Hint - 17 Reviews

Hint Peppermint

Hint Peppermint
Oh well Meeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy Christmas. What better way to share the joy that with minty fresh breath brought to you discreetly by water? Look, this is a fine drink. It reminds me of the date of Metromint, may they rest in peace. Wait, are they still a company? According to their website they are not. Bummer. That chocolate mint water was truly something special. Is this? Eh, I guess it will have to do since the forefathers of mint water are now dead and gone.

This is good. It really is. It's not "really good" but it's good enough that it passed the "doesn't taste like toothpaste" test which, you guessed it, is when you drink mint flavored drinks and they do or do not taste like toothpaste. It's a crucial but hidden, secret test that all our drinks have to go through. Think of it as bootcamp for drinks.

This is (probably) a limited time offer so if you like a nice minty drink, get it while the gettin's good. I got this at Target so you should have no problem finding it.
Sparkling and Water
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Mike Literman on 12/10/18, 1:33 PM
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Hint Caffeine Kick Lemon Cayenne

Hint Caffeine Kick Lemon Cayenne
This is half wonderfully punishing and half reminiscent of my jobs as a dishwasher. That's where I place it. The lemon ,oh, dat lemon. I don't know where this lemon flavor is from but it does not taste like real lemon. If it's real, I guess I don't know what real lemon taste like. As for the cayenne, I am from Buffalo and my roots are in cayenne. This is a welcomed punch in the tongue. Ever since Jay and I got rightfully reamed out by the guys as Prometheus Springs, we have grown to love and appreciate a nice, spicy drink. This being a water drink, though, has its chuggability diminished by the fact your mouth would be increasingly on fire. Being from where I am, though, this is actually good. Take a little sip. Get a little burn. Take a big gulp. Get a big burn. Swish it around. There's that tingle you want. Am I a masochist? Nope. Do I like a good runny nose when I eat spicy food? Yes I do.

The lemon did take some getting used to but was it awful? No. It wasn't. It just took my taste buds for a loop. It might have been the spice that threw it off. I don't know. I have another one at home that I look forward to drinking. Maybe I'll give it to my kids when they're bothering me. Was that Hint's intention? I don't care. Hint didn't know that they were going to trash their room again and expect me to clean it up did they? Some people spank their kids. I might just choose to give them secretly spicy drinks when they're not listening to their G.D. dad after he asked them to feed the dog four G.D. times.

Oh, and I don't know why there is caffeine in there. Do people need caffeine in their water?
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Mike Literman on 2/28/18, 12:31 PM
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Hint Fizz Sparkling Apple Cider

Hint Fizz Sparkling Apple Cider
Every time I got into a grocery store I like to spend a couple minutes going through the array of drinks. Usually they are the same as they were since the last time I was there. We've been doing this for a couple years now and after nearly 4100 drinks, it's hard to find things that we haven't reviewed. Sure, that is impressive in its own right but it's frustrating when you are trying to find something new.

This visit I found a couple things but this was the one that I selected for today. It's by Hint, a company that I have had good luck with in the past with a seasonal favorite, apple cider. It is, as all Hint's flavors are, subtle. It's got a pretty present aftertaste, though. It tastes like apple cider. The promise has been kept! I can say for certain that Hint delivers on their promise time and time again. I've been drinking this all day and I've got to say, I never stopped liking it.
United States
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Mike Literman on 12/12/14, 3:50 PM
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Hint Pomegranate

Hint Pomegranate
Oh the essence is small with this on, friends, I can't feel it. I can't feel you. Your aura just isn't speaking to me. You tell me that you're injected with the spirit of the exotic pomegranate but you saying that is like saying seeing Lynyrd Skynyrd now is the same as seeing Lynyrd Skynyrd in the seventies. It's not the same thing and you know it and you are just lying to yourself.

Sure, this might have some essence of pomegranate but as far as the rest of your siblings in the line, you are the weakest link. It's so much like what you don't want, which is someone filling up a nearly empty glass of juice with water and calling it a "drink." Don't lie to me. Don't lie to mama. There are things that pomegranate do that this drink doesn't do. It might contain the essence but it doesn't contain the spirit.
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Mike Literman on 7/1/14, 1:50 PM
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Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Mango-Grapefruit

Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Mango-Grapefruit
I have a confession to make. I never understood these flavored waters. The extreme lightness of the flavoring always left me feeling like I was drinking a bottle of water after eating whatever fruit it was flavored with. As a result I let Mike write 7 out of the 8 Hint waters we have reviewed. Something has happened though and I now understand the allure. Perhaps my wishes have been granted and I am now a real boy, or a grown up with a fully working set of taste buds. Whatever the case this makes sense to me now.

