Poland - 8 Reviews

Hype Energy Up Maximum Punch

Hype Energy Up Maximum Punch
From Poland, to Knoxville, TN, and then all the way to Buffalo, NY this brand is quite a world traveler. The question is was all of that travelling worth it? I mean they are bringing that standard blend of energy drink flavor to the people with their original blend, but so are about fifty other companies, many doing it “locally.” To stand out Hype decided to switch things up and while they were doing so they slipping and smashed their dang face on the way down. This drink is definitely a misstep. It has that children's chewable vitamin flavor that most energy drinks have, but along with that they decided to mix the taste of children's aspirin as well as some adult vitamins. Perhaps that wouldn't have been so bad if it sat underneath a nice fruit punch flavor, but things got all mixed up and the fruit punch is the minor flavor in here and all the weirdness is so much stronger than it. It's like someone watered down Hawaiian Punch and then ground up a whole mess of vitamins and aspirin and mixed it in. It's not the best. Functionally it works great and I got the much needed energy I was looking for on an overnight drive, but I was really forcing myself to get through this can.
Energy Drink
Jason Draper on 4/20/18, 8:00 AM
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Tymbark Orange Peach Drink

Tymbark Orange Peach Drink
It's not often that we come across beverages from Poland. So far it's been a handful of juices and one energy drink, which I bought in Germany. I have Polish heritage, so I would like to taste some more drinks that they produce. That might be as far as my interest in my heritage goes. I just want interesting beverages.

This comes in a misleading bottle. I have found that when something comes in a bottle this shape it is a carbonated soda, but this lacks any sort of bubbles. True to its name it tastes like someone mixed peach and orange juice and added a bunch of sugar making it fairly syrupy. It has a decent enough flavor to it, but because of the bottle my mind keeps thinking that it is flat soda, which removes some of my enjoyment. It's an okay juice drink, but if Tymbark were to simply add some carbonation I think it could have been an exceptional soda, but hey, that's not what they were going for. The world doesn't revolve around my whim.
Jason Draper on 12/2/14, 10:28 AM
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Black Energy Gold

Black Energy Gold
For whatever the reason, sometimes you just want to sneak a drink. Maybe you don't want to share. Maybe you're in a situation where it wouldn't be proper. Certain drinks are easy to get away with, but energy drinks are not one of them. You can try to cover up the sound of the can cracking up all you want, but as soon as the can is opened, everyone around you is aware of what you've done and what you're drinking because it's scent has perfumed half a block's radius.

I wasn't trying to be stealthy with this beverage, but every head that was around me turned once the smell hit them. It's a scent I can only assume you are well aquatinted with, and it tastes pretty much exactly as it smells. This is not an exact Red Bull replica, but it is enough of a facsimile that you can guess what it would be like on your tongue. It is to Red Bull as Pepsi is to Coke.

This is apparently the limited edition version. I don't know why someone would need a limited edition energy drink, especially when it doesn't taste like anything special, but there you have it.
Energy Drink
Black EnergyWebsite
Jason Draper on 5/4/14, 10:28 PM
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Vavel Blackcurrent

Vavel Blackcurrent
You know it was really nice meeting you, Sam. You know what? I will go home with you. Let's get in this cab and head back to your place. Oh...you live here? This is a rough part of town, isn't it? Well, I feel safe with you so let's just get inside quickly because that guy over there across the street has shifty eyes like in cartoons where a dog has shifty eyes because he's up to no good.

Oh, this is...this is where you live? Oh, no...It's nothing...I just...well I just thought because you were so well kempt that...you know...your house would be, too. It's fine. It's fine. Let's just get to your room. Sam, why are we going in the basement? Oh...it is damp down here. Is that pipe leaking? Why does it...no...nevermind. No...I can't say it. You know what? I might go home. All of a sudden I don't feel so hot...well I was going to say it smells a lot like sweaty feet down here. Man it's damp down here. Do you have like seventeen humidifiers running in here?

Please don't tell me you sleep on a twin mattress on the floor. You do? Sam. Come on. You have a $400 watch on, $200 shoes, and nice clothes. Why do you live like this? How can it smell like feet so much down here! Jesus! Yes, Sam. Thank you. I will have a drink. I'm going to need it. Thanks. Is this red wine? What is it? Black current? I don't know. Oh, it's just juice? Alright. Ugh. What is going on? Is that the way this drink tastes or is this cranberry juice made with someone's old, sweaty feet? There is too much going on. Is this juice bad? Did you serve me old, bad juice? It's not expired. Look, once it's in my mouth, it just tastes like a liquid version of those delicious canned cranberries you eat on Thanksgiving. When you bring it to your mouth though...feet.

