Sports/Dietary Supplement - 535 Reviews

Hey Mama! Tea For Mommies Lemon Herbal Iced Tea

Hey Mama! Tea For Mommies Lemon Herbal Iced Tea
To be a woman is rough. If this is any indication of what motherhood is like, it sucks. I've got a kid and child rearing also is very difficult and, at times, sucks. If I knew that the action of carrying a baby tastes like a lemon V8, then I might propose adoption to my increasingly unfortunate "baby mama."

This is a lemon red tea. There is raspberry in it but the lemon is real lemony and overwhelming. If you made yourself a nice, cool glass of red tea and then took one of those little bottles of lemon juice and just went haywire and squirted an excessive amount in it, you would have this. I, with every sip, do not know what's happening in here. It's just so overwhelmingly lemon flavored that it distracts from any other flavor.

Maybe, as a man, I am missing the point that...I don't know, lemons are really good for pregnant women? As a man, who is not pregnant at this current point in time, this is not for me.
Iced Tea and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Hey Mama!Website@HeyMamaTeas
United States
Organic Fair Trade Certified Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/10/15, 2:35 PM
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Nuwi Quinoa Smoothie Blueberry

Nuwi Quinoa Smoothie Blueberry
A little grit does a body good. Grit lets you know that there are good things going on in there. Natural things. Gritty things. When you describe things as gritty, though, that's not fantastic. I wish there was a different term to use that wouldn't instantly be seen as something undesirable. This is a gritty drink and although it didn't touch the fancy of everyone who tried it, it wasn't that bad. It smelled terribly but it didn't taste too bad. The banana might have had a stronger taste than that of the blueberry and in doing so, it kind of had a "soft" taste to it. This just kind of tasted like a semi-gritty healthy blueberry drink.

Someone who reviewed movies, not drinks, gave this a two. Me, if it was possible to see a three and know that it was a "soft three" then that's what this would be. It earned a three no doubt but it is on the lower side of the threes and not the 3.8 side of the scale. Eeked by, if you will.
Chunky and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Agave
Mike Literman on 2/2/15, 3:57 PM
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Organic Valley Organic Balance Milk Protein Shake Vanilla Bean

Organic Valley Organic Balance Milk Protein Shake Vanilla Bean
There is an organic balance in an organic valley in an organic town in and organic state in an organic country in an organic world in an organic dimension. That's right, there is a parallel dimension to ours in which everything is organic. Without the aid of manmade materials and products, life expectancy isn't as long as it is here, but the people there know no other way, so they have no complaints. When they drink their vanilla bean milk protein shakes they are quite accustomed to it tasting like ever so slightly thicker milk that has had vanilla beans soaking in it. They don't know/care that it doesn't feel anything like a protein shake in our dimension. It doesn't have the graininess, or the viscosity that we have come ot expect from our protein shakes. It's as if milk came from a cow they added some vanilla and a bit of sugar and they have their meal replacement. Things are simpler in organic world and they just might be for the best.
Milk and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Organic ValleyWebsite@OrganicValley
United States
Organic Fair Trade Unrefined Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/21/15, 3:19 PM
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Root 9 Vitality Drink Panex Red

Root 9 Vitality Drink Panex Red
Oh, panex red, my favorite of the flavors. But seriously folks, what the heck is this? I don't know what flavor this is. It's made with Korean Red Ginseng. Cool. What does that mean? Is that raspberry? Who knows? You know what else? Who cares? This is actually really good. Oh, it's just the type of ginseng used, and not an added flavor? Well, that makes sense then.

This doesn't have the bitterness that one might expect in a ginseng drink. Check. It makes you not care that you may not know what you're drinking. Look, I don't think that they're trying to poison me. Like everything else you cram down your gullet, there are ingredients in there but they're half unreadable vitamins and minerals. The other half is all natural ingredients that are in everything. I guess that Korean Red Ginseng just naturally tastes good and we shouldn't care. Add a little carbonation and you've got something nice. If it tastes good, drink it. That's what I've literally never said before one time in my life.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Root 9Website@root9ginseng
United States
Mike Literman on 1/18/15, 11:25 PM
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Lotus Botanical Elixers Balance Mind & Body Raspberry Infused

Lotus Botanical Elixers Balance Mind & Body Raspberry Infused
I have never been to a spa. I feel like the intended relaxation would fail and I would be left feeling anxious. You know, now that I think about it I really don't know what exactly happens at a spa. I imagine massages are the norm, and that I'm okay with. It's the facials, mud baths (do those exist outside of movies?), and things like that which leave me uncomfortable. I feel like my version of relaxation is very different from the bulk of society. I don't even truly know what my relaxation is, but it's not just awkwardly sitting somewhere with goop on me, constantly wondering how much time I have left. Wow, I sound like turd dude there, but honestly is everything…€¦..right?

