Hubert's - 11 Reviews

Hubert's Lemonade Blackberry

Hubert's Lemonade Blackberry
This bottle explains that Hubert Hansen would drive around the studio lots of Hollywood selling his tasty lemonade to anyone who would pay the price. It leads us to believe that many a rising star refreshed themselves with his tart beverages. What the bottle doesn't tell you is all the lemon related pranks that he also pulled on those lots. He would swap out actor's waters with highly concentrated lemon juice just for a laugh at their pinched in cheeks. He would rub lemon juice on the eyepieces of all the cameras and then squeal with glee as the operators screamed from the burning. He even shoved a lemon into the tailpipe of a producer's car that had made a rude comment about Hubert's beverages. A young writer witnessed this prank and went on to add it into a script he was writing called Beverly Hills Cop.

It was through a retaliation of one of these pranks that this blackberry lemonade was born. The producer who's car had been lemoned the previous week decided to switch out Hubert's batch on lemonade with old laundry water. The problem was that he had nowhere to just dump out the lemonade without it being obvious that something was amiss, so he poured it into a tub that was a prop in one of the movies and then filled the lemonade jugs with gross gray water. The result of this rebuttal prank was that producer received a black eye, care of Hubert's left fist and when he revealed where he had put the lemonade it turns out that it had been mixed in with some blackberry jam that was being used as war paint in some John Wayne movie. The mixture was delicious and it caused the Hubert's line to expand into flavored lemonade. It remained tart and wonderful, but with a healthy dose of blackberry flavor. Is there anything that fruit can't do? It tastes authentic and natural, as if someone just squeezed the hell out of some lemons and mashed up a whole mess of berries and then mixed them together with a bit of cane sugar. To think this was all because Alfred Hitchcock didn't know when to keep his mouth shut.
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/19/14, 6:03 PM
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Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Original Black Tea

Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Original Black Tea
Oh that little guy right there? Yeah I like those little guys. Well, except for that raspberry half & half; something about that just wasn't quite right. Hubert, a company that makes some of the best ready to drink lemonade your mouth buds will ever encounter, is made by Hansens, who make some of the best natural soda those self same mouth buds most certainly love. I must admit that I don't think they use the same lemonade in their half & halfs as they do in their glass bottle versions, but that is acceptable. Their lemonade is pretty darn sour, and to mix it with tea would require a whole lot more sugar than I am prepared to digest. My hypothesis is that they take that lemonade and go 50/50 with it and water. Then they mix it in with some black tea and let the party begin.

This is what I want all lemon tea to taste like. Far too often it tastes like cleaner to me, but this is perfect. It's more tea than lemonade. It's probably in the 60/40 range, which is just fine with me. The folks at Hubert's didn't go overboard with the sugar either as any companies are prone to do. There is a bunch in there, but it still taste like tea and lemons and not sugar water. Plus city.

Look at that little guy on the label. He's giving you a quick little wink to let you know that he understands everything you've been going through. You had a rough week at work and now that you have time off it's sweltering hot and you need to cool down to enjoy your day. He's just saying don't worry the contents of my body are here to refresh you. Just imbibe me and everything will be just fine…€¦.well that turned unexpectedly creepy.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/21/13, 6:54 PM
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Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Original Green Tea

Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Original Green Tea
It has been in the 90's and 100's the past week in Portland. This is very unnatural for Portland, and it sucks. I hate the heat, which is why I moved here. All I've been doing is sitting in front of a fan and drinking water. I decided to venture out into the sun today and found this lemonade tea at a corner store I don't frequent much. Hubert's has never done me wrong so this was a good thing to stumble upon.

Now I'm a big fan of half and half's and I've tried a good number of them in my day. It's hard to get the tea to lemonade ratio perfect, but Hubert's did a damn good job. The lemonade is sweet and tangy, but still lets the mellow green tea flavor come through. If this was more widely available it would be my go-to half and half.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 8/6/12, 6:14 PM
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Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Peach

Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Peach
When a lemon winks in your direction it would be wise of you to pay attention. There is no telling what disaster may befall you if you chose to ignore it. Let's face it, lemons are bastards and you'll more than likely get a squirt of citric acid in your unsuspecting eye. No one wants that, well unless that is some weird fetish you have. I'm sure there is a community online for folks like you to meet up and ignore winking lemons. I'm just not a part of it.

