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Oatly Natural Energy Orange Mango

Oatly Natural Energy Orange Mango
I love everything about this packaging; the size, the totally recyclable material used (it feels great in your hands) and especially the design. It's simple, clean, and interesting. On top of the packaging being great, the contents are even better. In a blind taste test I would have bet all my monies on the fact that there was dairy in here. Goodbye duckets, because this is totally vegan and it made with oat milk. I've never had that before, nor did I know it existed, but it seems like a great alternative to dairy milk. Adding fruit to it makes it taste like a melted orange mango creamsicle. It's magical tasting and can easily fill in a gap for those who have dairy free diets.
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Jason Draper on 9/19/17, 6:15 AM
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Telula Blackberry + Chia

Telula Blackberry + Chia
I'm pretty sure that as I was going to take my first sip of this I fell asleep, because surely this must be a dream. This is absolutely wonderful. The only ingredients are blackberry puree and chia seeds. I couldn't ask for anything more. Blackberries are one of, if not my favorite fruit and chia seeds just make drinks fun. This is 95% juice. That means that blackberries make up 95% of what is contained in this bottle. I wish I could have this flow out of my sink as water currently does. I want a never ending stream of it at the ready. I could drink an Olympic size swimming pool full of this and it still wouldn't be enough. Are you getting the picture yet? This is perfection.
United States
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Jason Draper on 9/6/17, 10:52 AM
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Odwalla Quencher Hotter-Melon

Odwalla Quencher Hotter-Melon
After drinking over 4,000 beverages to review, things can get boring. There is only so much one can say about the same old drinks day in and day out. Sure, I still really enjoy a lot of them, but my inspiration is running dry and that means Thirsty Dudes has slowed down a lot from when we first started seven years ago. I wasn't even looking for something new to review in the grocery store when I found this. I just really wanted some juice. While I'm in this frame of mind I almost always go for a 100% juice, but when you have a bottle of jalapeno watermelon juice staring you down, you settle for the 20% in order to experience the wild ride it's inevitably going to take you on. So, sit down, strap yourself in, crack open the bottle and let the adventure begin.

First off, when I opened this up, I hated the way it smelled. It doesn't smell unpleasant, but it also does not smell how I want a juice to smell. It smells like a liquefied, fruity salad. Lucky for all of us involved it tastes much better than that. The makeup of this juice includes apple, lemon, watermelon, raspberry and jalapeno. The watermelon actually makes up a very small portion of the ingredients, but I'll give it to them for leaning on it to have a great name for the juice. Instead of tasting just like a spicy watermelon juice, this is more of a spicy fruit punch. It is a great fruit punch though, where you can make out the individual fruits used and not just a general hodgepodge of sweetness. I'd also like to note that the spiciness of it is not overwhelming either. The pepper is there as more of a flavor than a heat factor. The more you drink the hotter it gets, but it never gets to a critical level.

This is now someone's favorite drink. It's not mine, but I certainly appreciate it for being something new and unusual. It's not the type of thing that I would drink the entire 15oz bottle of in one sitting, but I have found myself continuously going back to it throughout the day to take a sip here or there. There are different kinds of beverages in the world and this is the kind you sip and ponder.
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Jason Draper on 9/3/17, 8:16 AM
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Polar Seltzer Jr. Mermaid Songs

Polar Seltzer Jr. Mermaid Songs
Round two of the Polar Seltzer Jr line. I had heard that one of these was supposed to taste like Swedish Fish and as soon as I popped this open I knew I had struck gold. The scent is an exact match for one of my favorite candies. The idea that I could have that in liquid form, minus all the sugar had me drooling like my cat when I pick him up and he goes limp. I guess I should have known this would be the one by the name and that the mermaid's tails on the can definitely resemble Swedish Fish.

Upon taking a sip, I realized that the sought after flavor could not be really achieved without sugar. It kind of tastes like the candy, but all of the boldness is lost. It is still very good, but it is certainly not liquid Swedish Fish. The more I hold it in my mouth and swish it around the more I can taste it, but if you weren't thinking that it would probably just have a fruity berry flavor to it.
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Jason Draper on 8/31/17, 5:03 PM
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Natalie's Orange Beet

