4968 Total Reviews

Natalie's Honey Tangerine

Natalie's Honey Tangerine
When I first saw this I thought it was going to be tangerine juice with honey in it. I salivated at the thought. When I looked at it I realized that it's just a type of tangerine. I was a little disappointed until I took as sip and I realized that it didn't need the honey, not at all. This is nothing but juice of the previously mentioned fruit, and it needs nothing else. Sure it's a little acidic, but what do you expect? I think I might get a stomach ache if I drank too much, but this bottle is the perfect size for such a wonderful juice.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/29/17, 1:43 PM
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X2 Performance All Natural Energy Strawberry Kiwi

X2 Performance All Natural Energy Strawberry Kiwi
Yes, I know that caffeine is a source of energy, but when it's the only source of energy in a beverage I don't really think of it as an energy drink. X2 has, as the name suggests, two sources of caffeine; black and green tea. Even with that combo the 106mg of caffeine isn't much more than the 95mg that one would find in a cup of coffee. It still does give you a little boost though, especially if you are like me and are sensitive to caffeine.

Not only are their two types of tea in here, but there are also two different sweeteners; cane sugar and clover honey. The result is 33g of sugar per can. So with a ton of tea and sugar you would expect ot know what you are getting yourself into, but the truth is it doesn't taste much like tea. In fact, it tastes more like a kiwi strawberry tea Gatorade type drink. It's like a flavored water and not tea. I actually like the taste, but at first I expected it to be carbonated, because I expect all energy drink to be so, until proven wrong. Then I expected it to be tea heavy, and it was not. This is nothing what I thought at all. It still is a little bit of okay though.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
X2 PerformanceWebsite@X2PERFORMANCE
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/28/17, 7:15 PM
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Polar Seltzer Jr. Dragon Whispers

Polar Seltzer Jr. Dragon Whispers
Last year, for an extremely limited time, Polar released the flavor Unicorn Kisses. We weren't as vigilant as we should have been and it passed right by us. Even our clot (which, you know…€¦we have very little) could get us some from Polar direct; they were plum out. This year Unicorn Kisses is back and it brought three other friends with it. This year we were also more on top of things and Polar sent us some samples. Not only do they make wonderful product, but they are also great humans, who understand my needs for weird seltzer and are kind enough to accommodate me (minus the fact that vanilla is still not available in cans).

The first of these four magical flavors, which I believe are aimed towards kids because of their names and the line being called “Seltzer Jr,” is Dragon Whispers. I would expect such a thing to taste of smoke and cinders, but I don't think children, nor would anyone enjoy a liquid smoke seltzer. I suppose it's lucky for us all that Polar decided to go in a different direction.
Smell wise this reminds me of something like Pixie Stix or Sweetarts. That is very strange because a sweetener-less beverage smells like products that are mostly sugar. It's also odd because that is what Red Bull style energy drinks smell like to me. SO yeah, it smells like them, minus the chemical undertones. From the smell I really didn't know what to expect. My taste buds were awaiting an overload of sweetness, but my mind knew that wouldn't be the case. The reality is that it tastes like an unsweetened tropical fruit punch. I was hoping for something a little stranger, but it was quite pleasant and I could see myself drinking a bunch of this

I feel like there are going to be a lot of people who taste different things in this beverage. It's a social experiment that I enjoy.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/27/17, 7:19 AM
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Telula Green Fusion

Telula Green Fusion
I've spied this little fella right here for quite a while at my local Target when scoping out other drinks. I will admit that I am cheap and the $5-6 price tag on it always left me picking it up, looking at it for far longer than I needed to, realizing that I look like an idiot, and then putting it back on the shelf after a quick glance left and right. Sure it looked great, but I couldn't bring myself to pay that much for a juice that wasn't perishable. Is there a difference? Probably, but it's also just a mental thing for me. When something needs to be refrigerated I just assume that it is fresher than something that sits on the shelf. Well cut to a few days ago when I'm at Aldi to pick up some carrots to feed the ponies. Yeah I hang out with ponies on a somewhat regular basis. What can I say I live a charmed life. Anyway, at Aldi I see a bunch of these and they are two for $5. Now that is a price I can accept, so I picked this and a bottle of the blackberry chia up.

