Other/Weird - 154 Reviews

Blume Honey Water Ginger Zest

Blume Honey Water Ginger Zest
I'm sure this is not something that a beverage company would ideally want to be associated with, but this would be perfect if you were feeling under the weather. It doesn't really make me think of cough drops or anything like that, it just seems like it would be a nice relief if you had a sore throat or a cold. It's honey, ginger, and lemon; that just screams soothing to me. If you drank this hot I feel like it could cure anything, well you know any sort of minor ailment, not a life threatening disease. It's not magic.

The honey is very strong in this and the ginger has just the slightest burn to it. It's certainly not a gulping beverage, but I cold sip on this all day long. Whether I am sick, or just looking for something that tastes delicious, this drink is there for me.
Ginger, Other/Weird and Water
United States
Jason Draper on 10/3/18, 8:27 AM
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McCol Spark Up!

McCol Spark Up!
This is simply not my speed. I originally wanted to say that it is simply not good, but there has to be someone out there who likes this weirdness and he tastes are subjective. I really want to like this, it's an odd twist on orange soda, in that it tastes malted and like someone dissolved a handful of all natural vitamins in it. It has a harshness to it that I really like and while it's in your mouth it tastes great, but as soon as you swallow and breathe it gets a bit gross. I feel like this is what orange beer would taste like if you removed all the alcohol. I do have a feeling that if there was a case of this just sitting around, I would keep drinking it because it was there and eventually grow to truly enjoy it. All hail the learning curve.
Ps. I just looked on line, since I can't read the can and it's a barley soda, so that's the flavor and not malt, apologies.
Other/Weird and Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 9/25/18, 12:47 PM
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Blume Honey Water Wild Blueberry

Blume Honey Water Wild Blueberry
This, this is not what I was expecting and it is so much better. I was expecting something akin to a Vitamin Water that had a hint of honey in it. IN reality it tastes like someone put on a kettle to make some tea, poured it into a mug, put in an extremely healthy amount of honey and then forgot to put in the tea bag. By the time they realized their folly, the water had cooled too much so they added some blueberry juice instead and magic happened. This is the most honey tasting thing I have ever ingested that wasn't just straight honey. It really tastes like I am just licking the honey off of a spoon. It is simply wonderful. The blueberry flavor also tastes real, so I can't imagine anyone ever complaining about that. There is also grapefruit, coriander, rosemary and peppercorn in here for reasons that I do not know, but it tastes incredible, so I'm not going to question their inclusion.

If you don't like honey I don't know why you would try something called honey water, but if you do you cannot go wrong with this. It's pure bliss.
Other/Weird and Water
United States
Jason Draper on 8/19/18, 7:49 AM
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Green-Go Cactus Water Hint of Lemon

Green-Go Cactus Water Hint of Lemon
So after saying the name of this beverage several times aloud to a friend they still thought that I was saying it was called Gringo and not Green-Go. Was that an intentional marketing plan? Perhaps it was an inside joke, you know a play on how the white people who live in the suburbs of America won't shut up about how such and such restaurant is completely authentic Mexican, when in reality it's like an Applebees that serves tacos. Those same people probably will never step into the hole in the wall taquerias that look filthy, but taste amazing, serving things such as nopal. In case you didn't know nopal is cactus and it is what is used to make this beverage. The folks at Green-Go puree the paddles of the nopal cactus into a beverage that is ridiculously refreshing. Think of it as coconut water's long lost cousin. When I describe what cooked nopal tastes like to people I always say it's like a cross between green beans and green peppers. This tastes nothing like that, thankfully…€¦I think? This tastes kind of like unsweetened aloe vera, but you know without being overbearing and resembling poison. It tastes plantlike, but it is very mild. It's the kind of flavor that grows on you the more you drink, and you will want to drink a lot when you see how hydrated it makes you feel. Take it from this gringo.
Other/Weird and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/12/18, 1:14 PM
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Gold Thread Plant Based Tonics Lavender Bliss