As I've said in the past Hubert's makes fantastic lemonades. Nice and tart the way lemonade should be. Their raspberry half & half left a lot to be desired because the tea tasted watered down. They got things right with their peach line though. It starts off as a great tasting peach tea and it fades into nice sweet lemonade as it swishes across your tongue. The problem with the raspberry was that it tasted like raspberry lemonade with tea added to it. With this it seems more like a flavored tea mixed with regular lemonade and that certainly works much better for me.

So here I sit refreshed, with happy taste buds and clear vision. This is what reviewing beverages should always be like.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/17/12, 3:56 PM
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Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Raspberry

Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Raspberry
Hubert's makes lemonade that is to be reckoned with. It's the freshest tasting bottled lemonade I have ever tried. It's so tart and the little bits of lemon are an added bonus. When I saw that they started to make half & halfs I instantly bought a couple of flavors.

Unfortunately this drink didn't live up to their straight lemonades. It tastes like they look the base of one of their great raspberry lemonades and mixed it with a very watered down iced tea. There's no real tea taste and the mixture takes away from the lemonade. There is no longer any real tartness to it, a bummer indeed. I expected greatness, but what I got was blandness.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/17/12, 3:50 PM
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Hubert's Lemonade Cherry Limeade

Hubert's Lemonade Cherry Limeade
Hubert's lemonade/limeade doesn't mess around. You'd think with a slogan like "Only the Best Will Do" and a sour faced lemon on the bottle, they were trying to talk themselves up in order for you to ignore the mediocre liquid inside. Hubert's doesn't need to sink to such tactics. Every flavor I've had by them has been some of the best lemon/limeade I've ever tasted. And that sour faced lemon isn't an exaggeration, it's really tart! The cherry flavor in this really shines through as well, giving the sour limeade a literal 'cherry on top'. Good work Hubert's, keep making awesome lemonade and I'll keep buying it
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/12/12, 10:11 PM
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Hubert's Lemonade Strawberry

Hubert's Lemonade Strawberry
This week Mike turns thirty. His ladyfriend decided to throw him a surprise party, so it was Editor Dan and my job to get him out of the house and to the party at the appropriate time. People were concerned that there would be problems with this, but Dan and I know the way to Mike's heart and it's with the promise of breakfast at the flea market. Even before the party we had a great day of wonderfully gross food, old Buffalo and Ghostbusters metal pins and I got the high score in Galaga. The times were great. Dan and I believe we even wandered into another dimension as we found ourselves in a part of the dirt mall that we had never been to. Finally it was time for the party and we took Mike to the park where everyone else awaited our arrival. I have no idea how he didn't know about it, but the secret held strong. In true Mike fashion he showed no emotion over any of it. That's why we love him.

The party was fun, even though it was about a billion degrees and I got a ridiculous sunburn. We chased a turkey, ate a lot of food and of course drank some drinks. I had a Slurpee earlier on, but when the effects started fading, I decided to go with this strawberry lemonade. We've gotten a handful of comments from people saying that they think the Huberts company is garbage, but we could not disagree more. It tastes like they made lemonade from lemon juice concentrate; you know the stuff that comes in the little plastic lemons. It's nice and sour and tastes like real lemons. I don't know if as a whole it's not sweet enough for those who complained, or maybe it's the extremely faint stevia taste that hides in there. All I can say is those people are wrong and this is great lemonade. The base is great and the extract of strawberry they use makes it taste like someone just mashed the hell out of some berries and put it in their lemonade. I love it. You should love it. You should join us on Tuesday when we ride bikes to a strip club for Mike's birthday to get hot dogs. It's a tradition that we don't go in, just acquire hot dogs from the cart outside. Does anything else scream, “Welcome to your Thirties!” more?
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/20/12, 11:06 PM
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Hubert's Lemonade Honey

Hubert's Lemonade Honey
I hate summer. Yup, I said it. I know it's not a popular opinion but it's one I stick by. I don't love snow, but I'll take spring or fall over summer. The band F'd Up even has a song called "I Hate Summer". No wonder they are one of my favorite bands. Anyways, I hate summer because it's much easier for me to stay warm than stay cool.

