Lolli's - 2 Reviews

Lolli's Stimulating Elixer Passion Pop

Lolli's Stimulating Elixer Passion Pop
Ma'am, what do you think you're doing? Yes you ma'am. What are you trying to hide ma'am? I know for a fact that you are not really a hula dancer. You see, I went to Hawaii on vacation once, and I saw a whole slew of hula dancers and not to be rude, but they were a thick lot. It was a great show, and I had no complaints, but I did learn a thing or two about the art of hula. I'd even go as far as to say that show made me an expert. You ma'am look like a starving child, you are certainly no hula dancer. So what's the deal? Are you a spy? Don't make me call the police on you. I learned form billboards that if I see something I should say something, and I'm pretty sure this constitutes something. Oh you're doing promotion for a line of all natural energy sodas? Well if they really were all natural I think they really should have gotten an actual hula dancer, and not some random in a skirt and a lei. If you are who you say you are you better give me one of them there sodas, so I know they aren't a bomb or poison.

This smells decent. Nothing like any other energy drinks that I've had before. Oh wow it doesn't taste like an energy drink at all either. It has an almost herbal flavor to it, with a bit of light fruit flavoring as well. If the label in any indicator it's a mixture of pineapple and lime. It's pleasant. It also has a very clean taste to it, which I feel is a strange thing to say about a drink, but that's the way I feel, so I'm going to say it. Who are you to judge, you're posing as a hula girl for minimum wage. I actually like this a lot. I would definitely buy this over that artificial garbage I see in all the gas stations. Where can I buy this around Denali, Alaska? Nowhere? Well you're certainly of no help to me. Why don't you go off and finish your life as a faker!
Energy Drink and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/24/12, 5:33 PM
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Lolli's Energy Drink Cherry Pop

Lolli's Energy Drink Cherry Pop
This has been sitting on the shelf in my kitchen for months. It looked like a disaster waiting to happen. First off it's an energy drink soda. While the majority of energy drinks are carbonated, I still wouldn't consider them pop for some reason. Secondly it's a cherry energy drink. Most things cherry flavored end up tasting like cough drops or cold medicine. Not a flavor that one looks forward to. To sum this up I was expecting a chemical tasting cough syrup with bubbles in it. Just thinking about that makes my stomach turn.

Lolli's were successful in not achieving that. This is a natural energy drink, so it doesn't contain the chemicals. It has ingredients like ginseng, guarana, niacin and caffeine. As far as the flavor goes there is no medicine to be tasted at all. In face it tastes like grape and apple juice mixed together with a splash of grenadine added for good measure. This was way, way better than I expected. Now someone tell that lady on the label to watch out because she is sitting on a cherry bomb and it's about to go off. I don't want her to have to be rushed to the hospital.
Energy Drink and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/15/11, 6:47 PM
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