Energy Drink - 555 Reviews

Monster Ghost M-100

Monster Ghost M-100
From what I can gather from snippets online I believe that this beverage is some sort of tie in with the video game Ghosts of War. Since I only play Zelda, Final Fantasy, and recently the Arkham games this means nothing to me and I will instead believe that it is an energy drink for ghosts.

So you have some unfinished business on Earth and can't cross over to the spirit realm, why not drink some mid-calorie (100) energy drink to keep you moving to haunt your way into the afterlife. Just think about how much easier Barbara and Adam would have had it in Beetlejuice if they would have been all amped up. It probably would have helped them make bad decisions that would lead to the family moving out of the house, without the aid of a man in a striped suit or sandworms. The truth is is that this comes in a camo can (a nicely textured one at that) so it probably has something to do with astral projections or spirits and probably more to do with a video game about war. Oh well. I can pretend in my mind.

To me this tastes like a combination of 40% Mountain Dew, 40% original Monster and 20% orange juice with bit of a sucralose aftertaste. I don't know what I expected this to taste like, but this is not it. It was a nice surprise and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Now I can either go haunt a house or kill some people in a video game, or keep you awake on a long drive. Since this is apparently an exclusive to Speedway gas stations I did just that.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 9/13/15, 9:27 PM
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Neon Energy Drink

Neon Energy Drink
I believe that this beverage is the first sign that the dystopian future that was portrayed in all of those movies from the 80's is our current reality. To be fair the rise in popularity of energy drinks was probably the first sign, but this is a drink that GLOWS IN THE DARK. Sure, you need a black light, but it still GLOWS. If that's not a sign that the future is now I don't know what is. Think about it the world IS a pretty miserable place nowadays. There are disasters everywhere, people live in fear, and the police force is out of hand in a lot of cases. What we need is an action star to come and save the day. He/she would probably end up drinking this energy drink to aid them in his/her vigilantly-ism.

This may glow in the dark, which still seems insane to me (it's the quinine that causes it to happen), but most of the aspects of this beverage would actually make it a healthier energy drink. There is no taurine involved and the sugar mainly comes from fruit juice with a little crystalline fructose mixed in. It was formulated to give you a nice energy burst, without the crash. That's what this society really needs. The crashes make everyone miserable and make them “medicate” more often and before you know it a large portion of the human race is downing mass amounts of energy drinks just to make it through their day. No one wants to be in that situation, and Neon seems to be fighting the good fight in that regard.

As far as flavor goes, this is tropical fruit flavored. 24% of the ingredients in this can are juices including pear, passionfruit, blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, cherry and cranberry. Only one of those is tropical in my book, but the combination is pleasant on your tongue. There is a slightly harsh bitterness mixed in that I can't quite pin down, but it gives the drink character. When I drank it right out of the fridge it mostly tasted like passionfruit and strawberry, but as it gets closer to room temperature the other fruits are more apparent. I enjoy a beverage that tastes slightly different depending on how you drink it. It's the future, it's science, it's scary, but oh so tasty.
Energy Drink
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 9/12/15, 4:34 PM
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Liquid Ice Energy Drink Orange

Liquid Ice Energy Drink Orange
How is it that nearly every energy drink company that uses taurine in their recipes ends up tasting like a (sometimes delicious) chemical mess, yet Liquid Ice seems to do not much different and their products always just taste like liquid Wonka candy? With their new “orange can” flavor they have harnessed the flavor or orange Sweet Tarts. I'm not even sure if there actually are orange Sweet Tarts, but if they were to exist this is exactly how they would taste. What sorcery is involved in creating such a beverage? A friend of mine, who absolutely detests energy drinks, took a sip of this and thoroughly enjoyed it. Liquid Ice is making moves and breaking down barriers. I don't know how they do it, but I'm glad they do.
Energy Drink
Liquid IceWebsite@Liquidiceenergy
United States
Jason Draper on 8/30/15, 8:31 PM
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Bing Crisp

Bing Crisp
I'm here to admit to you all that I have a problem with Bing beverages. I absolutely love them, and I drink them far too often. It started with them being on sale, and me justifying buying them by telling myself that it's not as crazy as most energy drinks, it's just juice with vitamins, caffeine and ginseng. Next thing I know I'm downing them every other day. I don't like relying on caffeine. It's one of the reasons I avoid coffee for the most part. I don't think I'm quite there yet, but I'm well on my way. My go to drinks are the blackberry and the raspberry ones. When I saw a new apple flavor I knew I had to grab one.

