Sound - 3 Reviews

Sound Sparkling White Tea With Peach + Ginger

Sound Sparkling White Tea With Peach + Ginger
I am done with winter. I'm sick of it. It's snowing yet again and it looks like more than a foot of the nonsense is going to pile up around my house yet again. Guess what? I am just not leaving the house today. Forget the world. It's not important anyway. I will just cuddle up with my cat, my dog and this bottle of sparkling tea. Not a typical cold weather drink I know, but it's here and it's tasty so it's what I'm clinging to underneath piles and piles of blankets.
Let me say I don't get the combo of peach and ginger. I have come across it in teas a handful of times, and I enjoy it, but it is always a bit strange. I love both flavors, but they don't mingle the way I want them to. Perhaps peach just shouldn't be mixed with non-fruit flavors. Still, this is quite enjoyable, even though it throws me for a loop a little. It's very peachy with the ginger hanging around the edges. There is no burn in here, which would have been a bit wild. I think it is ultimately better without it though.

I have grown to love these sparkling teas. They are a bit more than seltzer, but don't make me feel the guilt I've been getting from soda lately. Hey, I'm about to turn 40, and I've worked hard to keep myself slim and non-slovenly. While I do love a nice soda, I've learned that they are meant to be treats and not for everyday consumption (at least for me). This way when I have them I appreciate them a lot more. In the meantime I will consume mass amounts of water, seltzer, and unsweetened tea, both sparkling and still.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 1/29/19, 11:27 AM
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Sound Sparkling Chamomile with Vanilla + Elderflower

Sound Sparkling Chamomile with Vanilla + Elderflower
This bottle says that, “We live in a world of flavors buried in sugar,” and it is not wrong. Somewhere along the line companies realized they could use inferior ingredients and just dump in a ton of sweetener and no one would be the wiser. People may have noticed, but a majority of them simply did not care and the forced it all in the face holes and people's weight started to rise. I can't lie, I do like sugar. Sweets are a rough spot for me because I have little control if they are in front of me. I oddly rarely think about them if I am not exposed to them but once I see them my body craves the sweetness. In beverages that is not really a thing anymore though. I much prefer little to no sugar in my teas and sparkling beverages. I like to be able to actually taste what I'm consuming and not have it be masked. Sound understands this so they grabbed their shovels and went back to the before time, when sugar was a treat and not a constant. Their sparkling teas are near perfection. They don't skimp on the quality of their ingredients and you can taste them all. This is smooth, relaxing, and satisfying all in one gulp. The flavors are strong, but not overpowering. There is no sugar in here whatsoever, yet it still satisfies me in any sweetness that I may desire. This may not be for everyone but I have zero complaints and many accolades.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/17/18, 8:24 AM
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Sound Sparkling Yerba Mate

Sound Sparkling Yerba Mate
I called this house meeting because I believe someone has been snooping around my room when I'm not home. My reasoning for this is that someone has obviously been reading my dream journal and then selling the information to the various companies that it would benefit. I mean how else would anyone know that perhaps the product I want most in life to exist is a hibiscus yerba mate seltzer? Yet here I sit with a bottle of Sound in front of me. Yes, I know they mean for it to be more of a sparkling tea, but in my world if it's carbonated with no sugar, it's a seltzer. I also see that they have somehow improved on my dreams and added lime and lemon to the mix. If I weren't so furious that one of you has been going through my things I could weep with happiness. This is one of the most wonderful tasting things I have ever experienced. It's a mixture of yerba mate, white tea and guayusa that has some hibiscus flowers brewed with it. The whole thing tastes like a slightly floral yerba mate with just a twist of citrus. It's obvious that if any company had made it this far into such a wonderful product they would knock it down a few pegs by adding some sugar, or…€¦ick…€¦stevia. Here it sits though, completely unsweetened, just like I always dreamed. You two have a lot of explaining and apologizing to do, especially since you are both cats and I don't know how you even read my journal.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/5/18, 10:43 AM
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