So now that my penny pinching has been explained away, let's actually talk about this beverage. It is a cold pressed juice that is composed of spinach, apples, kale, lettuce, cucumber, celery, green tea leaves, and a bunch of mint thrown in to make the whole thing weird, but also wonderful. There is both spearmint and peppermint in here and they make up at least half of the flavor. It truly is strange. I've never had minty vegetables before, and you know what? I don't hate it.

Once you make your way past the tidal wave of mint you get to a juice that tastes very much like the vegetables that make it up. It definitely tastes like I'm drinking a minty salad, but somehow I mean that in a good way. I wish they would have held off on the celery, because it's one of those foods that always taste far too strong for me. I love celery on its own, but mixed in with other vegetables it's so overpowering.

This is way different from what I anticipated it to be, but I will definitely be purchasing some more of it if I can continue purchasing it at this price.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/22/17, 6:20 PM
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Polar Seltzer'ade Blueberry Lemonade

Polar Seltzer'ade Blueberry Lemonade
My life runs on Polar. I'm pretty sure that by my life running on it, it by default means that the (assumingly) homeless women, who I leave my cans and bottles for, also has her life run by it. Okay, not run, but she probably makes enough from me in a week to get a sandwich or two. I drink far too much of the stuff, well if that were possible. I went from cans, to liters, and have graduated to two liters, because there just that much more for me to consume.

When I saw this in the store, I really thought it was a repackaging of their bottles blueberry lemonade. I bought a box anyway, because I like to have some cans for when I'm out and about. People look at you weird when you're in public drinking directly from a big bottle, yet they walk around with gigantic fountain sodas and think nothing off it. Whatever. So I bought it, cooled them down and then drank one on my way to band practice. Now I love Polar, but they are not the most flavorful seltzer out there. Either La Croix or Spindrift probably has that honor. They all have their place; sometimes you want more, sometimes less. This though, this has a punch to it. The flavor in here is probably the strongest out of the Polar flavors I have tried, which is all of them, minus some seasonal ones I missed. It's wonderful and bold. It's to an extent that you forget that there is no sweetener involved. I need to back and try the bottled version again. I'm pretty sure this is reformulated, but I hope I'm wrong and it's as glorious in a bottle as it is in these cans.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/19/17, 9:56 AM
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Up Mountain Swizzle Original

Up Mountain Swizzle Original
I can't decide if I think that this drink is good for me or trying to punish me. I have drunk Ginger drinks and I have drunk vinegar drinks and this is a marriage between the two. It is not gross but I feel like you have to be an adult to understand what is going on within the confines of this glass bottle. If you take a big enough sip it is very strong, not very sweet and potentially life-saving. I say that because anytime I am drinking a vinegar drink I feel like I am trying to purge whatever disgusting nonsense is in my body. That nonsense of course being my fault to begin with and I ignorantly think that these vinegar drinks are a reset button on the mistakes that I have made in my dining past.

If I have to think of this as a health drink I might think that it is on the better side. It is a little bit sweet and is not as punishing as a straight vinegar drink. If I have to think of this as a casual Tuesday night drink then it probably isn't going to be something I am going to be seeking out. As I previously said it is only slightly punishing and if you are a fan of ginger beer you might be able to make the leap to something like a vinegar drink. It also helps that there is actual ginger root in this drink. As far as it being sparkling, it is only slightly carbonated. It is well shy of a soda pop.

I feel like on a better day I could finish the whole bottle, but on a day where I have kids screaming at me and 15 minutes to dress up for a show and load a car full of gear I don't think that I could be bothered to finish this entire bottle. I really don't want that to diminish the quality of the drink but the amount of effort I find that it is taking me to drink it is not worth it right now. If you have time to sit and sip this it would probably be very good. I am taking big gulps like an absolute idiot in hopes that I can gain as much of its healing qualities as one can when he makes as many poor decisions as I do.
Other/Weird and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Up MountainWebsite@DrinkSwitchel
United States
Maple Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/19/17, 6:43 AM
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Sudden Coffee Fore!

Sudden Coffee Fore!
I want to be up front with you, I'm not a coffee connoisseur. I don't drink it all that often and I don't know what makes certain coffees great. I do know a terrible coffee when I taste it and I can happily announce that this does not fall in that category. I couldn't say if an avid coffee drinker would think this is wonderful, but I can assure you it is not horrible.

For the record, I drank this cold. The instructions say you can make it with either hot or cold water, but since I'm sweating just sitting here, I went with the cold. I'm not sure how that affects the flavor, but here is my experience.

