Bolthouse Farms Bom Dia Acai

Bolthouse Farms Bom Dia Acai
I've never actually had anything that was just Acai before. It's always added to other juices for the health benefits. I think I like it better when it's the star of the game. I've had this in my fridge for about a week. I was nervous to try it. I expected it to be insanely potent like pomegranate juice can be. It ended up having the intensity of your normal run of the mill juice. The acidity doesn't burn your throat, which was good. It reminds me of blueberries and grapes mixed, maybe a little apple through into the mix. *I just looked at the ingredients and there is apple juice in it.* After that last sip I realized what it tastes like, a berry fruit roll up. It's like they took a hundred of those sticky little sheets and liquefied them. The more I drink it, the more I like it. Out of all of the "super fruit" drinks that I've had, this is easily the best.
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 10/16/10, 10:12 AM
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