Eldorado - 5 Reviews

Eldorado Vitamin Charged Natural Spring Water Sicilian Orange

Eldorado Vitamin Charged Natural Spring Water Sicilian Orange
Sherman is a young man who loves orange juice. He drinks it every morning without fail. When someone drinks the last of his orange juice, Sherman gets very depressed. It's more emotional than someone who drinks coffee every morning because that's almost like an addiction. Sherman legitimately loves orange juice.

One day, Sherman had some friends over and they drank all of Sherman's orange juice. They didn't do it on purpose, but it happened nonetheless. Sherman went upstairs and left his friends downstairs to play Halo. His mom noticed that he wasn't downstairs and knew what had happened when she saw the empty carton on the counter. She went upstairs and asked what was wrong, knowing full well what was wrong. He told her about how Charlie always drinks the rest of the orange juice and his mom retorted about how she didn't really like Charlie because he always poured orange juice like a slob and left the counter all sticky. Sherman's mom had brought him a gift, though. She had brought him a bottle of Eldorado Sicilian Orange spring water. He was very reluctant to drink it because it wasn't orange juice. She told him to trust her and he did so he drank it. He took a little sip and then followed it by a big sip followed by a chug. He took a giant gasp of air and when he caught his breath, he thanked his mom. This drink tasted like a good orange juice but maybe a bit more refreshing and less thick. No, orange juice isn't really thick, but this is definitely watered down but in a good way. He drank more and noticed that it was a different type of orange than he was used to and it was a nice change to his standard issue, Florida Orange Juice. He gave his mom a big hug and got ready to walk downstairs. Before he got to the door, his mom told him to get a bunch of headshots off Charlie for her. He smiled, told her he would, and went downstairs to accomplish his duty of pleasing his mom and irritating that jerk, Charlie.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/26/12, 3:42 PM
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Eldorado Vitamin Charged Natural Spring Water Black Raspberry

Eldorado Vitamin Charged Natural Spring Water Black Raspberry
Did you know that I am fluent in Spanish? I'm actually quite the scholar. Give me anything and I will translate it for you. That? Sure I can translate your drink for you. As a bonus I will also translate the flavor of the drink into words you can understand. El Dorado, well that is just Spanish for “The Dorito.” I don't know why anyone would want to drink something that tastes like liquefied tortilla chips with powder flavoring on them, but I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go …β‚¬Λœround. I'm actually regretting saying that I would translate the flavor for you. This really sounds revolting. Black raspberry Doritos, that just makes me want to vom. A promise is a promise so here I go. Hmmm this doesn't taste like Doritos at all. It really just tastes like berry-flavored water. Did you know when I was a kid my grandparents had a farm and they grew three different types of raspberries? Yup, there were golden ones, your classic red ones and a couple of bushes of “black” ones (they were really dark purple/blue). I assumed they were just blackberries until the day I bought a container of black berries at the market. There was a definite difference. This surely tastes like the black raspberries my grandparents grew. It's a different taste than the raspberries you are probably used to. It almost tastes like regular raspberries mixed with a couple of cranberries (minus the bitterness). I actually really like this and it seems that I have drunk your entire bottle. My apologies. I still don't understand what this drink has to do with Doritos. Perhaps I should write the company a letter telling them it would be wise to change their name.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/19/12, 5:26 PM
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Eldorado Vitamin Charged Natural Spring Water Peach Mango

Eldorado Vitamin Charged Natural Spring Water Peach Mango
There is the possibility of two scenarios going today:
1. People eating so poorly that companies are doing their best job to just cram vitamins and minerals into everything we eat and drink. Electrolytes, antioxidants, vitamins C's and B's in everything all the time. If drink companies weren't putting these essential vitamins and minerals in there, would we be a nation of slothy, fat, malnourished people? More so, I mean.
2. Drink companies have been hired by the US Army to breed superhuman by chocking them full of stuff to make them so strong that bullet are repelled from their giant, naturally bullet-repellent skin.

Whatever happens, we're all inevitably better off, right? This isn't the whole "antibacterial" thing where in the end we're just breeding stronger bacteria. We all benefit. Vitamins is vitamins, right, son? Whatever. If all vitamins and/minerals tasted like this drink, we'd be a lot healthier. This is good. It's not too much at all and as a matter of fact I've easily killed this entire drink with no hesitation. Two and a half servings; yeah if I'm a baby. Good mix between peaches and mango, too. It has that 60% water and 40% flavor. Sure, it's listed as "organic flavor" and if you just don't care, just imagine it as organic peach and mango flavors. Imagination helps me through a lot of our drinks. This didn't need it, but it never hurts.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/16/12, 3:40 PM
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Eldorado Vitamin Charged Natural Spring Water Pink Passion Guava

Eldorado Vitamin Charged Natural Spring Water Pink Passion Guava
When Mike handed me this drink all I could think about was Duck Tales. Remember the mini series where they go in search of the Seven Cities of Gold? I'm pretty sure it was El Dorado that they were looking for. Man, I loved those episodes. They had the bad guy who was wheezy all the time. It was great. I feel like they used to rerun those episodes all the time. Also, remember that time they went to search for a lost relic, and it ended up actually being relish and Scrooge had just misheard it. Now that is the comedic gold of El Dorado.

This drink may not have that kind of gold in it, but it's decent. It has a light non-citrus tropical flavor to it. I wouldn't place it as either guava or passionfruit though. It's almost flowery tasting, but not quite. I do enjoy it. I just would have given it a different name. It also contains no fruit juice, and has taurine in it for some reason. It doesn't say anything about it being an energy drink, so that is a bit odd.

I wonder if Duck Tales is streaming on Netflix. Nope. They have the first three seasons available on DVD though. I may have to get those.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/1/12, 5:11 PM
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Eldorado Vitamin Charged Natural Spring Water Dragonfruit

Eldorado Vitamin Charged Natural Spring Water Dragonfruit
You know there are dragons in that water. It's true. In Colorado there are dragons that only come out at night, like in the Smashing Pumpkins song, that swim around in the water. Didn't you ever wonder why there was a "No swimming past sunset" rule statewide? Yeah, that'd be because of the dragons. Thing is, they are messy characters. It's alright though because when they shed their scales, they fall in the water, degrade, and are made of like a sweet, fruity powder. They all flow downstream to the bottling plant where we make this "dragonfruit" drink. It's a really clean process. Sure, poop gets in the mix, but that's what filters are for. It's like a saltwater fish tank. We've got mediums that the poop and dragon hair and cans and garbage goes through so that we are left with the cleanest, purest flavored water.

What do you mean you don't believe me?! Come over here and look at this footage. Tell me that's not a dragon playing with a beach ball in the lake. You can't do it. It's mesmerizing, I know. I had never seen anything like it until I came here. They don't like people and do, even though it's a stereotype, breathe fire. They will breathe fire right on you and you will die. It's no joke and happens all the time. Our filters find people all the time. Parts. Legs and stuff. They think they're so smart with their scientific equipment coming in trying to get them for zoos and stuff. Dragons win all the time.

This drink is a rarity that can't come from anywhere but here, and it's great. There are other dragonfruit drinks but they aren't as authentic as this. This drink is light, sweet, fruity, and very quenching. Colorado's finest. Plus, we've chocked it full of vitamins, antioxidants, and more so that it's even better than regular juice or Vitamin Water. Now that you know that you shouldn't mess around in the water at night, enjoy your stay in Colorado.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/26/12, 3:07 PM
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