Gold Thread Plant Based Tonics Lavender Bliss
This was surely made with modern day witchcraft, which is probably no different than olden day witchcraft. Herbs and other ingredients were mixed together to create what they call a tonic, but lets me honest here this is a potion; a delicious potion that I simply cannot get enough of. Sure I could go down to my local apothecary shop and pick up the ingredients to mix a potion of my own for relaxation and “bliss”, but why would I bother when this is available and so darn delicious. This is a concoction of linden flowers, saffron, lavender blossoms, chamomile, elder flowers, lemon verbena, sage leaf, and butterfly pea flower; all slow brewed to a wonderfully tasty beverage. It is lightly sweetly floral without tasting like you are licking a grandma. I feel good drinking this and I believe you will too. Embrace witchcraft. Drink potions, even if they are disguised as tonics.
Gold ThreadWebsite@GoldthreadHerbs
United States
Lakonto Monkfruit
Jason Draper on 7/4/18, 9:59 AM
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Treo Organic Birch Water Infusion Blueberry

Treo Organic Birch Water Infusion Blueberry
I learned today that birch water is nature's Gatorade. According to the Treo website it is “full of naturally occurring electrolytes and antioxidants” and it “hydrates your body faster than water.” Interesting. Did you also know that it's what plants crave? Did you also know that we are in a real life version of the movie Idiocracy…€¦.says far too many people who think they are clever. Less complaining about annoying people and more talk about the drink at hand. Xylitol is naturally occurring in birch sap as well, so this is naturally sweet yet low in calories. Everything seems to be coming up roses for this style of beverage. The only thing is I'm not 100% sold on the taste. I could see it going down smooth after exercising or performing at a sporting event, but just casually sipping it is not really for me. It doesn't taste like maple, but there is something about it that I can't put my finger on that makes it definitely in the same family. For the record I am not a maple fan, so that could be the reason to my slight aversion to this. At least the blueberry in here is tasty and is like fruit and not just flavoring. Now I just want to listen to Trio, you know the band that sings Da Da Da that is not the Elastica version.
Other/Weird and Water
United States
Organic Erytritol
Jason Draper on 5/26/18, 7:36 AM
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Honey Bee Basil See Drink with Melon Flavor

Honey Bee Basil See Drink with Melon Flavor
This drink is just as overly sweet and weird as I thought it would be. Here's a rule you can go by; if a beverage this this bright of a green, it will more than likely be sweeter than you want it to be. The thing is that this really tastes like honey dew though. I mean it tastes like if you cut up a melon and dumped the same amount of sugar on it that your grandmother would dump on her morning grapefruit (or was that just mine?). The thing is that the melon flavor is artificial, yet it doesn't taste like candy as things like this tend to do. The basil seeds really do nothing. As far as I can tell they have no particular taste, and they tend to slip down your throat without you even realizing they exist.

I've been waiting patiently for a proper melon beverage to make its way to me (other than watermelon). This is a step in the right direction, but I really want straight up cantaloupe or honey dew juice. I guess I will just have to make do with this until my dreams come true.
Honey Bee
Jason Draper on 3/26/18, 7:40 PM
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Sapp Birch Water Rosehip

Sapp Birch Water Rosehip
Sap. I am drinking sap. It's not even sap from a maple tree. It's birch sap. I'm guessing drinking sap is something the majority of people in the United States would never imagine themselves doing, but it's a thing and it is apparently very popular in Scandinavia. When I was there I didn't see anyone drinking sap, but then again I wasn't looking for it. Here I am though sipping away at sap and it's not all that bad. It is very different tasting than maple, because you know different trees different tastes. It is somehow not syrupy, nor is it very sweet. Actually it pretty much has the consistency of water, which was unexpected. It is very refreshing and hydrating. I don't really know how to describe the flavor. I believe it is its own thing that has no real comparison. I can taste a light rosehips in here though. This is nothing what I expected, but it is a good thing. Give it a try and attempt to describe the flavor yourself.
Other/Weird and Water
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/21/17, 12:02 PM
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Hobbi Basil Seed Drink with Passion Fruit

Hobbi Basil Seed Drink with Passion Fruit
To quote my ladyfriend, “Well, this is just delightful.” It is the lightest flavored passion fruit beverage I have ever had. It still has plenty of flavor too it, but this particular flavor normally punched you right in your taste buds. Hobbi just gives you a little “how you doing?” caress. It's more in the aftertaste than in the sip. The basil seeds are nice and slippery and give the drink an interesting texture. If you drink this like a normal human they just slide right down your throat and are easily forgotten. If you want to be a child, like myself, you can strain them through your teeth and play with them for a bit to give the beverage a little bit of a fun edge.
Jason Draper on 11/8/17, 6:36 AM
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The Maple Guild Enhanced Maple Water Blueberry

