Madrat Elixr Tropical Berry

Madrat Elixr Tropical Berry
I don't know what they were working on at the National Institute of Mental Health, but things seem to have gone awry. The scientists there were using rats as test subjects, but something happened and the rodents gained incredible intelligence. Before long they were performing their own experiments while the humans were away. Led by their leader, the newly proclaimed “professor” Jonathan Frisby, the rats developed a powder that would make them stronger and even more intelligent. It works by improving mental clarity while being full of anti-oxidants. There was no sugar in it, and most importantly for the little fuzzballs, it supported joint health.

The rats had nearly perfected their formula then disaster struck. The humans came in to make up hours on the weekend. The rats scurried back into their cages, but they did not have time to collect their formula and the scientists discovered it. They assumed it was something another team was working on and for some reason ingested some, because you know that is what you do in a laboratory where you test things on rats. They discovered that when mixed in water the powder had a berry flavor that kind of also tasted like grape. One of the scientists boldly stated that he could taste the stevia in it, and it was goon to see that nothing artificial was used in its creation. They agreed that it was pretty strong, even when watered down a lot. Also, one of them pointed out that it didn't really dissolve well in the water. No matter how much they stirred it some of the powder congealed into a sludge like substance at the bottom of the glass. When they tasted it, it was like an intense diet Pixie Stix. Since there was no label on it to denote what team created it they decided to steal it for their own and sell it as a energy drink mix that had additional health benefits.

Man, were those rats pissed. Some would say they were mad…€¦ehhh? While they wallowed in their defeat two of the smaller rats conferred in a corner. When one asked what they were going to do now, the other responded with “The same thing we do every night, Pinky …€“ try to take over the world.” Several animated classics were based on these real life events. Sadly all of the rats diet due to other experiments and their famines received no royalties.
Diet, Energy Drink and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Jason Draper on 3/15/14, 9:02 PM
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