Ribena Pineapple & Passionfruit

Ribena Pineapple & Passionfruit
Ladies and Gentlemen, Let it be known that I hold grudges. I don't care if you've become a pillar of the community and do all the work in the world to bettering life for the poor and needy, if you treated me like crap at one point I will hold that against you until the day I die. Sure there's the whole forgive and forget thing, but sometimes people are too forgiving and horrible things are welcomed into a community. I'm trying to get better at this, and let the small stuff go, and only hold on to my big grudges, such as you hooked up with an ex while we were still dating and oh you have Nazi tendencies. The small stuff though, the small stuff I'm going to try and let slide. In fact I'll start right here with this drink.

It's right there on the label. “Pineapple & Passionfruit.” That's all I want, a strong taste of both of those wonderful fruits. Instead what I am greeted with is something less than that. Sure it has percentages of both those juices, but it also has orange juice in it in equal amount as the pineapple and double the quantity of the passionfruit juice. Dear readers, this should clearly be called “Orange, Pineapple & Passionfruit,” if the company wants to be accurate, which I hold my suspicions about.

Even though it's the lowest in percentage of content, passionfruit is the strongest flavor in here, with the pineapple riding a little lower, but taking the lead in the aftertaste. The problem is that the orange juice is in there mucking things up a bit and making them taste light and a bit watered down. This is not the end of the world, and I'm going to let it go. Sure this could have been a much better drink without the OJ, but I understand price points, and this is a perfectly acceptable beverage with it included. I would just prefer more honestly from the companies out there.
United Kingdom
Jason Draper on 5/9/14, 10:18 AM
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