Natalie's Orange Beet
I spend far too much time reflecting back on my trip to Mexico last winter. I didn't go to any resorts, or the coast. I toured with friends' band and we hit the major cities and were in the real deal heart of the country. I even had an interaction with a member of a cartel, who happened to be at a show and really liked the band. I only knew because he was bragging to me about his custom made suit that was bullet and stab proof. What a life. I actually never think much about those things, but I always find my mind wandering to the food and drinks I consumed there. My outlook on tacos has forever been changed. I'm glad to have experienced them in their true form, but now the ones back home are lacking and leave me wanting. Another thing I had a lot of was juice, which was obscenely cheap for fresh squeezed varieties. My favorites were the orange/carrot juice that I had with my morning tacos every day and what I believe was hibiscus beet juice that I would buy in the markets. They were both incredible in their own ways, and this juice is like a combination of them both (minus a few ingredients). It's simply oranges and beets juiced with nothing else added and it is completely fantastic, to an extent that it is kind of dangerous. I feel like I could consume mass amounts of this if I wasn't paying attention. Would that really be such a bad thing though? It's just juice and it tastes so fresh and healthy. I already want another bottle. So long savings account.
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/31/17, 11:03 AM
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Natalie's Honey Tangerine

Natalie's Honey Tangerine
When I first saw this I thought it was going to be tangerine juice with honey in it. I salivated at the thought. When I looked at it I realized that it's just a type of tangerine. I was a little disappointed until I took as sip and I realized that it didn't need the honey, not at all. This is nothing but juice of the previously mentioned fruit, and it needs nothing else. Sure it's a little acidic, but what do you expect? I think I might get a stomach ache if I drank too much, but this bottle is the perfect size for such a wonderful juice.
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/29/17, 1:43 PM
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Polar Seltzer Jr. Dragon Whispers

Polar Seltzer Jr. Dragon Whispers
Last year, for an extremely limited time, Polar released the flavor Unicorn Kisses. We weren't as vigilant as we should have been and it passed right by us. Even our clot (which, you know…€¦we have very little) could get us some from Polar direct; they were plum out. This year Unicorn Kisses is back and it brought three other friends with it. This year we were also more on top of things and Polar sent us some samples. Not only do they make wonderful product, but they are also great humans, who understand my needs for weird seltzer and are kind enough to accommodate me (minus the fact that vanilla is still not available in cans).

The first of these four magical flavors, which I believe are aimed towards kids because of their names and the line being called “Seltzer Jr,” is Dragon Whispers. I would expect such a thing to taste of smoke and cinders, but I don't think children, nor would anyone enjoy a liquid smoke seltzer. I suppose it's lucky for us all that Polar decided to go in a different direction.
Smell wise this reminds me of something like Pixie Stix or Sweetarts. That is very strange because a sweetener-less beverage smells like products that are mostly sugar. It's also odd because that is what Red Bull style energy drinks smell like to me. SO yeah, it smells like them, minus the chemical undertones. From the smell I really didn't know what to expect. My taste buds were awaiting an overload of sweetness, but my mind knew that wouldn't be the case. The reality is that it tastes like an unsweetened tropical fruit punch. I was hoping for something a little stranger, but it was quite pleasant and I could see myself drinking a bunch of this

I feel like there are going to be a lot of people who taste different things in this beverage. It's a social experiment that I enjoy.
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/27/17, 7:19 AM
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Telula Green Fusion

Telula Green Fusion
I've spied this little fella right here for quite a while at my local Target when scoping out other drinks. I will admit that I am cheap and the $5-6 price tag on it always left me picking it up, looking at it for far longer than I needed to, realizing that I look like an idiot, and then putting it back on the shelf after a quick glance left and right. Sure it looked great, but I couldn't bring myself to pay that much for a juice that wasn't perishable. Is there a difference? Probably, but it's also just a mental thing for me. When something needs to be refrigerated I just assume that it is fresher than something that sits on the shelf. Well cut to a few days ago when I'm at Aldi to pick up some carrots to feed the ponies. Yeah I hang out with ponies on a somewhat regular basis. What can I say I live a charmed life. Anyway, at Aldi I see a bunch of these and they are two for $5. Now that is a price I can accept, so I picked this and a bottle of the blackberry chia up.

So now that my penny pinching has been explained away, let's actually talk about this beverage. It is a cold pressed juice that is composed of spinach, apples, kale, lettuce, cucumber, celery, green tea leaves, and a bunch of mint thrown in to make the whole thing weird, but also wonderful. There is both spearmint and peppermint in here and they make up at least half of the flavor. It truly is strange. I've never had minty vegetables before, and you know what? I don't hate it.