I love apples. I love apple juice. I love apple cider. Something happens when you add sugar and carbonate apple juice that candies it in a weird way that I am not a huge fan of. I'm sure you all know what artificial sour apple flavoring tastes like, and this is halfway between that and a real apple. It's not horrible, but something about it is a little off to me. I know tons of people who would love this, but it's just not for me. It's sweet and that middle ground apple taste overshadows the cherry juice a bit too much. If this were my first time going out with Bing I probably would not ask them out on a second date. As it stands I'll probably either be seeing Blackberry of Raz in the morning.
Energy Drink, Juice and Sparkling
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/20/15, 4:23 PM
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Purps Fuel

Purps Fuel
This is my favorite of the Purps line. It is an energy drink that doesn't taste like a typical energy drink because it doesn't have all of the chemical garbage in it. Sure it doesn't give you an unnatural rush, but at least you don't feel like you are being poisoned while you drink it. Instead of taurine and other artificial garbage the energy boost in this can comes from yerba mate, green tea, guarana and panax ginseng root. It's all vitamins and caffeine that is found naturally. If that wasn't enough to sell you the taste is great as well. It is a carbonated yerba mate tea with mangosteen, maqui berry, blueberry, grape, blackberry and acai berry mixed in. It tastes dark and heavy like the purple hue of all of those fruits. At first sip it tastes a bit weird, but once you become acclimated to it, you just want to keep drinking it, even when the can is empty. At least that was my experience with it. It's been an off day and this beverage is helping me work my way through the haze.
Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/8/15, 1:02 PM
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Buck O'Hairen's Legendary Sunshine Ginger Berry

Buck O'Hairen's Legendary Sunshine Ginger Berry
The story of this beverage is great. You've probably never heard of him, but Buck O'Hairen was a notorious creator of moonshine in the Appalachian Mountains. At the height of his operations he was producing 60 gallons of whiskey a day. Do you know that that equals? There are several answers, but the one we're looking for is “A whole mess of hangovers.” Sick of feeling like garbage after sampling his wares (and his still blowing up causing wildfires), Buck developed a recovery beverage that he called Sunshine. He claimed it would “It'll fix yer mornin' right.”

This is in celebration of the beverage that Buck was making when he mysteriously disappeared. Just like back in the 1800's this recovery beverage is made from ginger root, blackberries and soda water. I don't know how the original tasted, but this current version is fantastic. If it were a regular soda it would be one of the best I've ever had, and more than likely the best fruit soda that has ever crossed my lips. It has a strong berry taste with hints of ginger, but with no burn. It flat out tastes refreshing.

This is not your typical energy drink. It's not going to make you feel crazy and give you an insane boost of energy that will lead to jitters. It does pack enough of a punch to make you feel more wake and alert in a natural way. You don't feel like you've been given an artificial kick in the butt. It makes you feel like you've woken up from a perfect nap and are ready to take on the day. I know it's got me ready to hop on my bike and just ride.
Energy Drink and Ginger
Buck O'Hairen'sWebsite@sunshinedrink
United States
Jason Draper on 8/2/15, 11:14 AM
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V8 V-Fusion Energy Black Cherry

V8 V-Fusion Energy Black Cherry
The older my son gets, the more I understand why people hide vegetables in food. I could give this to him all day and he would never guess that there are carrots and stuff in here. Is that right? I don't know. He eats some vegetables. Not all vegetables but some. This he would love. This I like. It's tangy like a natural fruit would be. The vegetables don't even rear their ugly head at all.

The fact that I bought this from Big Lots for thirty-three cents makes me wonder if it's still something that V8 sells anymore. It would be one of those things you don't know exists until it's too late. Like me with Bad Brains. I hate myself for waiting until I was in my thirties to hear Banned In D.C.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 7/30/15, 9:50 AM
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Positive Beverage Positive Energy

Positive Beverage Positive Energy
This stinks. This is disappointing and it stinks. I wanted this to be a bitter green tea, maybe a mildly sweetened but gnarly green tea. I could not be more wrong. This tastes like green tea flavored plastic. That's not what you came here for. You came here for details. Alright, you've got it.

Right off the bat, it smells bad. It smells like it tastes and it smells like burnt plastic. Initial taste is bitter but a vitamin bitter. Not a green tea bitter. What sweetener do they use in here that toxifying this thing? Oh would you look at that; sucralose, the bastard of all sweeteners.