The Maple Guild Enhanced Maple Water Blueberry
This tastes more like maple than any of their other products I've tasted. The thing is that as strong as the maple taste is, the blueberry flavor is there to match it. I liked another flavor in this line to Vitamin Water, but this does not bring that company's products to mind, even if they are similar in vitamin and electrolyte content. This is a new class of "sports drink” that is more suited for those from the north. It tastes less of vitamins and sugar and more of the two ingredients it is advertised as being flavored as.
Other/Weird and Water
The Maple GuildWebsite@RealMapleGuild
United States
Organic Maple Syrup
Jason Draper on 9/26/17, 6:03 AM
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The Maple Guild Enhanced Maple Water Cranberry Pomegranate

The Maple Guild Enhanced Maple Water Cranberry Pomegranate
Does water not have to be put on ingredients lists anymore? The reason I ask is that it is nowhere to be found on this bottle and the first two things listed are organic maple sap concentrate and organic maple syrup. I know that when maple is tapped from a tree it is very liquidy and only acquires its sticky, syrupy state when cooked, but I didn't realize you could use it as the base for a beverage on its own. I would have assumed you needed to mix it with water. If you were to ask me I would say that I would think this would be a very viscous beverage but it really has the consistency of water.

What we have here is essentially Vitamin Water made with maple. It doesn't taste like maple syrup at all, it's just there as that watery base. It really tastes like a cranberry pomegranate Vitamin Water. It's full of antioxidants, electrolytes, and vitamins. Not what I expected, but enjoyable enough.
Other/Weird and Water
The Maple GuildWebsite@RealMapleGuild
United States
Organic Maple Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/29/17, 3:29 PM
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Up Mountain Swizzle Original

Up Mountain Swizzle Original
I can't decide if I think that this drink is good for me or trying to punish me. I have drunk Ginger drinks and I have drunk vinegar drinks and this is a marriage between the two. It is not gross but I feel like you have to be an adult to understand what is going on within the confines of this glass bottle. If you take a big enough sip it is very strong, not very sweet and potentially life-saving. I say that because anytime I am drinking a vinegar drink I feel like I am trying to purge whatever disgusting nonsense is in my body. That nonsense of course being my fault to begin with and I ignorantly think that these vinegar drinks are a reset button on the mistakes that I have made in my dining past.

If I have to think of this as a health drink I might think that it is on the better side. It is a little bit sweet and is not as punishing as a straight vinegar drink. If I have to think of this as a casual Tuesday night drink then it probably isn't going to be something I am going to be seeking out. As I previously said it is only slightly punishing and if you are a fan of ginger beer you might be able to make the leap to something like a vinegar drink. It also helps that there is actual ginger root in this drink. As far as it being sparkling, it is only slightly carbonated. It is well shy of a soda pop.

I feel like on a better day I could finish the whole bottle, but on a day where I have kids screaming at me and 15 minutes to dress up for a show and load a car full of gear I don't think that I could be bothered to finish this entire bottle. I really don't want that to diminish the quality of the drink but the amount of effort I find that it is taking me to drink it is not worth it right now. If you have time to sit and sip this it would probably be very good. I am taking big gulps like an absolute idiot in hopes that I can gain as much of its healing qualities as one can when he makes as many poor decisions as I do.
Other/Weird and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Up MountainWebsite@DrinkSwitchel
United States
Maple Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/19/17, 6:43 AM
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Ripple Chocolate

Ripple Chocolate
For months this tub o' milk substitute has been staring me down in the organic section of my local Wegmans. I think it's mostly because even though I know the product is called Ripple, the way the typeface is on the bottle I always read it as Apple and subconsciously my taste buds are tricked into thinking that it was going to be some sort of delicious chocolate apple milk. The somewhat hefty price tag ($8 I believe) help me back from making the purchase. My ladyfriend finally pulled the trigger, because unaware to me it has also been pulling at her with its chocolatey siren's call.

My first thought when I took as sip was a ridiculous disappointment. How on earth could I expect this to taste like apple when I knew it wasn't at all is a secret my brain to will take to its grave. I can't hold a lack of apple against the company when it was never promised in the first place.

