Harmony Springs Beverages - 4 Reviews

Harmony Springs Beverages Peach

Harmony Springs Beverages Peach
Jim, the reason we brought you here is actually for an intervention, not for a pie eating competition. It was the only thing we could think of to get you out here. Jim, we're worried about you. We've known for a long time about what you've been up to and it's time that we, your friends and family, talk to you about the way that it makes us feel. Jim...I'm just going to come out and say this. We don't think that it's right that you eat candles. I'm sorry but as your friend and the best man in your wedding, I feel someone has to tell you that it's just not right, man.

What do you mean that you don't eat candles? Your breath smells like candles all the time. We see you during the day and night and your breath smells like candles. How do you explain that? You what? You don't eat candles? Well what could it be, Jim? Pop? What do you mean it's pop? Yeah, go out to your car and grab some. Tom? Tom. Watch Jim to make sure he doesn't leave. He's going out to his car to get some pop.

This is it? This is what smells like candles? Let me have a little sip of this. Oh. Oh. Jim. You drink this? It tastes like a peach candle. It smells like shopping at the mall in a store next to the candle shop. This drink tastes like carbonated peach wax teeth. Jim, I'm sorry. I think I speak on behalf of everyone in this room when I say that we're sorry to have brought you out here. You can leave, man. What? Was that? No, I'm sorry. It just sounded like you asked me if I was going to finish that candle over there. Jim. Did you just ask if you could eat the rest of this candle? Where are you going? Jim. You put those votives back in the bag, Jim. You get back here. Don't you walk out this door. Tom?! Where are you? You're letting him leave with four candlesticks in his back pockets, Tom!
Soda Pop
Harmony Springs BeveragesWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 11/17/14, 12:21 AM
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Harmony Springs Beverages Orange

Harmony Springs Beverages Orange
Let's see here, we've got Bones, we've got Thugs, but where is Harmony? People we need Harmony here if we're gonna do this reunion at the Grammies! No one is interested in “Bone Thugs” just rapping “Thuggish Ruggish Bone.” We're getting the big bucks to sing “Crossroads,” and we can't do that without Harmony! What do you mean he's moved out to Massachusetts to start a soda pop company? He sent us an assorted case for Xmas with a thoughtful note explaining what has been going on with him and his family? I have no time for frivolous things such as family, and I certainly don't care that the adopted several puppies this year! Fine you got me, I read the dumb note and it left me in tears and how well his family is doing, while we're still here in Cleveland, he's off being fancy in Mass. Give me one of those sodas, oh I don't know how about orange?

Gentlemen I don't think we have anything to worry about. To put it plainly this soda sucks, and there is no way that Harmony is making enough to feed all those damn adorable puppies he's taken in. It's not a high quality soda. Hell it doesn't even live up to the standard of generic store brand orange. There's something off with it, like there's too much sodium benzoate in it that gives it a weird aftertaste that's not the orange flavor you want and expect. There is something about this beverage tastes chemical and off overall. It's just a matter of time before the cost of puppy chow gets to be too much for our old friend and he rejoins us on the stage doing what he does best, harmonizing on the hits.
Soda Pop
Harmony Springs BeveragesWebsite
United States
100% Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/21/14, 10:47 AM
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Harmony Springs Beverages Golden Ginger Ale

Harmony Springs Beverages Golden Ginger Ale
Harmony is an important thing in all aspects of the word. Living in peace and harmony with other human beings and animals is a great way to live, and you will ultimately end up living a happy life. It's also the vocal harmonies in your favorite songs that are probably the reason you like them so much. I know that's the case for me most of the time.

There is no negative connotation to the word harmony. That is the reason I think this company either needs to be renamed, or delete this flavor from their catalog. This soda was most certainly not in harmony with my taste buds. Harmony Springs makes a great sarsaparilla, so I was excited to try their ginger ale, another favorite flavor of mine. This pales in comparison to the nice dark pop that I had on my last go round. This tastes like a generic sugar soda with a little bit of ginger ale flavoring added to it. The ratio of flavoring to soda base seems way off and the flavor suffers because of it.

When you're making your next batch, think more Boys to Men and less The Shaggs.

Ginger and Soda Pop
Harmony Springs BeveragesWebsite
United States
100% Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/2/13, 8:51 PM
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Harmony Springs Beverages Sarsaparilla

Harmony Springs Beverages Sarsaparilla
I purchased this on a trip that I was sure was ultimately going to result in my death. On our last tour we played a last minute show at a coffee shop in Western Mass. We didn't know anyone at town, and didn't have a place to stay. Suddenly this 20 something year old gentleman approached us and told us he had been couch surfing and living out of his van, be he had a place we could crash, as long as we were okay with having a bonfire. We agree, follow him to a 7-11, where I purchased this soda, and then drove for what seemed like forever into the heart of nothingness. It seemed like we were nowhere near any sort of town, and even streetlights were nonexistent. The words of a bonfire got me to thinking that we were certainly going to be sacrificed. Most of my body was telling me to turn around and head the other direction, but we are poor and cheap and didn't want to spring for a hotel. Finally we turned into a driveway of a creepy old farmhouse. A single motion detector light came on and it didn't help our feelings of dread. The area was dead silent. There was no trace of any other human life for miles. We ascended the stairs to enter the house and I took a breath waiting for murder and mutilation. As he flipped the light switch I was sure a family of crazy hillbillies would be waiting for me, but instead I was greeted with construction equipment. You see at the show our host was vague about everything, but he quickly explained that this was his grandmother's house and she had passed away the year before. His parents were remodeling the whole thing, and it was to be their retirement home in the country. He showed us to some nice new mattresses for us to sleep on and then we went out to enjoy a nice fire on a chilly night. It ended up being one of my favorite nights of tour, and great conversations were had. In the morning light we saw that the place was probably one of the most relaxing places I had ever been. There were hundreds of cows in a field next door, pear trees and even a little waterfall in the stream behind the house. We were dumb dumb heads and we watch too many horror movies.

You didn't come here to hear about my potential demise though. You're here for sarsaparilla, and it's a fine place to be. Due to the caps I was expecting this too be the same mix that College Club and Avery uses, but this has a much darker licorice taste to it. I was very surprised at how bold the flavor was. When companies use the same labels for all their sodas and the only denotation of the flavor is on the cap, I expect something on the higher level of good, but not great. What was that something about books and covers? This is an exceptional sarsaparilla that Massachusetts is lucky to have readily available.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Harmony Springs BeveragesWebsite
United States
100% Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/13/13, 3:04 PM
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