Anteadote - 2 Reviews

Anteadote Organic Oolong

Anteadote Organic Oolong
"Ahh" is the sound you make when you drink this. I picture myself swimming through space and all of these sugary, canned and bottled juices and pops coming at me, slowly. It's space after all. So they're all coming at me, from all angles and I'm just pushing them effortlessly into oblivion with little to no effort since there is no gravity in space. I am also wearing a jet pack to get me from the spaceship to wherever it is I'm going. Probably the International Space Station, which has a water slide, everything is in a bubble, and looks like the inside of BioDome, the movie featuring the quasi-lovable Pauly Shore.

So all of these drinks are coming at me and I'm swatting them away like flies. All of a sudden, this Anteadote oolong tea comes towards me and it's like I met the love of my life. I (stupidly) hold my breath, lift up my space visor which, yes, is oil spill colored like awful gas station sunglasses. I take a big gulp and I say "Ahh" because I didn't need all those sugary beverages, literally, in my space. I made the right decision, picked a couple more from the seemingly infinite amount which are being propelled at me from what I can only guess is a grocery truck that made a wrong turn at Albuquerque and ended up crashing into an asteroid and spilling its cargo all over space. I go back to my space hut. Put my bushel of drinks on the counter, and think, this is great. It's bitter, natural, and has a bold flavor. It's not like I've never had one like this before, but it's good to switch it up every once in a while.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/6/11, 4:30 PM
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Anteadote Organic Jasmine Tea

Anteadote Organic Jasmine Tea
For the past couple of days my cat will not leave my lap. She goes through phases where she completely ignores my existence and then in the blink of an eye she needs all the attention in the world. I'm okay with that. I like giving her attention, well except when she insists on sitting directly in front of my computer monitor staring at me when I'm trying to get work done. I love when she's a lap cat. It's comforting, especially now that the weather is starting to cool down and Fall is right around the corner. This tea is also comforting. There's something about jasmine tea that just calms me down. The effect is greater when the tea is hot, but even when it's iced it does it's job. I think this may be the first jasmine tea I've had that has vitamin C added to it. It very subtly effects the flavor, but it's in a good way. It still has the great jasmine aftertaste, which I love.

Now I'm going to sit on my couch with my cat and this bottle of tea and read like a nerd. Yes I am fully aware that when I get old I will be the male equivalent of the crazy cat lady.
Iced Tea
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/17/11, 12:09 PM
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