This is simply water, mango and grapefruit. I can only assume the company has huge vats of water that they soak fruit in. They don't squeeze the juice out of the fruit; they just let the soaking extract a tiny bit of flavor. The result is nice and refreshing without any overbearance or intense sweetness. It does have a slight sweetness from the mango, but it's very subtle. Even though the flavor is minimal, the mango is definitely stronger than the grapefruit. Actually if a competitor wanted to create a similar beverage line I would suggest they use that as their name, Subtle. The Cola wars were so 80s. This is the decade for the minimally flavored water wars.
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Jason Draper on 6/2/14, 10:19 AM
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Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Lime

Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Lime
Look kid, this is ridiculous. Get to work. You've been here for four days and you haven't done anything. We've got deadlines and you're costing this company its reputation. We brought you on because you had a good portfolio and you could talk the talk but you and I both know that is only half of the gig. That's right. "The walk."

What do you need? Do you need something? We've got to get some work done and we can't get it done without everyone pitching in. So what do you need? Something to drink? Yeah? Cool. Look, I've got this right here. I was going to drink it but you can have it. It's still cold. It's lime flavored water but isn't strongly flavored it's just a light flavoring. I don't know how to explain it. Here, just take it. I've had it before and it's alright but anything to incentiviseÒ…β€šΒ¬Γ…Β½ you. It's good but it's nothing special really. It's kind of like a flat Sierra Mist or something. You can taste the lime but it's weak. It's just water with "essence" of lime so you can take that how you will.

Alright, look at you. You just needed some lubrication like the Tin Man. You're working! You're really working. Man, I'm not picking on you. We're paying you to work and you're just sitting in here staring at the ceiling. That's not right. Enjoy that water and get to work. Seriously.
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Mike Literman on 1/10/14, 12:10 AM
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Hint Honeydew Hibiscus

Hint Honeydew Hibiscus
Jeff had a filthy mouth. He didn't swear but he also didn't brush his teeth regularly. His dentist asked him how he was going to meet new people with a mouth that looked like old cheese. He said that he just didn't have time for it and he didn't care. He said that when his teeth fell out, he was just going to get fake ones and not need to brush them. His dentist told him that is not how it worked and that he still had to brush fake teeth. He assured her that he read online that someone was trying to invent antibacterial fake teeth and the dentist was wrong.

His dentist thanked him for finally coming in and attempted to sway him out of his bad habits. Jeff had won a trip to the dentist in the world's worst bachelor party prize and decided he should not waste it. His dentist was sweating trying to clean the trash dump that his mouth had become. An hour and a half of cleaning, drilling, filling, patching, and bridging later, it was time for fluoride. The dentist asked if he wanted to drink some new Hint drink that the office was trying to push as an alternative to pop. Jeff thought he would try it. He liked it but it had a bit of a familiar taste that he couldn't place. It tasted a little like a floral honeydew. He thought that it was a good alternative to water, which he felt was disgusting. His dentist gave him a fluoride rinse and he spit it right out in the sink. He said, "That was it!" at the top of his lungs. The dentist didn't know what he was talking about. Jeff exclaimed that the hint tasted like fluoride and the dentist took a sip and sadly agreed. Jeff did a proper rinse and had had as clean a bill of health as you can for not being to a dentist in over a decade.
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Mike Literman on 12/17/13, 5:08 PM
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Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Cucumber

Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Cucumber
I don't know about you, my fine readers, but I am a big fan on bahn mi sandwiches. They are a staple lunch for me. I mix up some tofu, carrots, cucumber and sriracha and put them on a roll. I know that I should put daikon on it, but I haven't been making it to the Asian markets as much as I used to. My whole point of this is that when I make the sandwiches, I peel the skin off of the cucumbers. I find it to be a bit distracting from the overall taste. It's not a bad flavor at all, but it's not what I want in this particular sandwich.
Now what should be done with those leftover skins? I could compost them for my garden in the spring. Instead perhaps I will let them soak in water so that their flavor is transferred to the liquid. That my friends is exactly what this water tastes like. I've had other cucumber drinks that taste like the soft innards of the vegetable, but this tastes unmistakably like the skin. It's not bad, but it's not what I expected. I would also say that the flavor is much stronger than a “hint” as well. It certainly is refreshing and I like it. If you are iffy about cucumbers I would stay away though. This thing is pure cuc.
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Jason Draper on 12/12/13, 1:13 PM
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Hint Fizz Strawberry Kiwi