Why am I talking about spas? Well, to me this drink tastes like what I imagine you would be served at such a establishment. Now I doubt spas serve anything carbonated, and probably just give everyone cucumber infused water or something along those lines, but to me this is the taste of self-indulgence and relaxation. Actually it tastes like someone overly infused some water with raspberries and added a touch of sugar as well as a few botanicals. It's light but still fruity, just the way I like it. It's the taste of reflection, if you want to be arty about it. Even though it has natural caffeine in it it's the type of beverage I can sip and relax and go over my life without having a freak out. This company is all about balance, and I have to say that it comes across in the way their beverages affect me. It makes me want to sip on a can and then walk through a portion of the woods where I am sure to not encounter another human and just take it all in.

I'd like to stress that this is not a relaxation drink in the way Marley's Mellow Moods are. It's not going to put you to sleep. It's simply going to let you settle and reflect. You know what if this was involved with a spa maybe I would put up with people touching my face (which I hate). At least the anxiety would be turned down to a minimum.
Relaxation and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Lotus Botanical ElixersWebsite@LotusElixirs
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/17/15, 11:50 AM
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Coco Libre Protein Coconut Water Vanilla

Coco Libre Protein Coconut Water Vanilla
Ladies and Gentleman, I have an invention that will revolutionize the beverage world. I call it the De-Gritifyer. No longer will the world be plagued by protein drinks that have that weird sandy texture to them. With my invention it will be nothing but smooth sailing, and yes all puns intended.

Why no sir I am not living in the 90s. Why would you ask such a thing? Wait, what do you mean that there have been smooth protein drinks on the market for years. That simply cannot be true. Fine I will try your beverage even though I saw you drink directly from the carton and you clearly have a cold. You know that is disgusting, right? Damnit! This is smooth! However did they achieve this before I could? I've spent the last decade in a lab working on the perfect formula. What did they use? Coconut water, milk protein concentrate and acacia gum? I can't believe I didn't think of that. On top of everything it also tastes delicious. The vanilla is great and it overpowers the erythritol and stevia. This is far superior to every protein drink I ever tasted when I started my work.

This is devastating to me. I wasted ten years of my life to create a product that is inferior to this. It looks like I should just go back to my old job as a dog groomer. Do any of you have a pooch that needs tending?
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Coco LibreWebsite@CocoLibre
United States
Jason Draper on 1/14/15, 3:14 PM
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Root 9 Vitality Drink Panax Gold

Root 9 Vitality Drink Panax Gold
While I have inexplicably grown to enjoy the taste of Red Bull and its chemical tasting copycats, I always get a twinge of excitement when I come across energy drinks, especially when they actually work. You see a lot of the natural energy drinks on the market give you about as much energy as a cup or two of coffee. If that's what you're looking for then by all means indulge, but I personally don't partake in energy drinks unless I “need” one to help me stay up. I don't need a daily dose of caffeine to get me moving in the morning. A bowl of cereal works just fine. What Root9 did to my body, was much greater than what coffee does. It didn't make me feel insane and jittery, it just made me feel like I could keep going when I had a lot of work to do.

The source of energy in this beverage comes from green tea extract, but more importantly from the red ginseng that they use. I have been informed that red ginseng is more effective than what most people are used to. Also the roots that they use in their beverages is grown for six years for optimal potency, they also then allow the soil used to grow it to rest for 10 years to work up the proper nutrients. That is a long process, but as far as I can see it is worth it. I got one hell of a boost from this drink and it lasted a decent amount of time, without feeling like garbage at any point during the ride it took me on.

The other side of this drink is its health aspects. The Panax ginseng they use is also known as a “cure all”. In fact the beverage was created to help one of the creator's fathers who suffered from diabetes. I'm not sure that it actually helps treat diabetes in any way, but it does keep blood sugar in check when drunk instead of other energy drinks.