Also, since we all know my opinions on this thing, let's talk about "natural energy." The energy in this might be real but the rest of it tastes like a chemical mess.

Oh, and also the "cross out" above "Gluten Free" makes it seem like it's not gluten free.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
Positive BeverageWebsite@PositiveBev
United States
Mike Literman on 7/14/15, 4:59 PM
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Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Pomegranate Punch

Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Pomegranate Punch
Why do they hate him so much? Sure he's lazy. Sure he spends all of his time in a bar when he should be working. Why though, why do they want to kill Cliff Clavin? Did he steal important mail from them? We're talking about an entire product line based on the hatred of a fictional character from a television show from the 80s. Maybe the actor that played Cliff had an affair with the mother of whoever named this beverage and broke up his happy family. The world is a strange place when a television actor can ruin your life and you can spend your whole life devising a way to destroy him.

While I do not agree with the motives, I can't argue with the flavor. This is a carbonated pomegranate beverage that is sweetened with erythritol to keep the calories down. There's also a bunch of other functional ingredients in there as well to help you recover after a workout. A little trick they did was to include some ginger extract, which seems to be combating the dietness of the erythritol and it seems to be winning. The diet taste is not strong in here, and every drink is made better with a hint of ginger.

Kill Cliff was nice enough to send us a case of each flavor and Mike's ladyfriend and I are beyond pleased. You can catch us looking like idiots at a gym that is probably nowhere near you. Oh yeah, if you think this is all based on Cliff Clavin, you my friend are kind of an idiot.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Kill CliffWebsite@KILLCLIFF
United States
Jason Draper on 6/15/15, 4:22 PM
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Organic Gemini Guarana Energy

Organic Gemini Guarana Energy
Okay folks, let's be honest with ourselves, can we really in good faith call this an energy drink? This is really just coconut water with guarana seed extract in it. I know you're out there saying well that's something that I've seen on the ingredient list for other energy drinks, but the thing is that it is just a source of natural caffeine. Sure this tastes good. It tastes like coconut water with a little bit of flavoring in it. The thing is that this isn't going to give someone the boost they are expecting with an energy drink. It will help rehydrate them when they feel like they are hungover even though they haven't had alcohol in decades, but that's a different story altogether. Let's be fair; if we call this an energy drink then we have to start calling colas energy drinks and I don't think anyone is comfortable with that.
Coconut and Energy Drink
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/4/15, 9:37 PM
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Rockstar Pure Zero Silver Ice

Rockstar Pure Zero Silver Ice
Tonight my band is playing our first show in a while. Due to a lack of sleep and printing mass amounts of shirts all day I am exhausted and was looking for a pick me up for a late night. Of course the only energy drink I had on deck is by Rockstar, so even though I could have drunk it and not mentioned a thing I will let the world know that it made me feel like a turd drinking this when I have a show. I feel like the type of person that drinks these before they play are also the same people who would wear Affliction clothing, and have fifteen minute drum solos in their sets. I call for no nonsense and while I enjoy the taste of most Rockstar beverages, I kind of hate the name and can imagine annoying people referring to each other as “rock star” and that is something that chills me.

All valley girl voices aside, this is way better than anticipated. The inclusion of sucralose in any beverage, even when paired with erythritol is generally bad news. In here it's not too bad, well as long as you don't let it warm up. I don't know how to describe what I would expect “silver ice” to taste like, but this drink is pretty accurate. It's very crisp and somehow tastes clean. Sure there's a bit of diet in there, but it doesn't ruin the drink. It also doesn't taste like a typical energy drink, diet or regular. It kind of has a lemon-lime flavor, but not really. It is its own beast and I'm into it. My name is Jason Draper and I approve this zero calorie energy drink.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 6/3/15, 4:13 PM
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Celsius Flo-Fusion Berry

Celsius Flo-Fusion Berry
In the future when the whole world is filled with fat slobs, the skinny man, with all of their nimble ways, will be king. Since the worlds food supply will be nothing but snack foods and items of the deep fried variety staying slim will be a challenge. In fact many will result to illegal methods to keep their figure. The way these are packaged makes me think they are some sort of futuristic street drug. People meet up on shady street corners in the dead of night and deals are made for the sweet (actually kind of weirdly bitter) powder that will give them an edge over the overweight set.