Once you make your way past the tidal wave of mint you get to a juice that tastes very much like the vegetables that make it up. It definitely tastes like I'm drinking a minty salad, but somehow I mean that in a good way. I wish they would have held off on the celery, because it's one of those foods that always taste far too strong for me. I love celery on its own, but mixed in with other vegetables it's so overpowering.

This is way different from what I anticipated it to be, but I will definitely be purchasing some more of it if I can continue purchasing it at this price.
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/22/17, 6:20 PM
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Polar Seltzer'ade Blueberry Lemonade

Polar Seltzer'ade Blueberry Lemonade
My life runs on Polar. I'm pretty sure that by my life running on it, it by default means that the (assumingly) homeless women, who I leave my cans and bottles for, also has her life run by it. Okay, not run, but she probably makes enough from me in a week to get a sandwich or two. I drink far too much of the stuff, well if that were possible. I went from cans, to liters, and have graduated to two liters, because there just that much more for me to consume.

When I saw this in the store, I really thought it was a repackaging of their bottles blueberry lemonade. I bought a box anyway, because I like to have some cans for when I'm out and about. People look at you weird when you're in public drinking directly from a big bottle, yet they walk around with gigantic fountain sodas and think nothing off it. Whatever. So I bought it, cooled them down and then drank one on my way to band practice. Now I love Polar, but they are not the most flavorful seltzer out there. Either La Croix or Spindrift probably has that honor. They all have their place; sometimes you want more, sometimes less. This though, this has a punch to it. The flavor in here is probably the strongest out of the Polar flavors I have tried, which is all of them, minus some seasonal ones I missed. It's wonderful and bold. It's to an extent that you forget that there is no sweetener involved. I need to back and try the bottled version again. I'm pretty sure this is reformulated, but I hope I'm wrong and it's as glorious in a bottle as it is in these cans.
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/19/17, 9:56 AM
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Sudden Coffee Fore!

Sudden Coffee Fore!
I want to be up front with you, I'm not a coffee connoisseur. I don't drink it all that often and I don't know what makes certain coffees great. I do know a terrible coffee when I taste it and I can happily announce that this does not fall in that category. I couldn't say if an avid coffee drinker would think this is wonderful, but I can assure you it is not horrible.

For the record, I drank this cold. The instructions say you can make it with either hot or cold water, but since I'm sweating just sitting here, I went with the cold. I'm not sure how that affects the flavor, but here is my experience.

This coffee is bitter (as all black coffee is), but it is in no way harsh. It lacks an acidity I have found in other coffees and that results in a certain smoothness to it. It's not smooth to the extent cold brew is, but I doubt that level can be achieved with an instant coffee. It also has slight fruity undertones that give it a slight sweetness. This brew is a blend of two coffees (from Colombia's Narino region and San Jose Poaquil). That means pretty much nothing to me, but I'm sure it's important to some people. I don't know a thing about different beans and different blends. Why am I writing this review, I am completely unknowledgeable about coffee? The answer is that Mike may know even less than I do, and we need to review everything. We have a problem. Perhaps an outsider's view on this will be deemed helpful.

I expected this to taste like cold trash juice. I have only had instant coffee once and it was wretched. As it turns out I enjoyed this a decent amount. If it wasn't for the fact that caffeine drives me bonkers I might even drink it on a semi regular basis. It certainly is convenient and from my brief history with coffee it tasted better than some actual brews I've had. I hope I did you well Sudden.
Sudden CoffeeWebsite@suddencoffee
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/14/17, 6:34 PM
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Mati Healthy Energy Blueberry Pomegranate

Mati Healthy Energy Blueberry Pomegranate
Here we are at the end of the Mati products (at least until they release more). It's been an interesting trip. I went from quasi disgust, to thorough enjoyment, to being completely confused as to where I stand on this company. I still mostly fall into the latter category. As I drink the sixth flavor in their line I alternate between enjoyment and dislike. Guayusa is such a strong flavor and it gets weird when paired with other flavors. This is supposed to be a blueberry pomegranate flavored beverage, and while those flavors are there the majority of the taste weight is being carried by the guayusa and lime. I guess that brings me full circle back to my original review where I stated that it's always weird when a beverage is not what you expect it to taste like. It can take you right out of the experience.

