100 Plus - 1 Review

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100 Plus Original
Do you know what American athletes are missing that those in Asia have access to? Carbonated sports drinks, that is what. Can you imagine being in the middle of a match of some sort, you are exhausted and dripping with sweat, and your trainer hands you a can o “carbonated isotonic drink?” What on Earth is refreshing about that? I was once given sparkling water while playing a show and I nearly spit it everywhere because bubbles are not what you need to quench your thirst. Water is all I want in such times, and I'm not even exerting that much energy. Even the minimum sugar in other sports drinks is a bit off putting to me in such times. Somehow this beverage has persevered for decades. Apparently they have done so without updating their look either, as this can looks more 70's Olympics than anything else I've ever seen.

If you can find it in yourself to look past this products intended purpose the taste isn't all that bad. It's strange, but not horrible. It's like someone mixed Squirt with lemon lime Gatorade. I don't know why anyone would do such a thing, but apparently someone in Malaysia did and liked the results enough to mass produce it. I really feel that if the grapefruit aspect of this was left out the taste would greatly suffer. Just carbonated Gatorade would be unwanted on all fronts. This way it at least has something interesting about it.
Soda Pop and Sports/Dietary Supplement
100 PlusWebsite@my100plus
Jason Draper on 1/29/18, 11:59 AM
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