Solo - 2 Reviews

Solo Original Lemon

Solo Original Lemon
Australia is a strangely biased place. Everywhere I go cans of coke are $3.50 or more. While Pepsi products range from the $1.50 to $3 range. I mean I'm not going to argue with them Coke products are generally better, but it still seems crazy that there is such a price difference. I kept seeing this along with the Pepsi products in gas stations and meant to pick it up since we don't have it back home. I'm not a huge fan of 7Up so I continuously skipped it (mostly for water in an attempt to pretend-consume healthy foods).

Suddenly I have found myself with one being placed in my hands at a show. It is much better than I anticipated. It's straight up carbonated lemonade, including 5% lemon juice. Sure it's overly sweet and sodalike but it's better than any lemon lime I've ever had.

To be fair if this was in the US it would be garbage because instead of bring sweetened by real sugar there would be high fructose corn syrup in it and it would be a thick, syrupy mess.
Lemonade and Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 6/25/17, 7:44 AM
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Solo Pineapple

Solo Pineapple
Oh how I dream of a proper pineapple soda. My mouth waters on a beverage that is just sparkling water, pineapple juice, and I guess a little cane sugar. It would be heaven to your taste buds. Seriously, they would have visions of tipping their caps to St Peter and they entered the pearly gates. They would spend the rest of time resting on clouds while being bathed in this delicious concoction.

Unfortunately this drink only used two of the three required ingredients I mentioned above, and a bunch of superfluous ones. There is no actual juice in this soda, and the flavor suffers because of it. This just tastes like your average pineapple soda, that doesn't really taste like the fruit, but it's close enough to trick you into thinking it does. On one hand their use of real sugar puts then at an advantage, but on the other the flavor is a tad on the weak side compared to its contemporary sodas.

It's not amazing. It's not terrible. It would certainly do in pinch if you had an undying need for something that tasted vaguely like pineapple.
Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 12/6/13, 5:52 PM
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