I just realized that I have gone this far and not talked about the taste at all. The Panax gold flavor is basically a carbonated citrus green tea. It's a flavor that I can get behind. It is sweetened with erythritol and stevia, so it has some of that flavor, but if you drink it while it's really cold their taste isn't too bad. In one of the testimonials someone said that this was supposed to mango flavored, but the can says nothing about that. I can taste it a bit, but it could be just because I'm looking for it. Either way it has a pleasant taste that I would drink again and again.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Root 9Website@root9ginseng
United States
Jason Draper on 1/12/15, 3:24 PM
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Powerade ION4 Melon

Powerade ION4 Melon
I was had. I am in Florida, Cape Canaveral to be exact. No, I am not here to see space stuff. NASA stuff would be cool and it's actually pretty close but I'm here for a cruise. An exotic cruise to the Bahamas. Part of me thought that the Bahamas was a place that only rich people went to. Since I'm able to go, it couldn't be further than the truth. So, back to why I was had.

It's night time. I am in a hotel the night before the cruise. I need to look around for drinks when I am away from home. There isn't much to pick from around here and I do not know the area. There was a gas station a quarter of a mile away and a 7-Eleven a half mile away. I made the poor decision of taking the shorter route. I'm overreacting, of course, but there was nothing here. I chose a melon Powerade because Florida. We had done sour melon so I thought; I'll do the regular variety. I am pretty sure that the execs at Coke said, "You know what, Johnny? We're not selling anything to those weaklings as "sour melon" so let's drop the "sour" part of the name and keep selling the same thing." This is sour and tasted like the melon did. I'm going to call it a different review because in the case that it is different, you now know what the non-sour one tastes like. In short, this tastes like sour...I don't know...honeydew? I don't know what melon it actually is. Picking from watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe it is closest to some sort of man-made honeydew. It's that mixed with the same thing that makes sour apple Jolly Ranchers sour and you've got it.

Florida. You're mostly fine. Don't try to pull one over on me. You're fine.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/10/15, 8:45 PM
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Bolthouse Farms Protein Plus Vanilla Bean

Bolthouse Farms Protein Plus Vanilla Bean
Due to a label that reads “New & Improved” and a flavor name that is similar enough to “Perfectly Protein Vanilla Chai Tea” I was pretty sure this was just a rebranding of one of their classic flavors. I mean even the image on the front is very similar.

The sad truth is that this is not the case. While the Vanilla Chai Tea flavor had a wonderful borderline soynog taste to it, this is more along the lines of a traditional protein drink. It has a very strong vanilla flavor, which is nice, but it also has a perhaps even heavier dairy flavor that I could do without. It's also very thick in a weird kind of way. It makes me think that I'm drinking something I shouldn't be for the sake of healing muscles, you know like when people eat raw eggs. This may not be as gross as that, but it's still a weird drink, especially for someone who doesn't consume much dairy.

Another weird note about this is that there are 40g of sugar in this bottle (mostly from cane sugar). That just seems counterintuitive for a protein drink to me.

I really hope they haven't discontinued the flavor I thought this was, because now that I think about it I don't think I've come across it in a while. That was one delicious flavor, and this just seems like a functional beverage that you would drink out of necessity and not out of want.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/8/15, 9:50 AM
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Aquafina Flavorsplash Sparkling Peelin' Good

Aquafina Flavorsplash Sparkling Peelin' Good
I honestly thought that I was coming around to diet drinks. I thought that I had become somewhat immune to the artificial/zero calorie gang; you know the guys who wear bandanas over their faces when they rob you of the flavor of a beverage. A lot of the time it doesn't bother me anymore. Perhaps it's like the bully who steals the same kids lunch money every day; at a certain point that kids body is just no longer going to expect lunch and learn to deal with the hunger. In this drink the sucralose is strong. It's strong enough to take away from the Tang-esque orange flavor that is obscured by it.