One thing that does help me a little during the summer is lemonade, as I've stated many times. I took a walk to the co-op today and picked this bottle up to quench my thirst on this scorching day. I had never tried lemonade with honey in it before so I didn't know what to expect. I was blown away on the first sip. This is THE BEST lemonade I have ever tasted. The sweet honey flavor melds with the tart lemonade so well. It's like the folks at Hubert's took a lemonade DNA strand, inserted some honey DNA, and put it back in the bottle. They just fit so perfectly together. Good work Hubert's, this is a game changer.
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/11/11, 6:47 PM
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Hubert's Lemonade Raspberry

Hubert's Lemonade Raspberry
Man it's hot out. I'm sweating just sitting here. I think my skin is starting to stick to the chair. The only thing that is going to make this better is a trip to the beach. You know where there's no shade and ten million people in the water. The beach can be fun, but those good times are generally reserved for night visits and hidden beaches. Today I happened to go to the latter. On the way we stopped at a health food store where I picked up some chocolate covered ginger and this 16oz bottle of wonder.

Like the beach, lemonade is generally overrated. It's usually way too sweet, or too bland. Hubert's, which is a division of the wonderful Hansen company, knew they had to step up his game if they was to make a lemonade that would get people's attention. A feather should be stuck in the company's collective hats. They created lemonade that is sour, without making you pucker your face uncontrollably. The cane sugar is used sparingly in order to make that happen. If that wasn't enough they added some extract of raspberry to the mix in order to give it a slight hint of fruit.

This lemonade refreshed me better than most beverages could in my time of need this afternoon. I sipped the bottle, saw a sea turtle and then jumped out of some trees into the water that led to the ocean. Anything that happened after that today hardly matters.
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/28/11, 1:40 AM
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Hubert's Lemonade Mango

Hubert's Lemonade Mango
Wow when that first sip hits you this is so incredibly sour. It tastes like your drinking the lemon concentrate that comes in those little plastic lemon shaped bottles. With each future sip you become more acclimated with it and it doesn't seem nearly as sour. At first I thought it was too much, and that I wouldn't be able to finish it. After a few more gulps, I was really enjoying it. I super tart lemonade with a nice mango overtone. It's a little harsh, and I couldn't drink it on the regular, but it would be a nice treat from time to time. I wish I had drunk it when it was super hot outside. You know, how lemonade is meant to be enjoyed.
The same company makes this that makes Hansen's sodas. They know how to made a great pop and interesting lemonade. Bravo.
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/14/10, 10:01 AM
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Hubert's Lemonade Original

Hubert's Lemonade Original
Part I:
I don't get it. If you have one sugar, why don't you stick with it? If you are sweetening primarily with cane sugar, why add rebiana, which is a stevia extract? You've clearly already made your decision to sweeten one, way, are you trying to cheapen costs by "watering down" your sugar by adding fake sugar? This is the equivalent of cutting cocaine with baking soda to "break even".

Part II:
3/4 of people that drank this didn't like it. It's very sweet, and had a very harsh lemon "pinch". You know what that is, right? Like when you drink something sour and your cheeks contract? Pinch. Got it? There is lemon in the bottle, this is true and it's not lemon flavor, it's actually made from lemon concentrate. It tastes like kids lemonade. Good when you're hot, but the mix just isn't right. It is very sweet, but there is also a strong lemon kick to it, so I can't pinpoint what's "wrong". Maybe there isn't, but this is not the best lemonade I've had.

Look...I want to like this, I really do. I don't know why? It's just a drink, but sometimes you just get a good feeling. I had high hopes for Hubert's. Good, classic bottles with nice, embossed labels and a cute story about how it was founded way back in 1935. Something changed in the last 75 years that slightly modified the recipe, I can almost guarantee.

Could it be because it is fall and I'm wearing a jacket that this just isn't getting the review it deserves? Could I just not be thirsty enough? If a child poured this into a Dixie cup and sold it to me for a quarter, would it taste better? I don't know. Someone else buy this and let me know what I'm missing if I am, in fact, missing something.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 10/18/10, 10:51 AM
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