Rob's Really Good Agave Mate

Rob's Really Good Agave Mate
Welcome back to the country club Mr. Underhill. You've been away for awhile, and I haven't been able to apologize for the whole “John Cocktosen” incident. The waiter that served him was new and had o idea he was not you. Of course he was immediately terminated from his position when we discovered what had happened. Unfortunately Mr. Cocktosen could not be located. What can I get you sir? May I recommend the water buffalo? Oh you're just here for a quick drink before you jump in the pool. That's very understandable sir. Oh I'm sorry Mr. Underhill, we no longer carry sweet tea. Some of the elder patrons were complaining that the sugar in it was deteriorating their dentures. It became quite unseemly. We also decided that sweet tea was a drink for country bumpkins, so we brewed up the rich person's version which we call agave mate. To be honest sir, I personally love sweet tea, but the owners of the club, wanted to give the patrons the illusion that this was a truly fancy drink. To break it down in a nutshell for you we take some premium organic yerba mate, which is naturally rich in caffeine and sweeten the hell out of it with organic agave nectar. Everything about the drink it natural and organic, just the way things should be in paradise. The taste is very similar to that of sweet tea, but it's a bit more refined and adult. I'm sure you will love it Mr. Underhill. Shall I charge it to your account then?
Iced Tea
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 2/25/12, 11:59 AM
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