It's not completely overpowering and there is a definite faker orange flavor in here. I also give diet drinks a little bit of leeway because there are a ton of people out there who love them, and I can't disparage an entire genre of beverages when there is a learning curve. If you don't mind the diet flavor, this is a zero calorie beverage that is probably right up your alley. Me I'm gonna get a badge and hunt down that group of taste thieves.
Diet, Soda Pop, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 12/31/14, 7:09 PM
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Monster Muscle Chocolate

Monster Muscle Chocolate
This little guy proved to be a minor conundrum for me. You see I generally drink the protein shakes we are sent after I work out. That is what I was originally told to do when I first started going to the gym, so it's what I always followed. With this it seemed like I should drink it beforehand. Who needs an energy boost after a workout? Get that in there beforehand to give yourself a little extra push and stretch your limits a bit. Being that this is the terrifying modern age, I took this question to Google and found out that there is actually an argument amongst professionals as to when is the best time to consume protein in the work out world. Some say after because it helps repair muscles, while others say before because it will give you extra strength during the workout. You know what? I'm not that serious about this whole thing. I go to the gym so that I don't become a fat, lazy slob like so many Americans who are approaching middle age. I'm not looking to get ripped, I just want to stay remotely healthy and work off some of these unnecessary Thirsty Dudes calories. Since there was no definitive answer I chose to go with before the gym for this round. Let me tell you I certainly got an energy rush from it. I worked out longer and harder than I normally do, and now I'm a gross sweaty mess in desperate need of a shower, but I forced myself to write this review first.

A lot of protein drinks are chalky, due to the whey protein, but this is nothing if not creamy. It's also thick, as if a milkshake was halfway thawed and you pounded it. Luckily no brain freeze accompanied this ingestion. I think the greatest thing that Monster pulled off with these is that it's incredibly chocolaty and it doesn't taste a thing like an energy drink. I think this may be the only beverage that includes taurine that I have tasted that doesn't make me question if I'm being poisoned or not with chemicals. Sure the use of sucralose along with the sugar gives it a bit of a diet taste, but that is something you come to expect and accept with protein drinks. If they were laden with sugar they would kind of defeat the purpose of the workout. The 16g of sugar in here is pushing it a bit as it is.

At the end of it all, this tasted fantastic and I'm still buzzing with energy after a fairly intense workout by my standards. Who'd have known that Monster had this in them?
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 12/22/14, 5:13 PM
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Skinny Girl Sparklers Pink Grapefruit

Skinny Girl Sparklers Pink Grapefruit
2014 is winding down, and if someone were to ask me as a professional imbiber of beverages to sum up the year I would have to say that these 365 days have been all about low/zero calorie sparkling waters. The past couple years have been owned by fake Vitamin Water, but man sparkling water is everywhere this year.

While I may not be the biggest fan of these drinks, I do appreciate their growth and that humans are taking more interest in what they ingest, particularly their sugar intake. Americans drink far too much soda, diet or not it's just too much. Since I've cut most of it out of my diet (minus reviews) I feel better and I dropped pounds pretty quickly. Now a lot of these sparkling water companies are just dumping some sucralose into flavored water and calling it a day, and their lack of effort is very noticeable. Skinny Girl (I still hate the name) takes things a bit further. They use fruit juice (albeit from concentrate), sweeten it with honey, cane sugar and sucralose (culminating in only 2g of sugar per bottle) and then add some vitamins and super fruits so your body is actually getting something beneficial from this drink. That's right they have combined the former champion with the reigning one, and they mingle oh so well.

This is made with grapefruit juice and it tastes like it. It's not an overly strong taste, but it's stronger than if you just left some grapefruit soak in water. It has a bit of a diet taste to it, but it's not bad at all. Arizona it's hard to stay mad at you for your dumb brand name, when you make it taste so good. Who needs garbage grapefruit pop that doesn't even taste like fruit when this is available with only the slightest fraction of calories?
Diet, Sparkling, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Water
Skinny GirlWebsite@Skinnygirl
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/12/14, 11:03 PM
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Polar Sparkling Frost Lemonade

Polar Sparkling Frost Lemonade
Guys, I finally cracked the secret. The reason all of these zero calorie, flavored, sparkling waters are all named after things ice related is that they taste their best just above the freezing point. You see when they are that cold the taste of the (normally) artificial sweetener is harder to detect. That's nice because colder drinks are generally more refreshing. The downside of that is that you have to either drink them really fast, water them down with ice, or be a big shot and use whiskey stones. The issue with the latter two solutions are the drinking hole of the bottle (the mouth, I know) isn't big enough for either to fit in, and I like drinking out of bottles, more than glasses. I'm a savage.

This drink tastes like a cleaner, and I somehow mean that in a good way. It doesn't so much taste like chemicals, because it doesn't at all, it more smells like lemon pledge. I know lemon pledge smells like lemons, but it also has a little something else in the odor, and it's perfectly captured in the taste of this beverage. I like the way it tasted, well that is until it started to warm up and the sucralose became more apparent.