Sam. I can't do this. I'm sorry. You have a good nice and it was really nice meeting you. I'm going to call a cab and wait on your front stoop and hope that the shifty guy outside doesn't come towards me or I will kick him so hard he's going to be shifting in places he wishes he wasn't. Good night, Sam. Please lose my phone number.
Mike Literman on 2/16/12, 11:24 PM
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Square Peach Carrot

Square Peach Carrot
Remember when carrot juice started showing up in mainstream consumerism? My first memory of it was in V8 splash. I was shocked because my sister who won't eat anything and has a natural abhorrence of carrots started drinking it all the time. My sister and carrots are like Dracula and Van Helsing, so you can understand my confusion. She claimed it didn't taste like carrots at all, but I could surely taste them in there. I think she would probably ignite as if daylight were touching here skin if she ever had the Bolthouse Farms carrot juice. Now that is straight up liquefied carrots.

So here comes Square with their fruit and carrot combinations. Mike loved their apple & carrot drink, and he told me I should check out another one of their flavors, and here I am. I would have preferred that it was more than 30% juice, but you take what you can get. There is twice as much carrot in here as there is peach juice, yet peach is the stronger of the two flavors. There's a nice subtle carrot undertone, which I appreciate. Maybe it's better off that it's not 100% juice. The carrot flavor may be too overpowering in that scenario.

My only real complaint with this is that sugar is the second ingredient. I get it, people like sweet drinks. That's not my complaint. It's the fact that further down the list they also threw in glucose-fructose syrup. Does that really need to be there? I'm sure it would have been sweet enough with just the sugar.
Jason Draper on 1/22/11, 9:54 AM
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Square Apple Carrot

Square Apple Carrot
This has been in my fridge for about two months. I haven't been scared as I thought that I wasn't going to like it as much as I did. Truth is, this was very good. You get a lot of apple juice and a little carrot. Have you ever juiced anything? Firstly, a juicer is a terrible invention. In my personal opinion and experience, you can buy 15 bottles of V8 for the cost of buying a cheap juicer and one serving of fruits and vegetables. I once went to the grocery store to buy stuff for a juicer and it came to over $20 and made some gross juice. This doesn't taste anything like V8 but it is good. Sweet and apple-y but you know there are carrots in there, and you're fine with it. Is it good for you? Better for you than a lot of other stuff that we've been drinking.
Mike Literman on 11/15/10, 9:37 AM
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Tymbark Blackcurrent

Tymbark Blackcurrent
How do I describe the smell of this drink in a way that you could understand? Red wine mixed with body odor. I'd say that does it justice.

Taste? Kind of like a grape juice. Like a red grape juice, not like a white grape. Not a lot of body or presence either which is kind of strange. There's no bite or sharpness or bitterness or tartness or anything.

Now myself, and possibly you, have no idea what a blackcurrant is. To me it kind of looks like a purple grape on the carton. I don't know what it tastes like to base the flavor of it, but I assume that the actual fruit has some sort of character. This just feels a bit lacking. It's got a lot of flavor though so you could possibly use this as a mixer.
Sugar and or Corn Sweetener
Mike Literman on 10/18/10, 5:41 PM
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Tymbark Apple and Mint

Tymbark Apple and Mint
This is a tough one. I've got a generous glass and I'm torn. It has a very strong mint taste. It's very cool both to your nose and your tongue. Don't think of it as "apple mint" juice; think of it as apple juice infused with mint. It's a pretty artificial mint taste but they say that it's natural mint. It's a strange peppermint if it's peppermint at all. It's not spearmint. I can tell you that for darn sure. If you slam it, it's a strange apple juice, but if you mull over it, you get the mint before and after. I like the tart apple-ness in the middle to break it up. I'd say give it a try. It comes in a resealable carton, which is convenient.

I found this in the Polish section of a grocery store, so if you're jonesing to try it, check there first.
Sugar and or Corn Sweetener
Mike Literman on 9/30/10, 8:08 PM
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