College Club Golden Ginger Ale

College Club Golden Ginger Ale
We had people over for an impromptu grilling session at our house yesterday. I consumed way more beverages than any one person should in that short of a time, so now I have to play catch up.

We cracked open a couple of bottles of College club for everyone to share. I had yet to try their Golden Ginger Ale, and I really don't know why I waited so long. Their Pale Dry Ginger Ale has a very strong ginger flavor, which is not as sweet than most sodas. With this variety they flip-flopped it. It's way sweeter and the ginger is lower in the mix. So now you can fine-tune your soda choice to your tastes.
Soda Pop and Ginger
College ClubWebsite
United States
Sugar and or Corn Sweetener
Jason Draper on 5/31/11, 7:48 PM
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