Fiz Buffalo Birch Beer

Fiz Buffalo Birch Beer
When you go into a small local beverage store and see a soda called “Buffalo Birch Beer,” and you are me, the first thing you think is “How the hell is there a new soda company in Buffalo and I didn't know about it? I'm a consummate professional and I should really be up on these things!” a quick label then informs you that it's actually from Rochester, NY (a little over an hour away) and that it's made by College Club, a company you are very familiar with. That is twice that I was duped today. I was also told that Boss Hogg from Dukes of Hazzard was from Buffalo as well, which broke my brain. I then found out that he's actually from Olean which is even further than Rochester. I guess the lesson here is that Buffalo is great and everyone wants to pretend that they are a part of it in some way.

I have nothing bad to say about College Club. They make delicious soda that is ridiculously cheap. Their normal line comes in reusable glass bottles and cost about 35 cents each. You just can't beat it for a family gathering, especially with their selection. It appears that Fiz is their venture into cane sugar sweetened sodas that come in normal glass bottles. This does taste similar to their other birch beer. It's dark and rich, the cane sugar makes this way better though. It's obviously less syrupy and the wintergreen really seems to shine a lot more. This is great. I wish it really were from Buffalo, but Rochester isn't that far, and I'm glad to see that things are going well for College Club. They have always treated Thirsty Dudes well and it's nice to see them expanding.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/3/16, 1:08 PM
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