This coffee is bitter (as all black coffee is), but it is in no way harsh. It lacks an acidity I have found in other coffees and that results in a certain smoothness to it. It's not smooth to the extent cold brew is, but I doubt that level can be achieved with an instant coffee. It also has slight fruity undertones that give it a slight sweetness. This brew is a blend of two coffees (from Colombia's Narino region and San Jose Poaquil). That means pretty much nothing to me, but I'm sure it's important to some people. I don't know a thing about different beans and different blends. Why am I writing this review, I am completely unknowledgeable about coffee? The answer is that Mike may know even less than I do, and we need to review everything. We have a problem. Perhaps an outsider's view on this will be deemed helpful.

I expected this to taste like cold trash juice. I have only had instant coffee once and it was wretched. As it turns out I enjoyed this a decent amount. If it wasn't for the fact that caffeine drives me bonkers I might even drink it on a semi regular basis. It certainly is convenient and from my brief history with coffee it tasted better than some actual brews I've had. I hope I did you well Sudden.
Sudden CoffeeWebsite@suddencoffee
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/14/17, 6:34 PM
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Arizona Green Tea Cucumber with Citrus

Arizona  Green Tea Cucumber with Citrus
Well well. Look at this little guy. Sitting here all full of cucumber. What a nice surprise to see something Arizona put out that I was unaware of. Sure, I might not have my ear as close to the ground as I used to but I was caught off guard and didn't think for a second that I wasn't going to get it.

Let's get down to brass tacks. How is she? She's a lot less sweet than Arizona tried and true green tea. That's for truth. There is a very strong scent of cucumber and an equally strong taste. I'm not going to say overpowering but if you're on the fence about cucumbers, this is not the drink for you. There is a commitment issueless amount of cucumber flavor going on within the confides of this can and I know something about commitment issues. I dated my live-in girlfriend for eight years before I ask her to marry me.

I might have drank half of this can. The whole thing is far too much for me. There isn't anything wrong with it but the whole can I feel is a bit gluttonous. You've done a fine thing here, Arizona. Don't take the half I'm going to dump into the sink as an insult. I'm a little under the weather and cannot share the remainder of this.
Iced Tea
Arizona Website@DrinkAriZona
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 8/14/17, 12:37 PM
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Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Passion Fruit / Pineapple

Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Passion Fruit / Pineapple
I know it is summer, but this recent heat humidity combo has been too much. Maybe I'm just getting old, or perhaps it's because I spend my time standing next to a 1,000 degree dryer printing shirts all day. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's the latter. I feel like I'm sweating out more than I can imbibe. All of the water in the world's oceans doesn't feel like it would make a difference. You know if it were desalinated. I'm drinking gallons upon gallons of water every day and it's not enough. Then I drank this bottle of Alpha Wolf and for a brief moment I felt a difference. I felt the will to live return to me. I no longer wanted to lay down on that conveyor belt into the dryer and let the heat finally take me. This is certainly not a cure all. Nor is it some magic potion. It is simply formulated to give you temporary relief when you feel beaten down and dehydrated. In reality the effects didn't last all that long, but for a half hour or so I did feel revitalized as the bottle boasts. Can I really ask for more?

As it turns out, I can in fact ask for more. This could have tasted like old hose water and if it had these results I would have been happy with it, but as it turns out it is quite delicious. It's no secret that most fruit flavored drinks taste little to nothing like the produce they are impersonating. This tastes very much like passion fruit, with a little bit of pineapple thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately erythritol and stevia are in the mix as well. That is fine for some and a complete deal breaker for others. It's very specific taste that shows itself more as the drink warms up. Ice cold it is hardly noticeable. When paired with the passion fruit it didn't bother me nearly as much as it has in other beverages. I guess it's all a part of keep calories low and not poisoning yourself in the process.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Alpha WolfWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 8/9/17, 8:22 AM
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The Maple Guild Green Tea Mint

The Maple Guild Green Tea Mint
Green tea and mint is a nice match but something...something about mint is strange. We brush our teeth with mint and chew mint gum and eat mint candy. Mint is synonymous with dental hygiene and it's sometimes tough to disassociate it and enjoy it in a nice drink.