Hint Fizz Strawberry Kiwi
Does anyone else out there get to a point where they just need to drink something carbonated? As in you feel like you're just going to explode if you don't get some bubbles in your throat. I am certainly in that camp. It's not often, but every couple of weeks or so I get a tickle in my throat, and no matter how much I cough, clear my throat or drink water, it simply will not go away. The only cure for what ails me is to drink some pop or other carbonated beverage. Now I don't always want all the sugar that comes along with soda, but I generally can't stand tonic water. Lucky for me Hint exists and they have created a line of sparkling water drinks that don't have the bitter seltzer taste. It tastes like someone took normal everyday water and added bubbles to it and it didn't change the flavor at all. They then added just a hint (well duh) of strawberry kiwi flavoring that gives it just a light flavor. It's perfect for what I need, and it has zero nutritional value, as well as zero negative connotations. It's a win for everyone, especially my scratchy throat.
Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
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Jason Draper on 12/8/13, 5:37 PM
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Hint Fizz Watermelon

Hint Fizz Watermelon
I should start by saying that what I wanted to drink today and review was a milk tea that Jay and I picked up with Editor Dan on some random trip to Toronto. What in the world were we doing there? Nothing? Just getting drinks? There had to be a reason why we went. Well anyway, that was last year and that milk tea expired in January of this year. Yes, January. We are now in September and this drink, containing milk, expired eight months ago. I thought it best to play it save, chalk it up as a loss, and drink something a little safer.

Which brings us to this drink. Once again, the lovable and beardable Editor Dan bought us a handful of drinks, this being one. I am an enormous fan of the Hint, Ayala, and infused waters. This, though, was different. What was different? Well, if you couldn't guess, it was carbonated. If you have ever drank a sparkling water, AKA "seltzer" you know that there is a strange almost bitterness to it. This contained that oddity. It's strange that if you add carbonation to regular water it tastes like you've carbonated water that has been sitting in a cup for a week at room temperature. This tastes like regular old seltzer water with watermelon flavoring. It's not as strong as say a Polar or Seagram's seltzer, which makes it "worse." "Worse" is a relative term but it's simply not as good.

If you're going to want infused water, get a regular Hint because they are pretty wonderful. If you want a sparkling Hint, stop wanting that and just get real seltzer water.
Sparkling and Water
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Mike Literman on 9/4/13, 4:17 PM
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Hint Fizz Peach

Hint Fizz Peach
Here's a not so subtle hint to America: A good majority of you are overweight. Okay, that wasn't so much of a hint as it was a flat out statement. Regardless, it's true. I'm not saying that I think people should be emaciated and the skinniest things ever. I am saying that in the days of our country when people had to work on farms and such, everyone was in much better shape. Think of how we could run everything if we were all in that same shape with today's modern medicine. We would be unstoppable.

The first step to getting there is to stop eating so much damn fast food. Sure it's delicious but it does nothing but hurt this cause. Secondly, and possibly most importantly, cut out drinking so much pop. I have way to many friends who tell me that one of their parents drink a two-liter or more of soda a day. That is ridiculous. I run a drink review website, and the thought of that makes even me sick. Do you even know how much sugar and other garbage you're putting into your bodies? How do you expect to hand plow the fields for ten hours a day while doing that? You won't, that I promise you. Hey, I understand the love of bubbly drinks. I'm just saying there are other options out there to get your fix in a way healthier way. One option is Hint Fizz. It's just sparkling water with a little bit of peach flavoring in it. There is no sugar, no fat, no sodium, no nothing. You essentially could be drinking a glass of water and it would be 98% the same health wise.

Sure when you first start drinking seltzers the taste is a bit weird, but the more you drink the quicker you become acclimated to it and then it doesn't taste bad at all, it tastes normal. Even though there is no juice in here, this does leave the memory of having just eaten a peach in your mouth. I urge you to make the switch from your soda pop to this sparkling water. The fate of our empire depends upon it.
Sparkling and Water
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Jason Draper on 12/22/12, 11:27 AM
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Hint Fizz Blackberry

Hint Fizz Blackberry
Here's a warning for the world. If I'm ever in your presence and you are eating blackberries, never offer me any. Within two minutes you will be looking at an empty container where a heaping pile of berries once stood. When it comes to this fruit I have zero self control once someone opens the floodgates. It's the same thing with chips and salsa, but no one is going to make a drink based on that flavor, so that knowledge has no place here.

I was skeptical to try this drink because of my distaste for seltzer water. My love for blackberries won over and the next thing I know I am pounding a container of the previously mentioned chips and salsa and sipping on a bottle of this sparkling goodness. Lucky for me, and the world, the blackberry flavor is fairly strong (for it being unsweetened) and the seltzer zing is at a minimum. This isn't sweet in the least, but it has flavor and that's all you can ask for in a drink like this. It's light, it's clear and it's slightly fruity. There's just a hint of fruit as the name would suggest. These folks are no liars.
Sparkling and Water
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Jason Draper on 9/9/12, 12:12 PM
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Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Blackberry

Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Blackberry
Every time Jay, Editor Dan, and myself go to Chili's our number one (numero uno) priority is to get the blackberry tea. It probably trumps the importance of the meal. Now although we don't frequent Chili's as much as we used to, and I don't know why because it's pretty consistently delicious, we still have cravings for that sweet, wonderful blackberry. We haven't done many blackberry related drinks and I don't know why. I feel like if I went into any anonymous forest, the bushes would be laden with that little black dude. That sounds racist. It isn't.