Overall these beverages are just fine. As far as energy drinks go I could drink them on the regular and not feel terrible about myself. I guess that is more than you can ask for than with most beverages in this day and age.
Energy Drink
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Jason Draper on 7/11/17, 11:58 AM
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Mountain Fresh Premium Apple & Guava Juice

Mountain Fresh Premium Apple & Guava Juice
I just got home from spending over two weeks in Australia. The only thing I want to talk about are the animal sanctuaries. We went to one in Perth and I spent hours there hanging out with all of the weirdest critters. I held a koala, for an unusually long time as the attendant just walked into a building. No complaints there. I also hung out with what I can only assume equaled a million kangaroos and wallabies. They are so damn docile there and just want to hang out and eat the food you give them all day. I was more than happy to comply. There were also so many rad birds. I booped a dingo on the nose and he loved it. It was all so great that two days later I dished out the money to go to another one and repeat my experience. Life was great. I would have gone every day if I had the chance. I would have also followed up each trip with a bottle of this amazing juice.

This was probably mostly apple juice, but the guava tastes so strong that it took over the beverage. It was exactly what I wanted it to be. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if it was fresh squeezed. If that was an option I never would have flown home. I would have lived a homeless existence in a foreign country just to be able to get that juice on a regular basis.

Why hasn't guava been the hot fruit of the season yet in the States? It's a superior fruit, but it's not commonly used to flavor things. I don't think I've ever seen a fresh one in a store. America rectify this mistake and make my taste buds as happy as Australia did.
Mountain FreshWebsite
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Jason Draper on 6/26/17, 9:33 PM
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Nudie Veggie Nudie Carrot Apple Orange Ginger

Nudie Veggie Nudie Carrot Apple Orange Ginger
I keep hearing how great Nudie juices are. the thing is that every time I pick one up I see that it has banana in it, which means I might as well put my money directly in the trash because that is where that juice belongs. Man, bananas are one of the worst.
Luckily I stumbled upon this one which is trash free. People were right, it's completely delicious. It's mostly carrot and orange, which sounds odd when you first think about it, but it's one hell of a combo. Add a little apple juice to it for sweetness and a dash of ginger for a kick and you have a juice to write home about. This is 100% pure juice with no added sweeteners and I could drink it all day long, or at least until I got a gnarly stomach ache. It would be such a tasty pain though.

Ginger and Juice
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Jason Draper on 6/26/17, 9:25 PM
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Cawston Press Pressed and Blended Brilliant Beetroot

Cawston Press Pressed and Blended Brilliant Beetroot
PSA: Do not be concerned when you drink an entire carton of this some evening, and then wake up groggy in the middle of the night to have to go to the bathroom. The discoloration that you see in the toilet is not blood, just beet juice. There is no need to be thrown into a panic for two seconds before you remember that you consumed an unnatural amount of this juice and that it's a perfectly normal response from your body.

This is nothing but apple juice and beet juice and it's wonderful. I know beets aren't for everyone, but I love their earthiness in juice form. The apple juice cuts that a bit, but it's still there enough to remind you that what you're consuming most certainly must be extremely healthy. You also probably shouldn't consume as much as I did, but you know what? Live your life. Make your own choices.
Cawston PressWebsite@cawstonpress
United Kingdom
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Jason Draper on 6/25/17, 7:40 AM
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Spindrift Sparkling Water Raspberry Lime

Spindrift Sparkling Water Raspberry Lime
I enjoy Spindrift's stuff. I've had a bunch of it and it's nice to see it come here (Buffalo) so that it makes it easier to get. It's like a seltzer for people who want things a little more juice and less seltzer. It's kind of a mild difference but it's there and you can tell even if you can't put your finger on exactly what it is. This has a taste you have to either just like or get used to, though. It's not like a seltzer in that it's bright and bubbly so don't go in head first and expect it. It's got something else that, like I said, I can't pinpoint exactly what it is.

As far as the taste, it's an accurate raspberry and lime flavor. Evenly flavored and not messed around with other sweeteners or ingredients. It's a nice, bare bones drink that could be a nice alternative to your seltzer habit which I can stop at any time, mom, jeez! Get off my back already.
Sparkling and Water
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Mike Literman on 6/20/17, 5:55 AM
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Polar Seltzer Watermelon Margarita

Polar Seltzer Watermelon Margarita
I do not know what a margarita is aside from a drink that my live-in-wife likes to order as a "salty marg." This did taste like watermelon, or, perhaps closer to a watermelon candy (somehow) without sugar. Could you imagine eating watermelon that wasn't sweet? That would be a strange thing. Watermelons are very sweet. This was not at all sweet and as far as I could tell, also not salty. I don't know what this is, to be quite honest. Sparkling watermelon perhaps. The margarita might just be a word they used to append to the end.