Bad breath aside, this is good. It's a very subtle mint and if it was more overpowering, I couldn't get past it. The green tea isn't bitter at all and it's lightly sweetened. The illustrious Maple Guild does a good job of sweetened but not over-sweetening these drinks and for that I am appreciative. Personally I don't know if I would be a repeat customer for this but the dude I split it with said it was better than the lemon. Different strokes, I guess.
Iced Tea
The Maple GuildWebsite@RealMapleGuild
United States
Organic Maple Syrup
Mike Literman on 8/8/17, 6:56 AM
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V8 V-Fusion + Energy Peach Mango

V8 V-Fusion + Energy Peach Mango
Man, I had no idea that when combined the letter V and the number 8 could be such a turn off to people. I was given a six pack of these little guys and being the generous person I am I offered to share them with the people I was hanging out with and every single one, minus the person who gifted them to me, said “Ewwww. No Thanks!” I know that tomato juice is a horrible thing, but that doesn't mean that every product that V8 puts out is going to taste like that.

I tend to enjoy their Fusion line. It's a combination of fruit and vegetable juices. In this case it is peach, mango, apple, sweet potato, tomato, and carrot. Don't worry though it tastes more like a fruit juice than a cold, sweet soup. Now that would be horrible. There are hints of vegetable flavoring around the edges, but this is almost all fruit flavored.
The energy aspect of this juice comes in the form of added green tea and B vitamins. It doesn't really effect the taste, and I haven't really felt any boost in energy, but I am completely exhausted so that may have overpowered things. I don't think it's meant to be a full on energy drink though, just a little nudge.
Oh yeah, there is also the garbage sweetener sucralose in here, but I luckily couldn't taste it at all. Let those fruits do their job.
Diet, Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 8/4/17, 3:48 PM
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The Maple Guild Black Tea Lemon

The Maple Guild Black Tea Lemon
This is a nice guy. The maple syrup actually rounds out the taste and allows it to be a bit smoother than even a cane sugar pop and somehow, sweetens it enough while somehow keeping the calorie count in half. This whole bottle is 90 calories while a Snapple lemon black tea, for instance is 150. Snapple uses real sugar and tacks on an additional 60 calories and that might not seem like much, but for those who are counting calories, it might make or break your decision.

The whole drink is really just a delight. I shared it with a buddy at work and he thought the same thing. It was decently sweetened. This isn't "a tad sweet" to use the Lipton sweetening verbiage. It's between that and the teeth disintegrating sweetness of a Southern style sweet tea. Not to make a pun but "the sweet spot." I have yet to see this on shelves and they sent it to us so that leads me to believe this is a new line. If you see it, I'd put down what you're used to and trying something new. They know what's going on inside the confines of this bottle and they're letting us in on the secrets of maple sugars.
Iced Tea
The Maple GuildWebsite@RealMapleGuild
United States
Organic Maple Syrup
Mike Literman on 8/3/17, 8:21 AM
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The Maple Guild Black Tea Peach

The Maple Guild Black Tea Peach
Let me start this off by telling you all that I am a goddamn weirdo. Not only do I not put syrup on my pancakes and waffles, but I also don't put butter on them. 99% of the time I eat them plain with no added condiment (do they count as condiments?). Occasionally if I'm eating out and it comes with it I will eat them with some sort of fruit and whipped cream. I get weird looks by anyone who has never eaten breakfast food with me. I am by no means a maple man. My maple intake is limited to one day of year at the fair I go to the maple stand and try some super dark syrup and maybe have a maple donut or some popcorn. I like maple, but I like it sparingly, because it all too easily can become an overpowering taste.

This tea could get me to consume maple more often. It uses just enough of it to sweeten the tea (10g of sugar) and give it a light maple flavor. There is nothing heavy handed about it. It is not thick and syrupy and the flavor doesn't overpower the taste of the tea. I would say that the peach and maple ratio are about dead even in the flavor category. The result is that this is also a very smooth tea. It just glides right down your throat.

I want to drink this out in the woods while I am camping. Everyone else can get their pancakes sopping wet with cheap syrup and I will eat mine dry, but wash them down with this tea. It will be magnificent. Also, who makes pancakes while camping? It seems like a needless amount of extra things to bring. I suppose I am a minimalist though, who lives slim and goes often of tangents often.
Iced Tea
The Maple GuildWebsite@RealMapleGuild
United States
Organic Maple Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/1/17, 12:07 PM
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Franklin & Sons Ltd Wild Strawberry & Scottish Raspberry

Franklin & Sons Ltd Wild Strawberry & Scottish Raspberry
Sometimes you randomly stumble upon fancy drinks in stores not known for carrying beverages. I found this at Home Goods, you know where normal people go to buy fancy cinnamon for their pancakes, and I feel that single bottle that was on the shelf will probably be the only one I will ever see in the US. It's a treat, but also a taunt, when it ends up being so delicious and you know you'll have to fly to another continent to try it again.