These actually taste completely artificial like I would imagine a black market futuristic weight loss drug would. With both sucralose and erythritol in the mix making up what I can only assume is a majority of the powder the natural wild berry flavor never stood a chance. This one is much better than the orange version, but it still leaves something to be desired, mainly not an overwhelming taste of fake sugar.

Now how much do you think these things will sell for when the fatpocolypse hits? Should I stock up now?
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/27/15, 1:06 PM
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Hard Rock Energy Original

Hard Rock Energy Original
I don't know about all of you folks, but when I think of “hard rock” the first thing I think of is a Flying V guitar. I mean it's the only tool to get the job done when you're looking to rock, and you mean to do it hard. Wait…€¦.no…€¦that's not right. Actually, now that I think about it never once in my life did I think that a Flying V looked cool. I've actually passed negative judgement on bands in the past before I even heard note one, because they were playing these monstrosities of instruments. Just say no to tacky guitars.

I'm not even sure if I've ever stepped foot in a Hard Rock Cafe. I may have once, but it also could have been a Planet Hollywood. I remember an ex's family took me and it was cheesy, the food was bad and it was in Niagara Falls. Am I wrong? Are they cool? Should I start collecting shirts/hats from their locations all over the world? By this beverage I'm guessing no. It's been awhile since I've had a “classic” tasting energy drink. This tastes like a generic Red Bull with a little bit of a berry taste to it. It's got that chemical taste that you love to hate, and the flavor is nothing new.

My real question is why is a restaurant expanding into beverages like this? I found it in a local grocery store and it just doesn't make sense to me. It's not like they are famous for them or anything. It's just completely random.
Energy Drink
Hard RockWebsite@HardRockEnergy
United States
Jason Draper on 5/25/15, 3:50 PM
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Red Bull Total Zero Orange Edition

Red Bull Total Zero Orange Edition
I don't know anyone that enjoyed Red Bull the first time they drank it. It has a weird, unusual, quasi-chemical taste that is fairly off-putting at first. That being said I do know a decent amount of people who drank it for its functionality and grew to love it. It has a flavor all its own, and I went from thinking it was disgusting to wishing there was a non-energy version so that I could drink it more often.

When the company released new flavors I was excited because I had high hopes for that original formula with some added flavor to it. Unfortunately that is not what we get. There is no trace of the original Red Bull flavor in here. It's just tastes like the most diet version of Tang you could ever imagine, watered down and carbonated. It was sadly not enjoyable at all. The diet flavor is just too much, and that is coming from someone who prefers the diet version of the original to the sweetened one. Too much sucralose is no one's friend and after trying two cans to see if it would grow on me like it did way back in the beginning, I can assure you I will not be going back for a third.
Diet and Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
United States
Jason Draper on 5/9/15, 11:48 AM
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Positive Energy Peach Mango Lemonade

Positive Energy Peach Mango Lemonade
Like I said before, Positive Energy's lemonade line is way better than their juice line. Both have caffeine from green coffee beans added to them, but the difference is that the lemonades also have added sugar (and stevia), which is really kind of necessary to mask the taste of the caffeine.

It does seem odd to me to add caffeine to lemonade, since in my mind it's a relaxing, refreshing beverage. I never think of lemonade when I'm being active, or need an extra boost of energy. Actually the only time I really think of lemonade is when it's blistering hot out and I've been in the sun (and probably resemble a lobster as a result). Maybe I'm just not as big of a lemonade enthusiast at others.

This has a really strong peach and mango flavor to it, with the lemonade aspect f it coming mostly as an aftertaste. Again, it's not what I think of when I think of lemonade, but that doesn't make it a bad thing. I actually really like the non-lemon fruit flavor that's in here. It covers up the caffeine even more than the sugar, and the stevia taste is all but nonexistent. This is certainly my favorite product that Positive Energy has put out. I wish the others were this good as well.
Energy Drink and Lemonade
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/5/15, 7:01 PM
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Red Bull Total Zero The Cherry Edition

Red Bull Total Zero The Cherry Edition
There are these two girls that have the pleasure of a job of driving a customized Mini Cooper around and just hand out Red Bull all day. No, it's probably not what they set out to do with their lives but who knows what they do in their off time. Sure the Mini is probably an automatic and sure, people probably disrespect them but at the end of the day, they have the top down and hand out drinks all day. No disrespect whatsoever.