My second thought was, well this isn't really a sipping beverage. It's a bit chalky and you can taste the plant protein in it (it comes from peas, luckily it tastes nothing like the semi-grossness of peas when they exist outside of a pot pie). It reminds me a lot of protein drinks, but less thick. I think the ideal use for this would be as a base for a smoothie. I can't see myself drinking a full glass of this, or putting it on cereal, but I can see me mixing it with some peanut butter and such mixed up in a blender.

This is nothing I would spend money on for the price, but it does have its purposes if you have the disposable income.
Milk and Other/Weird
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/9/17, 5:04 PM
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Starbucks Frappuccino Unicorn

Starbucks Frappuccino Unicorn
I don't understand what just happened. Every sip was different and every sip was strange. It was sour in some sips and just an explosion of some sort of mystery fruit in others. There were also glitter sprinkle sparkles on top.

I don't know what the flavor was. Was it strawberry? I think I read mango somewhere but if I put one next to the other, it wouldn't have been whatever I tasted in this. I mean, is "cotton candy" a fruit? It tasted like cotton candy at some points. Who is this for? Within the ten minutes that I was there, they sold a rather copious amount of them so they're doing something right. It won't last long but if it was up to me, I would have drank a dozen of that illusive Polar Unicorn Kiss that I/we never got to try before I would drink another one of these. Was it bad? I cannot even answer that question. It truly was made of the barf of unicorns.
Other/Weird and Smoothie
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 4/19/17, 10:47 AM
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Golden Brew Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic Wildflower Honey & Cinnamon

Golden Brew Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic Wildflower Honey & Cinnamon
Who doesn't love the most refreshing beverage in the universe, vinegar? You douse your French fries in it. You use it to color Easter eggs. You use it as a cleaning agent. Sometimes when you don't shower for a week you smell like a combination of it and old onions. Wait, vinegar is horrible and I never want to ingest it outside of it being used in salsa. It's actually one of my most hated flavors and many a food has been ruined by it, yet here I am consciously drinking a bottle of it. The things I do for Thirsty Dudes.
When you first take a sip of this a wonderful honey and cinnamon taste washes through your mouth. I thought, holy crap this is actually really, really good. It tastes very natural and I can't believe I'm enjoyi…€¦. Before I could finish my thought the vinegar was there, ruining the party like it always does. I had other people try this and they said it was pretty mild and they enjoyed it. Me, as a sworn enemy of vinegar couldn't do more than a couple sips. I'll let my friend's enjoyment weigh on my rating though. If you don't mind vinegar then this is probably awesome. I mean the cinnamon flavor was possibly the best I've ever had in a beverage and the honey was quite good as well. I wish I could enjoy the rest of the ingredients, but nope, it's not for me. I'm sure it's super healthy though. People drink vinegar for health, right?
Golden BrewWebsite
United States
Organic Honey
Jason Draper on 8/18/16, 4:20 PM
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Never Too Hungover Prevention

Never Too Hungover Prevention
Seeing as neither of us at Thirsty Dudes drink at all, let alone enough to give us a hangover, we had our friend Paul Morin (from the band Orations and famed impersonator) drink this and give us his thoughts. Here are the jumbled notes that he sent us:

Smells like grass.
Greenish color.
Tastes like smarties/ lemon-lime Gatorade.
Pasty chalky texture.
Tastes like artificially sweetened "Limeade."
My friend who is a chemist said after looking at the ingredients it was basically like taking a Tylenol before drinking.
Vaguely smells like dirty socks. "Limey sock water."

I did not wake up with a hangover however I did have to make several to the bathroom. Not sure whether to blame the alcohol, something I ate, or the product for that.

This is from a man who went to college to be a librarian. I guess you can't blame him since he started sober and kept writing as he got progressively drunker.

I can't really argue with most of his thoughts though. This tastes like a diet lime Gatorade if it had the concentration of an unfrozen Freeze-E-Pop.
Other/Weird and Shot
Never Too HungoverWebsite@Never2Hungovr
United States
Jason Draper on 8/4/16, 10:54 AM
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Golden Brew Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic Lemon Ginger Turmeric

Golden Brew Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic Lemon Ginger Turmeric
I was worried about this. Vinegar? As a drink? That's a strange one, right? Who drinks vinegar? I do, apparently. How is this vinegar, though? It's good. The turmeric and lemon and ginger are a great trio. Good burn and the vinegar is there but mild. I was worried that it would be like drinking straight vinegar or better/worse fruit flavored pickle juice. It was not. You could taste a little lemon but the turmeric and ginger was prominent and a flavorful team.