Berry sodas are known for their ridiculous sweetness and the joy of this is that there is nowhere near the amount of sugar in here that you would anticipate (9.3g). the result is that it actually tastes like fruit juice and not some sludgy syrup. I'm not exactly sure what the difference between Scottish raspberries and the ones you'd find around NY are, but every drink I have had with them in it is extremely delicious. While this is 32% apple juice and 1% or less strawberry and raspberry, both of those flavors really shine through. I would never expect their percentages to be so low. It is really the lime in here that brings it all together though. I feel it is equally present as the two flavors in the products namesake. You might find it odd that there is black pepper in here, but it is extremely faint, and I believe it's inclusion is only there to maximize the fanciness of the drink.

I just looked at the company's website and it bummed me out even more that I will probably never run across it again. Each of the seven different flavors looks incredible in its own way. Can I justify a transcontinental trip, just to try some new sodas? Can I work expense that?
Soda Pop
Franklin & Sons LtdWebsite@FranklinandSons
United Kingdom
Jason Draper on 7/25/17, 5:55 PM
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Elmhurst Naturals Horchata Traditional

Elmhurst Naturals Horchata Traditional
There is nothing quite like consuming more tacos than anyone on Earth should in one sitting and then washing it all down with some Horchata aka the perfect dessert beverage. In case you are unfamiliar with this liquid wonder it is basically cinnamon rice milk. Sometimes, if you are lucky, there is a little vanilla in there as well. It sounds so very simple, but it taste so very good. It's the kind of drink that even if it were regularly available to me, I would save it for special occasions because I would not want it to become commonplace. It is a treat I like to give myself when I think I've earned it.

I've had premade horchata before and they have always left something to be desired. While on the better side of things, this bottle is no exception. It's almost there, but at the same time it also tastes a bit on the watery side. I just don't know if perfect horchata could have any sort of shelf life. The dairy would spoil too quickly. I did enjoy this, but it was taunting me, knowing how great it could be. It is a good substitute if you were to live in a town that didn't have a proper Mexican restaurant that served the real stuff. It's got that cinnamon rice flavor, and even a touch of vanilla, but it's all just a little too weak. Drinking this makes me want to jump in my car and drive the 20 minutes to get a glass at my favorite Taqueria. I really shouldn't, but I want to. Let's say this is starter Horchata. A Mexican treat with training wheels if you will.
Elmhurst NaturalsWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 7/20/17, 3:22 PM
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Kra Sports Drink Berry

Kra Sports Drink Berry
You will not believe the amounts of sports I have just done. I hit all the field goals, shot all the home runs, kicked all the goals, and slammed all the points. I did it all, and boy am I dehydrated now. It's lucky for me I have this bottle of Kra to get me back to normal. It's a slightly salty (in the best way) sports drink with actual juice in it. This is the third flavor of Kra I've tried and I have been on board with all of them. They are tasty and hydrate me when I need them to. You know, like right now after all those sports I just did. I'm exhausted and dripping with sweat. I could literally wring my shirt out and get a substantial amount of fluid from it. This drink that tastes like a salty blueberry apple juice that is slightly watered down with fill me with hydration the way normal sports drinks never could. When that happens I will be ready for more sports! Huh? What do you mean I haven't been playing sports? I mean I'm soaked and tired. Oh, I've just been printing shirts in my basement all day in the extreme heat and humidity, standing next to a 1,100 degree dryer and I'm now delirious? Well, Kra helps with that too then!
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/14/17, 11:42 AM
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Mati Healthy Energy Blueberry Pomegranate

Mati Healthy Energy Blueberry Pomegranate
Here we are at the end of the Mati products (at least until they release more). It's been an interesting trip. I went from quasi disgust, to thorough enjoyment, to being completely confused as to where I stand on this company. I still mostly fall into the latter category. As I drink the sixth flavor in their line I alternate between enjoyment and dislike. Guayusa is such a strong flavor and it gets weird when paired with other flavors. This is supposed to be a blueberry pomegranate flavored beverage, and while those flavors are there the majority of the taste weight is being carried by the guayusa and lime. I guess that brings me full circle back to my original review where I stated that it's always weird when a beverage is not what you expect it to taste like. It can take you right out of the experience.

