Iconic - 2 Reviews

Iconic Healthy Lifestyle Beverage Chocolate Truffle

Iconic Healthy Lifestyle Beverage Chocolate Truffle
Rarely on the side of never do I drink "meal replacement" drinks as such but today I did not eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day, so I did not have a choice. First thing I noticed, and this could just be me, is that this was a leaky drink. So leaky. The package was constantly leaking from the cap. Don't let that sway you from getting it. Let my review sway you from buying it.

This was completely laced with Stevia. It was so sharp. Calming down on that and letting some of the chocolate shine through would probably do wonders to this drink. It was thin, so do not expect a shake. It was closer to a thin chocolate milk. Or if you made chocolate milk with skim milk or some other poor life choice.

What would I do to fix this? Number one? Real sugar. I know it would increase the calorie count but it wouldn't leave me with a taste on the tip of my tongue. Look, I drank the whole thing. It wasn't terrible but it was kind of thin and overly fake.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 10/9/14, 10:26 AM
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Iconic Healthy Lifestyle Beverage Pure Vanilla Bean

Iconic Healthy Lifestyle Beverage Pure Vanilla Bean
Sometimes I wish that nutritional/protein drinks came in a wider range of flavors. There are many fruits that would pair well with whey protein/milk type drinks. There is a whole world of flavors out there that are being neglected, but when a company comes along that is fruity in the back of my mind I'm always thinking, man I wish this were chocolate or vanilla. It's been programmed into my being that those are the only true satiating flavors that can be nutritional. It's dumb, but that's how I work.

Iconic has mixed protein, fiber, B12 (for energy) as well as choline and amino acids (to keep you focused) into a nice non-chalky vanilla beverage. It's like thick vanilla milk. The vanilla isn't too overwhelming, but it's there enough for you to say, “Hey, this is a decent vanilla drink.” I would have preferred it to be dairy free, but they went the whole soy, gluten and lactose free route, which I can respect. There are people out there who need their diets to be free of these things, while I just find dairy gross in theory (although I still eat far too much ice cream).

It seems like we've been reviewing a decent amount of beverages of this type lately and they each have their own specific attributes. Iconic is more milk-like than the others. There is no grit to it at all, and the use of agave as a sweetener was a great choice. Sure they use stevia as well, but it's nice and hidden.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Blue Agave
Jason Draper on 10/3/14, 2:14 PM
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