactly what will run through your mind grapes as you drink a bottle of this tea. Either that or I am just a true weirdo who envisioned that while driving through the Canadian countryside on a blustery night.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Jason Draper on 11/27/13, 5:55 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea Honey Lemon

Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea Honey Lemon
Karen was a stupid idiot. She was one of those people who always said, "I could make this better at home." when she ate or drank things. It was annoying to spend any amount of time with her because it was almost certain she would utter it. One thing that made it more annoying was that she was not a fantastic cook, or baker, so every time she said it, you would flashback to the time she said, "Oh, remember that time we had that meal at that restaurant? Well I made it and it was way better." and it sucked. No offense to Karen, but she was an excellent banker but a terrible copycat when it came to food.

She went to the store and bought a bottle of Mmm...Tea's black tea, honey, and lemon tea and brought it home. She took a sip and thought, obviously, that she could make it better at home. She thought the tea was a bit bitter but did have an honest, lemon and honey taste. The actual slice of lemon in the bottle probably helped a bit. She brewed some black tea, bought some honey in a bear container as she thought that was the pinnacle of honey manufacturing, and a lemon. She mixed everything up, and threw it in the fridge for a couple hours. She took it out, poured it into a glass, and for the first time made something that was actually better than the original.

Congratulations, Karen. Enjoy your success until the next time you try and make something better than the original.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Mike Literman on 5/8/12, 12:10 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea, Honey & Ginger

Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea, Honey & Ginger
At the top of the list that I find upsetting today is that this company has zero web presence. We drink so many drinks that go from garbage to mediocre to decent, and almost all of them have some sort of website or info online. Of course now that we find a company whose teas squeeze our mind grapes in all the right ways, we have no way of ordering more. Friend to Thirsty Dudes Marcus Scott Meadows sent us this tea as a gift. It's made in IL where he is from, and I've never had a drink make me wish I lived somewhere else before. I want this to be readily available to me in any corner store. Actually the fact that it is not pretty much proves to me that god is either dead or never existed.

This is a kettle brewed green tea whose flavor I would liken to the green tea you are served in high-end Chinese restaurants. They take that great tea and sweeten it with honey. I am a huge supporter of unsweetened tea, but when it has to be sweetened honey is the way to go. It adds such a great flavor to green tea, without making it overly sweet. Had Mmm..Tea stopped there I would have said this is one fine tea that is not to be missed. They were not content with that though. To step up their game they cut a decent sized chunk of ginger and put it in the bottom of the bottle. Suddenly this tea has gone from great to astronomical. I've heard it said that the key to a man's heart is through his stomach, well I can assure you that the key to my stomach is with ginger. I eat it daily on everything: Asian food, veggie dogs, veggie burgers, burritos, you name it. The fact that this is not only flavored with ginger, but also contains a big hunk of it is going to make it hard for me to find a better iced tea. Oh and before you ask, of course I are the ginger when the tea was gone. What do you think I am, an amateur?
Iced Tea and Ginger
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Jason Draper on 4/27/12, 11:00 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea Honey Cinnamon

Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea Honey Cinnamon
Worldwide fans of Thirsty Dudes,
If you could put me on a television like Matthew Lillard's character Emmanuel Goldstein or "Cereal Killer" in the movie "Hackers" that would be perfect for this. Imagine me on your television or any and every television that you walk by on your way down the street like in an electronics store or Times Square. I am going to give a speech.

Hackers unite and listen to me. I have found it, the holy grail of tea. It is perfect and I wouldn't do anything to improve on it. The quest is over. If I ever have another tea at this caliber, I will not live another day because my heart will explode with glee. This tea smells like carnival cinnamon salt-water taffy and tastes not much different but with the added flavors of a fresh black tea. It's naturally sweetened with honey, which rules, and towards the bottom of the bottle, it just gets better because the honey kicks into over drive. Do not ever pass this tea by. If you ever see it and have 1% of a question in your head, I will crack that riddle for you. Buy it. HACK THE PLANET!
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Mike Literman on 4/4/12, 11:16 AM
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