Overall these beverages are just fine. As far as energy drinks go I could drink them on the regular and not feel terrible about myself. I guess that is more than you can ask for than with most beverages in this day and age.
Energy Drink
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/11/17, 11:58 AM
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Ripple Chocolate

Ripple Chocolate
For months this tub o' milk substitute has been staring me down in the organic section of my local Wegmans. I think it's mostly because even though I know the product is called Ripple, the way the typeface is on the bottle I always read it as Apple and subconsciously my taste buds are tricked into thinking that it was going to be some sort of delicious chocolate apple milk. The somewhat hefty price tag ($8 I believe) help me back from making the purchase. My ladyfriend finally pulled the trigger, because unaware to me it has also been pulling at her with its chocolatey siren's call.

My first thought when I took as sip was a ridiculous disappointment. How on earth could I expect this to taste like apple when I knew it wasn't at all is a secret my brain to will take to its grave. I can't hold a lack of apple against the company when it was never promised in the first place.

My second thought was, well this isn't really a sipping beverage. It's a bit chalky and you can taste the plant protein in it (it comes from peas, luckily it tastes nothing like the semi-grossness of peas when they exist outside of a pot pie). It reminds me a lot of protein drinks, but less thick. I think the ideal use for this would be as a base for a smoothie. I can't see myself drinking a full glass of this, or putting it on cereal, but I can see me mixing it with some peanut butter and such mixed up in a blender.

This is nothing I would spend money on for the price, but it does have its purposes if you have the disposable income.
Milk and Other/Weird
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/9/17, 5:04 PM
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Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Goji / Pomegranate / Mango

Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Goji / Pomegranate / Mango
One of the simple pleasures in life is when you come home and there is a package waiting for you that you were not expecting. There is the rush of excitement when walk up to the package wondering what it could possibly contain. It's even nicer when you look at the return label and discover that it is not junk, but something you could truly enjoy. I came home to this, opened the box and then less than 15 minutes later I got an email from Alpha Wolf telling me that they forgot to give me a heads up that a package was coming. I appreciate their oversite because it perked up my day a bit.

I wish it wasn't my job to pay close attention to beverages. I put these in the fridge to get cold, and when I finally cracked one open it was wonderful. It tasted fruity and real. There were some other flavors in there as well, but it was all pleasant and it seemed to all make sense. I have never had mango mixed with an antioxidant rich fruit before and now I don't know how no one ever paired them up before. They complement each other perfectly. After a few wonderful sips in when the troubles began. I looked at the ingredients list. Right there in the #2 position was erythritol. Up until that point I had no inkling at all that any zero calorie sweeteners were being used in here at all. After reading that I took another sip and it was painfully obvious. I'm taking full blame on this one. It's not on Alpha Wolf. If they can make a product that uses erythritol and stevia and not have me notice it instantly they have created something great. I'm chalking it up to my brain searching out the flavor once I knew it was in there. This is a wonderfully fruity beverage that will do it's best to help you achieve some clarity in this horrible world in which we live.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Alpha WolfWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 7/9/17, 4:21 PM
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Monster Juice Mango Loco

Monster Juice Mango Loco
Summer is upon us and along with disgustingly hot sticky days it also means that companies are rolling out their new summer lines. To celebrate the season Monster has released this new flavor in their “Juice” line.

From the smell of this I expected it to be a similar super syrupy mess as the Arizona mango beverage. Luckily it was not. In fact, it is decidedly not syrupy and also not super mango flavored. It has more of a general tropical taste, which makes sense seeing as it has guava, grape, apple, pineapple, lemon, apricot, orange, peach, and passionfruit along with mango juice in it. In fact it is 16% juice, and I'm guessing that might be the highest concentration of juice any non-natural energy drink has to offer. This hodgepodge of purees, juices, and syrups is quite a delight on hot summer days when you need a little kick in the pants in order to not take an afternoon nap in the shade. I don't really get what the Day of the Dead motif has to do with the drink or the time of year, but maybe I'm missing something. I do really like the blue of the can though. It's as bright as the flavor.
Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 7/7/17, 5:27 PM
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