Polar has taken this line a bit further than its competition by adding vitamins, antioxidants and caffeine, which they felt the need to list in all caps. Keep in mind the vitamins are at low levels (10% of your daily intake at most), but at least you're getting a little something extra for your time. Now chug folks, you don't want this warming up on you.
Diet, Lemonade, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 11/30/14, 5:14 PM
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Powerade Zero Grape

Powerade Zero Grape
You like sports, bro? I love sports. I love them. I love winning. Hashtag winning, right, bro? Remember that? Charlie Sheen? That dude rules. Yeah, present tense. He still rules. You know who else rules? Our local sports team. They're awesome. Hey, I'm thirsty. You know what a thirsty dude drinks when he's thirsty? No. Not water you munch? Water is for chess players. I mean a real sportsman like you and I. Powerade, that's right. Specifically grape Powerade. This stuff goes down smooth, doesn't taste like poison and tastes like regular grape drinks should. It's good and really helps me when it comes down to baseball time. I'm permanently in the mental state of a homerun derby, bro. All day every day.

What did you say, Miss Catherine? We're done role playing for the day? Oh, man. Thank you. I don't know how much more of that I could have done. Maybe I don't want to play the role of "the jock" in the school play. Can I keep this grape Powerade, though? It's pretty good and actually does taste good. For a diet drink, it's not gross at all.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 11/17/14, 5:12 PM
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truBrain Think Drink Turbo

truBrain Think Drink Turbo
Once, in high school, a bunch of us went to a grocery store and my friend bought a bottle of Hawaiian Punch. The thing that he did not realize was that he had grabbed a bottle of concentrate and not the ready to drink variety. He took a big gulp and spit the red syrupy concentrate everywhere. I nearly had a similar experience with this pouch of truBrain. This may not taste as much like poison as the other flavor I tried did, but it certainly tastes like it should be mixed into a glass of water.

This is supposed to be strawberry banana flavored, which I guess it is if you took that flavored candy and boiled it down to a potent extract. Oh yeah they also made it taste diet. This is a function “beverage” though. Its purpose is to boost cognitive function by blending blends cognitive enhancers, nootropic nutrients, and neurochemical modulators. When things involve this kind of science chances of them actually tasting good are very low. Everything I have read about this company seems to say that it actually works if you order a subscription and stick with it. That's gonna be a lot of gross tasting pouches, but hey, your brain is worth it, isn't it?
Diet, Shot and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 11/11/14, 3:05 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Energy Berry Punch

Glaceau Vitamin Water Energy Berry Punch
I don't really know why that I am shocked that I like this, but I am. It just sounds like something that would be terrible. Whenever companies try to grasp outside of their safe zone, I am always very skeptical. For some reason with this line I expect the results to be less than stellar, even though I have had several other flavors that I have enjoyed. Each time I expect my mouth to be greeted with a gush of grossness. You can just tell looking at this that it has a zero calorie sweetener in it somewhere. The thing is that the stevia mixed with the cane sugar works in here. It has a bit of a diet taste to it, but the actual berry flavoring is much stronger, and that is all that you can ask for.

I think the saving grace for Glaceau is that they went for their own thing. They didn't take a classic energy drink and try to mix it with their pre-existing products. They took what they were good at and added green coffee bean extract an B vitamins to give it a little energy push. There's no chemical garbage in here, and as a result it just tastes like a carbonated Vitamin Water. It may not give you the crazy rush as other products do, but you can feel better about drinking it, and really when in your life did you actually need the shot to your heart that the other players give? To me it just seems like overkill.

I'm glad that I have continuously been wrong about the Vitamin Water Energy line. It's nice to be surprised in a positive way.
Energy Drink, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/24/14, 7:38 PM
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Iconic Healthy Lifestyle Beverage Chocolate Truffle

Iconic Healthy Lifestyle Beverage Chocolate Truffle
Rarely on the side of never do I drink "meal replacement" drinks as such but today I did not eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day, so I did not have a choice. First thing I noticed, and this could just be me, is that this was a leaky drink. So leaky. The package was constantly leaking from the cap. Don't let that sway you from getting it. Let my review sway you from buying it.

This was completely laced with Stevia. It was so sharp. Calming down on that and letting some of the chocolate shine through would probably do wonders to this drink. It was thin, so do not expect a shake. It was closer to a thin chocolate milk. Or if you made chocolate milk with skim milk or some other poor life choice.