This is not bad and it's far from my least favorite but it's not bad. It's unfortunately not one of the ones I would come back to actively. There are times when I go to parties and think to myself, "Well the kids will have juice boxes and the adults will have beers so it looks like it's another Polar for me." and that's how I roll to parties. I might roll with this. It's safe but it's not exceptional.
Sparkling and Water
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Mike Literman on 6/7/17, 5:45 AM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Mati Healthy Energy Citrus

Mati Healthy Energy Citrus
I started off thinking these Mati drinks weren't very good. I blamed it on thinking that it was going to be a yerba mate base and not guayusa. Then, knowing what I was getting into better, I thought I enjoyed them a decent amount. Now, after drinking 5 or 6 cans of various flavors with some repeating, I really don't know what I think. I really want to like it, because it's different and healthier, but at the same time there is something a little off with the flavor. Not like spoiled “off,” but just strange that I can't seem to acclimate myself to. As soon as I take my first sip of any can, I'm not really a fan, but then about halfway through I start to “get it” and the enjoyment begins. The problem is that if I were to drink another can the next day it would be the same situation and not instant gratification. I know there are certain consumables that you need to grow into. They are things that you completely dislike when you first try them, but eventually they can become your favorites. People say that about beer, but I don't think that flavor could ever be something I would intentionally want in my mouth. You get the idea though. Will that happen with Mati drinks? Is it something that no matter how many times I drink it I will always have to “work” for the pleasure with each can? I don't know if that is something I want. Definitely not on a regular basis.

I would say this is 60% guayusa 20% orange and 20% lime. At least half of the citrus aspect of this tastes like it comes from the rind. That's not a terrible thing, but something I feel is worth noting. The more I think about the citrus, the more it seems to come through. Maybe it's because I'm nearing the end of the can. Maybe it's there because I'm looking for it. These drinks will remain a mystery.
Energy Drink
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Jason Draper on 5/31/17, 11:48 AM
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Spindrift Sparkling Water Grapefruit

Spindrift Sparkling Water Grapefruit
You know in the Declaration of Independence where it says “We hold these truths to be self-evident?” Well, all seltzers being created equal was most definitely not one of those truths that our Founding Fathers were referring to. It's probably because it's not a truth at all. It's a flat out lie. Sure 90% of the seltzer waters out there are created equally, but then there is the other 10% who rise above and boy do they shine. I've drunk a lot of grapefruit seltzer over the past few years and I have to tell you, this is #1 with a bullet. The secret to its success is really no secret at all; there is 8% juice in this can, which equates to 3g of sugar. I'll take that tradeoff for a far superior beverage. It's like your dear grandmamma squeezed her morning grapefruit into a glass of sparkling water. Juice is the key to a lot of things in this life. I've never been in a situation where real juice has made anything taste worse. Take note…€¦.well…€¦everyone.
Sparkling and Water
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Jason Draper on 5/30/17, 9:14 PM
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Mati Healthy Energy Peach Mango

Mati Healthy Energy Peach Mango
This is…€¦weird. By this point I know what I'm getting into with Mati, but this time around, it's still weird. It is still mostly has the guayusa flavor, but the peach mango aspect of it is what makes it so strange. Both fruits are very present, but even though everything about this is natural, they certainly don't taste that way. This is what I would expect sentient robots from the future to think these fruits taste like. Can fruit taste digital? I don't want to say they taste like peach and mango flavored chemicals, more like microchips are telling my android brain that it tastes these flavors. I don't know how it happened since there is no garbage in here. It's not a particularly unpleasant, it's just unusual, you know like pop stars in the 80s.
Energy Drink
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Jason Draper on 5/24/17, 8:22 AM
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Spindrift Sparkling Water Lemon

Spindrift Sparkling Water Lemon
I shouldn't like this. Cracking open this can should be a one way ticket to Boringville, USA. In my world lemon is overrated and unnecessary. I would rather drink plain water than with a slice of lemon in it. Somehow I find this quite refreshing though. Perhaps it's because the lemon taste it more upfront. Sure, it only has 5% lemon juice, but I assure you that lemon water you get at a restaurant probably have less than .5% juice. If there were sugar in this I would even call it a lemonade. It's simple. It's clean. It's a little bit of alright. It may not take you to Flavortown, but it would take less time to get there than to Boringville.
Sparkling and Water
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Jason Draper on 5/21/17, 7:18 PM
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