I was pleased to see that Hint released a blackberry. I don't know when. Perhaps I've just overlooked it thinking I had reviewed it before, but I didn't until today. I bought my official "Thirsty Tuesday Taco", my blackberry Hint, and headed outside to have dinner.

As per usual, it was good. It was light, as expected, but every time I have Hint water, I'm surprised at how well they pull it off. It's like they previously used the bottles for a blackberry drink, did a garbage job of cleaning it, and then filled it with water, but it's acceptable. It's so light that I could see people getting mad if they didn't know what to expect. "I thought this was a clear juice. What a bummer." they would exclaim while people who knew what time it was were getting refreshed just two tables over thinking to themselves, "Who's that jerk and what's he complaining about? This stuff is great."

Think of it this way. There is no better drink for you than water. I'll say it. I've drunk hundreds of different drinks in the last year and it's true. This is just water with a tiny bit of blackberry flavoring. It's enhanced water. No one can tell you that water is better than this.
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Mike Literman on 5/31/11, 11:58 PM
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Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Watermelon

Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Watermelon
I gave my mom first sip, she said that it was just water. I made her try it again, and she said that it's like they forgot to put the flavor in. I gave it to my dad and he said that it was weak. I tried it and they were both right. Yes, it does taste like watermelon, yes it is weak, but it's different than the rest of the Hint stuff I've had. This drink is like Fibonacci sequence of drinks. The more you drink it, the more it tastes like watermelon. Once you stop, it gets back to square one. If you drank the whole thing, gluttonously and irresponsibly, in one chug fest of a drink session, it would probably be like eating a really wet watermelon.

This is good. It's refreshing, but if you're looking for a juice, this isn't it. If you want water with a little tiny bit of taste this is for you. If you like lemon water but are sick of always drinking the same thing, try this on for size, why don't you.
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Mike Literman on 4/18/11, 11:29 AM
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Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Strawberry Kiwi

Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Strawberry Kiwi
It's been a while since I've reviewed something by Hint. There is no reason. It's not like we went on an awkward date and then, when it was over, I shook her hand, thanked her for paying for both dinner and the movie, and then proceeded to ask her for bus fare. I just walked by them and didn't think twice. Look at my reviews. They're all pretty decent and that would warrant at least a thank you card.

Well, Hint, here is your thank you card. This drink is good and the flavors are pretty in your face. It really does taste like strawberry and kiwi. Having added no additional sugar or sweeteners, you have earned a gold star. Nothing beats a shiny, adhesive gold star. Ask and 3rd grader.
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Mike Literman on 2/15/11, 8:55 PM
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Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Raspberry Lime

Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Raspberry Lime
What ever happened to raspberries? I feel like some fruits are fads. Things like grapes and apples are a standard and will always be "there." Think about it, remember last year when everything had pomegranate in it? Good for pomegranate but it's not like something happened and all of a sudden they got good. People discovered antioxidants and all of a sudden this hidden gem is uncovered and everyone puts it in everything: chocolate, coffee, tea, candy, and so on and so forth. Blueberries, same thing. I feel like mango might be "it" right now.

"Problem" with these essence waters is that they have flavor, but sometimes it's hard to pinpoint what there are, especially if there is a mix. In the case of this drink you do get both raspberry and lime but you really have to study the drink. You have to swish it around, let it ruminate, swallow slowly, swallow quickly, and anything else you can think of. It's a good flavor and I think it's one of those "colder the better" drinks.

Everyone who tried it seemed to like it, which is good for Hint. Now if we, Thirsty Dudes, can only get the word out and make this company what they (probably) want to be; Commonplace, more popular, and in everyone's fridge. We're doing what we can, dudes. We're doing what we can.
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Mike Literman on 12/3/10, 10:52 AM
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Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Pomegranate Tangerine

Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Pomegranate Tangerine
I like flavored waters. I like them because I like a weak drink. A subtle flavor still keeps the essence of why you're drinking water in the first place alive. I still feel like I'm doing something good for myself while enjoying the natural taste of fruit. No sugar, no funny business.

Firstly, I get more tangerine than pomegranate so it should have been called tangerine pomegranate, not visa versa.

I liked this. It was good to drink with a meal and without since I took a break while drinking this of about 12 hours. It was good the second time around. I don't know if you can get Hint by me, but you can get it at Whole Food as well as a handful of other places. Go to their site and try some of their other stuff out. This one would be a good place to start.
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Mike Literman on 11/11/10, 9:38 AM
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