Doc 360 - 2 Reviews

Doc 360 Diet Cola

Doc 360 Diet Cola
I'm thirsty; can you bring me a bottle of Dr. Pepper? All you have is a generic Dr. Pepper? Alright, I guess that will do. Why did you...ok, I guess you opened it for me. Thanks! But why are you carrying a vile of battery acid in your other hand? Seriously??!? You're going to skateboard the bottle over to me!? Deny it all you want, I saw some of that battery acid splash up. Ugh, I wish I wasn't so thirsty. Sure soda isn't the best thing for thirst but it's the only thing available right now.

UGH... yup, some battery acid definitely made it's way into the bottle. It's not THAT bad, but still nothing I would go out of my way of experimenting with again.
Diet and Soda Pop
Doc 360Website@DOC360
United States
Derek Neuland on 10/24/12, 8:07 PM
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Doc 360 Cola

Doc 360 Cola
When I was pulling this out of the cooler at a random gas station in Utah or Oregon (I forget), a lady asked me if I've ever had it before. I replied with "no" but in my head I was laughing because I get that question daily from friends. Whether it's in person, on Facebook, or over text message, friends are always asking me "Have you tried this drink? Is it good?" I almost wanted to tell her how funny her question was to me given that I scoured the cooler for this bottle (and the diet version) and that was the ONLY drink there we haven't reviewed on this site.

I labeled this as a cola because when I bought it that's what I thought it was. It wasn't until I took a sip of it did I realize that it's a Dr. Pepper clone. I suppose the name should have clued me in on that. For a Dr. Pepper clone, it's descent but I've had better. It definitely didn't make my "taste buds flip" as the tagline suggested. Maybe they would have if it was sweetened with sugar and differentiated itself from Dr. Pepper a little more.
Soda Pop
Doc 360Website@DOC360
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 10/7/12, 10:38 PM
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