What would I do to fix this? Number one? Real sugar. I know it would increase the calorie count but it wouldn't leave me with a taste on the tip of my tongue. Look, I drank the whole thing. It wasn't terrible but it was kind of thin and overly fake.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 10/9/14, 10:26 AM
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Nawgan Alertness Beverage Strawberry Kiwi

Nawgan Alertness Beverage Strawberry Kiwi
Every time I drink one of these alertness beverages, Nawgan or other, I find myself wondering if there would be a time in my life when I would actually need one. I am long done with school; where this would have been greatly welcomed for late night study sessions. Okay who am I kidding I very rarely did school work outside of school, but I can see where kids would want this beverage for that. I have an accountant that does my taxes, due to my business, so I'm not going to be annoyingly trying to figure out what form mean. As much as I would like to pretend that I am at times, I'm certainly not an intellectual; logic rules my life. So where do such beverages fit into my life? The closest I can come to is when I'm figuring out how to play a bass line for a song, and that doesn't take too much concentration.

It looks like these drinks were not made for me in at current station in life. I do know many people who would benefit from them though. I wish I had something that I needed to concentrate on so I could have tested the true functionality of this, but as much as I think I felt more alert, it could have all been placebo.

I can write about the flavor though. This has a light strawberry kiwi flavor to it, and that is due to the fact that they thankfully did not go overboard with the sweetener. So many drinks of this flavor are so full of sugar that they taste like candy. This at least tastes minimally like fruit. The use of erythritol/stevia along with the cane sugar gives it a bit of that natural diet taste, but it's not very strong. The thing that will always through me for a loop with drinks in skinny cans is when they are not carbonated. I believe I've said that with each flavor of this I have tried, but I always expect bubbles, and when you don't get them it takes a bit to adjust. Flex your head.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/6/14, 6:17 PM
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Phenoh Alkaline Sports Drink 7.4

Phenoh Alkaline Sports Drink 7.4
Hey you. Yeah you, over there running on the corner. Why don't you come over here for a drink? I've got just the thing for you. Yeah. You'll love it. It's new. It's alkalinized or whatever. It's good for you. It's low in calories and is good for something I think you kids are talking about; paleo or whatever. It doesn't taste half bad either. What does it taste like? Why don't you just come into the shop and grab one. It's on me. You look thirsty and very attractive. What? Was that out of line? I thought you would think it was a compliment. Sorry, I guess. Sorry I find you attractive. No, I mean it. Take it. It's for you. We just got them in. It's supposed to be really good for you.

Do you like it? It's good, right? It's lightly sweetened and tastes like an aloe coconut water even though there is no coconut water in it. It's also the biggest carton of a sports drink I think I've ever seen. No, I'm not creeping on you. Jesus, lady. Calm down. You were running and were clearly sweating and I thought I would be nice and give you a drink. You've got me all wrong and I'd like you to kindly leave my store and take your drink with you.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Mike Literman on 10/5/14, 12:18 AM
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Iconic Healthy Lifestyle Beverage Pure Vanilla Bean

Iconic Healthy Lifestyle Beverage Pure Vanilla Bean
Sometimes I wish that nutritional/protein drinks came in a wider range of flavors. There are many fruits that would pair well with whey protein/milk type drinks. There is a whole world of flavors out there that are being neglected, but when a company comes along that is fruity in the back of my mind I'm always thinking, man I wish this were chocolate or vanilla. It's been programmed into my being that those are the only true satiating flavors that can be nutritional. It's dumb, but that's how I work.

Iconic has mixed protein, fiber, B12 (for energy) as well as choline and amino acids (to keep you focused) into a nice non-chalky vanilla beverage. It's like thick vanilla milk. The vanilla isn't too overwhelming, but it's there enough for you to say, “Hey, this is a decent vanilla drink.” I would have preferred it to be dairy free, but they went the whole soy, gluten and lactose free route, which I can respect. There are people out there who need their diets to be free of these things, while I just find dairy gross in theory (although I still eat far too much ice cream).

It seems like we've been reviewing a decent amount of beverages of this type lately and they each have their own specific attributes. Iconic is more milk-like than the others. There is no grit to it at all, and the use of agave as a sweetener was a great choice. Sure they use stevia as well, but it's nice and hidden.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Blue Agave
Jason Draper on 10/3/14, 2:14 PM
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