Organic Green Tea - 7 Reviews

Stash Organic Green Tea MerryMint

Stash Organic Green Tea MerryMint
The holidays are (finally) over and now we're left with the broken reindeer yard figures and "slightly used" inflatable snowmen. We're also left with the skids of Christmas tea. They certainly do churn those cats out and having a "basically mother-in-law" that works at the general merchandise section of a grocery store, now I am the proud owner of all sorts of...things.

This thing is a fine mint tea. It has loads of mint and different varieties of mint; spearmint and peppermint. Not just one and maybe more. The green's not really bitey but the mint is so present that it makes up for it. I do enjoy a good, quality green tea but the mint seems to be filling up my desire for the cheek pinching power of green tea.
Hot Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/20/15, 12:03 PM
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Bigelow Organic Green Tea Mango Lychee

Bigelow Organic Green Tea Mango Lychee
Bigelow is basically Arizona's wiser, older brother. Actually Bigelow started in the late 40's and Arizona first burst onto the beverage scene in 1992, so does that make Bigelow the distinguished grandfather in this game? Whatever the genealogy is they decided to have a family outing in 2008, and it's still going to this day.

Bigelow is older, thus they are wiser and always use cane sugar in their ready to drink teas. It's a little thing that I love and respect them for. They also like to take chances with weird flavors, like this mango lychee. I guess Bigelow does come out as the grandfather in this little family tree, as we all know lychee tastes like old lady perfume smells, so perhaps he used it in homage to his late wife. Now let's take a moment of silence for the dearly departed.

This plays out like an Arizona green tea, with cane sugar instead of HFCS. It's uncanny how similar it tastes. You even get the same taste when you inhale after swallowing. I really with Arizona had a green tea tall boy with real sugar. The world would be a better place if that existed. It doesn't so I'll just default to grandpa B.

The mango and lychee flavors aren't overpowering at all. This is firstly a green tea, and secondly a fruit tea. I love it and wish it were more readily available, but you know those darn kids today.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/2/13, 10:10 PM
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China Mist Organic Green Tea Wild Blueberry

China Mist Organic Green Tea Wild Blueberry
You would be wrong if you thought that reviewing all these drinks wouldn't concern me. I am concerned. Believe you me. When I get a chance to relax and drink some unsweetened tea, I jump at the opportunity. Since I have had nothing but good things from China Mist, I knew that I could save this one for a special occasion where I just couldn't handle any more sugar and needed to refresh my palate a little bit. That's just what this tea does. It's got a nice green tea flavor that starts you off, and then, right when you're on the edge, blueberry sweetness comes in to talk you down. It's actually very, very good and I will be buying more in the future, both in bottles and in tea bags, as China Mist produces both. Blueberry is like Bruce Willis where he's standing there, gun drawn, pointing at the criminal who's going to jump off some city skyscraper. You are that criminal. Why you would run to the top of a 64-story building because Bruce Willis caught you stealing a pack of Big League Chew, I have no idea, but you did, and Bruce cared about you enough to draw a gun on you and follow you to the rooftops. So in the end of the movie, he talks you down from the edge which was stupid for you to go to in the first place, you split the grape gum, and Samuel L. Jackson missed the whole thing because he's not in that scene because he's too busy in another scene chasing a woman on foot who is carrying his baby but she doesn't know it yet.

I think it went straight to DVD.
Iced Tea
China MistWebsite@chinamisttea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/28/11, 12:15 PM
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China Mist Organic Green Tea Blackberry Jasmine Tea with Lemonade

China Mist Organic Green Tea Blackberry Jasmine Tea with Lemonade
For months a couple of my friends have been raving about how good the iced tea is at PF Changs. I really saw no other reason to eat there, so it remained a tempting mystery to me. When we got a couple bottles of China Mist, Mike did some research and informed me that this flavor is what they serve there.
When I drank it, the first thing I thought was "This does taste like iced tea that would be served in a restaurant," except it tastes like a super high-end restaurant iced tea. I think it's the lemonade that is in this that gives it that taste. You know those pesky restaurants always putting lemon wedges in your iced tea (not that I'm complaining). The lemonade in this isn't strong enough to make it like an Arnold Palmer, but there's enough there that you notice it. The blackberry also does not overpower the taste of the tea. It's nice and subtle.
Also, tea companies of the world take notice: We need more iced teas made with jasmine tea. Seriously it's so good. Why is it not embraced more?
In closing, I think I now have a reason to go eat what I can only assume to be mediocre Chinese food at the mall.
Iced Tea
China MistWebsite@chinamisttea
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 12/16/10, 7:32 PM
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China Mist Organic Green Tea Lotus Pear

China Mist Organic Green Tea Lotus Pear
I don't like pears. Pears to me are just crappy apples. They're too hard, the taste is weak, and they look like apples and sometimes surprise me in things like fruit salad and regular salad.

That being said, I like this drink. I don't know what the taste of a lotus is, but I can tell you that this does taste vaguely of pears, but it's not bad. It gives you a nice, ultra-low, sweet/fruit taste, not unlike a real garbage pear. I personally like the taste it leaves you with. It's like a sweetish/tartish/bitterness taste. I would take a sip, swallow, and leave that strange lingering taste for a good thirty seconds to a minute before I would take another sip. It might be from the green tea, but it's a different bitterness that I'm not really used to and is hard to place.

All in all, it was a good drink. I didn't buy it so if it was up to me, I wouldn't have bought it because of my undying hatred for pears, but since it was in my possession, I'm happy that I took this nice voyage.
Iced Tea
China MistWebsite@chinamisttea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 12/11/10, 9:39 PM
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Bigelow Organic Green Tea Original Green

Bigelow Organic Green Tea Original Green
Once again, Biglow knows tea. This tea is just wonderful. It's so simple. It's sweetened green tea, but not uber-sweet. Sorry, I don't know how to make an umlaut, but I am aware that one belongs there. This tea leaves everything where it belongs. The green tea still has bitterness and it's sweet, but not overpowering. It's weak, but in a good way. If they would have put more green tea, it would have bitten too hard, but if they put more sugar in it, you wouldn't be able to drink too much in fear of your teeth getting holes in it like that vision your mom gives you when she tells you that drinking Gatorade puts holes in your teeth. This is a large bottle. 2.5 servings according to whatever person is in charge of making serving sizes, but you know what? Take your time. You've got time. Get a bottle and just drink it. Sip here. Sip there. It doesn't get old. It's great. Nothing funny. No funny business, just great tea.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 10/11/10, 7:32 PM
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Bigelow Organic Green Tea Lemon Ginger

Bigelow Organic Green Tea Lemon Ginger
Bigelow, the company that has been making tea in bags is now making iced tea and it's good. Very true to it's flavor. I will admit that I do not like ginger too much. I think that it tastes like an old woman. Remember violet candy and gum? I might sound like a hypocrite, but I liked the gum a lot, but that reminded me of chewing on an old woman. Come on...someone agree with me here. Violet gum tastes like chewing on an old woman. Man...alright...

So this tea is lemon and ginger. Both flavors are very apparent and they make a wonderful match. It's great. You initially get the ginger and then it's followed up by lemon-town USA.

Something I didn't know is that this tea, as is their other one that I will review shortly, is (at least) bottled by Arizona. I don't know if Arizona bought Bigelow or Bigelow is just renting their space temporarily when they need to bottle iced tea but who cares. They're doing good things in that plant. Keep up the good work Arizona/Bigelow team.
Iced Tea and Ginger
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 10/4/10, 8:46 AM
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