I think I have another one of these in the basement, where vinegar/pickling belongs. I no longer worry about what they will taste like and welcome with open, pickle loving arms, vinegar drinks. I say that now until I buy something like a Bragg's and it's going blow the lid off my mouth like that one time I thought it would be a good idea to take a shot of chicken marinade not knowing it was mostly vinegar and my eyes watered up like that time that I saw Homeward Bound for the first time.
Iced Tea and Other/Weird
Golden BrewWebsite
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Mike Literman on 7/28/16, 9:20 AM
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Never Too Hungover Boost

Never Too Hungover Boost
Over the years we have been sent a small handful of hangover cures. It seems like a great idea, but the problem is that neither Mike nor I drink at all. Our solution is to find a friend who is planning on getting drunk and having them drink it and relay their results to us, while we drink one and remark on the taste. Well, I've been somewhat of a hermit lately and I haven't been around people drinking in a while. I've been sitting on this for a couple of weeks and the proper opportunity hasn't arisen. I didn't want to make the company feel like we are neglecting their product and after the events of yesterday I have what I assume a hangover feels like.

Yesterday I had to print shirts for about 12 hours in a room that was easily over 110 degrees. I only stopped when a friend stopped by to get me to go push around the city on skateboards. Like the idiot I am I did not drink nearly enough water and as a result I was dehydrated, which I believe is a large part of hangovers. When I woke up this morning I was achy with a throbbing head and felt a little queasy. These are all complaints I hear from people who have hangovers. I decided this was as close as I was ever going to come so I drank this bottle of Boost, which can be drank before, during or the day after drinking. It seems to be jam packed with every B vitamin ever, Potassium, Electrolytes, Milk Thistle, Green Tea Extract, Aloe Vera, and Gotu Kola.

It's been about 45 minutes since I drank this and I do feel a bit better. I'm not sure if it's just time or the beverage, but I'll assume it was the drink. I also just learned that a big cause of hangovers is a toxin called acetaldehyde. Now I don't know if I had that but I'll just assume that this combats that quite nicely.

It has a berry taste, with a sucralose sweetness. It's a bit intense, but it's a shot, so that was expected. I don't know if this was a very accurate test, but I do feel better so I'll just say that this helps with hangovers because my word is law, right? RIGHT?
Other/Weird and Shot
Never Too HungoverWebsite@Never2Hungovr
United States
Jason Draper on 7/15/16, 7:01 AM
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Steaz Cactus Water With Cucumber & Green Tea

Steaz Cactus Water With Cucumber & Green Tea
Are you aware that the desert is a dead, dry place with no hope? Did you also know that cucumbers are the most refreshing thing this world has ever seen? If only cucumbers grew in the desert maybe life would exist. Because you know, nothing lives in the desert…€¦oh wait; a lot of things live in the desert. That doesn't mean that they wouldn't lead richer lives if cucumber was a normal part of life for them. Steaz has taken that refreshing vegetable and combined it with prickly pear (the fruit on a cactus) as well as some green tea and the results are quite nice. The prickly pear is nice and sweet, but it allows the cucumber to cut through and give you that relief you so desperately crave. The only downside to this at all is that they tried to cut down on calories by using stevia along with cane sugar. It's not horrible, but you can tell it's there, which I would prefer it wasn't. Other than that there is nothing but smooth sailing with this drink. Go ahead and drop me off in a remote desert location hundreds of miles from anywhere. As long as I had a couple cans of this I would be just fine, or dead. Fine or dead, one or the other.
Iced Tea and Other/Weird
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/11/16, 9:48 PM
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Elmhurst Naturals Horchata Cocoa

Elmhurst Naturals Horchata Cocoa
Horchata; One of the strangest things made from rice. I like rice in its natural form. "Juicing rice" seems strange like you just made rice wrong.

This is cocoa flavored horchata but is it any good? It's...OK. It's sweet but not too sweet or not sweet enough. It's just a different sweet. It's a sharp sweet. I had to check multiple times to see if there was any other sweetener besides sugar but there wasn't. It tastes diet but is not diet. I guess what I'm saying is I drank half of this and don't know what I drank. Some connoisseur I am, huh?
Elmhurst NaturalsWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 4/8/16, 4:13 PM
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