In handing out drinks, though, it seems they only hand out the "regular" stuff. Diet, that bronze can and the core Red Bull. I've never seen them hand out any of last year's seasonal flavors which aren't so seasonal since they're still around today one year later. Once again, no disrespect.

This drink which was sent to us by Red Bull and not two ladies in a lil' car, isn't too bad. It's quite apparently diet but the cherry flavor isn't too bad at all. It's actually not oversweet and not over-diet. It would be a good alternative to your favorite non-diet energy drink. I can feel it surging through me like a million tiny ants who just found a chewy caramel on the hot summer ground and have to work fast before a bird eats it or some leashless dog.
Diet and Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
United States
Mike Literman on 5/5/15, 3:42 PM
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Positive Energy Lemonade Tea

Positive Energy Lemonade Tea
Unfortunately, I have not been a fan of Positive Energy's line of energy juices. The taste of the caffeine from the green coffee is just too strong to my palate, and it takes me away from my enjoyment of the juice itself. Luckily for everyone involved this half and half is a whole different story. The cane sugar they use to sweeten it masks the taste of the caffeine nicely. One top of that the tea taste in here is fantastic. It tastes like tea that was brewed from a bag and not the garbage sugar water that a lot of companies pass off as tea. It's always nice when a beverage tastes real, like it should. The strange thing about this is that it contains orange juice as well as the lemon juice, and it really takes this “classic” drink to a whole new level. I want more orange juice and tea combinations now. I bet they would be fantastic, just like this bottle of liquid refreshment.
Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Lemonade
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/23/15, 10:39 PM
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Celsius Flo-Fusion Orange

Celsius Flo-Fusion Orange
Celsius beverages have never been known as a tasty bunch of drinks to me. The thing is that they were functional beverages that had a very specific purpose, so I tended to be a bit forgiving on the flavor side of the review. It is extremely hard to turn a blind eye to the taste of what is created when you mix this packet into water. Nothing about it, including the orange flavor tastes natural. It's as if someone powdered toxic waste and tricked me into thinking that it would help with exercising.

If this were a normal beverage I would never have made it past a sip or two, but as I said it's functional and helps burn more calories in a workout as well as give you a little energy boost for said workout. I'm forcing myself to down the whole glass before I head to the gym. It's the most diet tasting orange beverage I have ever tasted, and it really better work, because you have to suffer through it.
Energy Drink, Mix/Concentrate, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 4/6/15, 4:20 PM
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Hi Ball Sparkling Energy Water Vanilla

Hi Ball Sparkling Energy Water Vanilla
Folks, I'm afraid it's finally happening; I'm growing up and becoming an adult after 35 years. I have a savings account, I'm closing on a house next week and now I'm enjoying seltzer water. I think that means that life as I knew it is now over. I've always had a fairly strong distaste for seltzer water and their overly dry taste. This tastes exactly like what it is, seltzer water with minimal vanilla flavoring added to it. I've had drinks in the past that tasted exactly like this and I was very turned off by them, now I am straight up loving this. I'm afraid I'm going to wake up in the morning and have pure white hair and back problems. Youth is over. Geriatric life has begun.

Oh yeah this also has caffeine, guarana, panax ginseng and niacinamide in it to give you a boost of energy. As far as I can tell they have zero effect on the flavor, but still give you a little push. Now where do I sign up to get my senior discounts?
Energy Drink and Sparkling
Hi BallWebsite@hiballenergy
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/4/15, 6:18 PM
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Monster Muscle Vanilla

Monster Muscle Vanilla
There's nothing like a big can of milk to make you want to go and work out. There may be a lot of other ingredients in here, but flavor/consistency wise what it boils down to is that is tastes like you're drinking vanilla milk. Yes, I am aware that the protein in these shakes usually comes from whey, but I also normally drink them after going to the gym, not before, which is how this beverage was intended to be enjoyed. The main ingredient in here is skim milk, and that really shows through. It's probably mostly psychological, but it makes me feel logy, even with the taurine and other energy producing ingredients present.

Is there anyone on this planet who before heading out for a run heads to the fridge and pours themselves a nice tall glass of milk? The thought of it just sitting in your stomach makes me think about the inevitable amount of vomit that would spew forth within the first ¼ mile.

I appreciate what they are going for with this, and I enjoyed the chocolate version, but as a pre-workout drink this simply does not work for me. Afterwards I could see, but surely not before.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 4/1/15, 4:17 PM
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