Motts - 3 Reviews

Motts Wild Grape Surge

Motts Wild Grape Surge
Motts, I have some questions for you. This product boasts that it has 40% less sugar than your average fruit juice, which I think is a good thing. Now, I'm assuming you didn't perform some sort of magic and remove the natural sugar from the apples and grapes that are the base of this drink. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe you have employed some sorcerers for your bottling plants. I'm going to guess that you just didn't add any HFCS or sugar to the juice. Instead you added stevia, which is healthier but still seems unnecessary. You did a good job with having this particular all natural zero calorie sweetener not taste overly diet in this juice, but you can still tell that it's there. My main question is this: why add any addition sweeteners at all? Why not just let the apples and grapes speak for themselves? Have we really come to a point in society where the natural sweetness of fruit is simply not enough? Do the majority of your customers really prefer that a perfectly sweet beverage be even sweeter? I just don't get it. You can taste the actual fruit behind the stevia, and I can tell you it's doing fine on it's own. Grape is running the game, but it invited apple along for the ride. I understand that grape juice in the raw if you will, can be a bit harsh for some people, but isn't it apple's job to keep it toned down?

In my opinion this would have been perfectly fine, if not better without the addition of a sweetener of any kind. I still enjoy it, but it leaves me wanting something more pure. If you are a person who likes their sweets sweeter, I suggest this. Why take on those extra calories when they are completely unnecessary?
Diet and Juice
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 3/7/14, 12:45 PM
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Motts Fruit Punch Rush

Motts Fruit Punch Rush
This is a good juice. This is a very good fruit punch. Fruit punch is a bit of a jerk, if I'm being honest. For the most part, fruit punch is an overly sweetened mess that makes a mockery of the fruits it claims to be made from.

This though, this isn't too bad. There is a very strong taste of cherries, which I enjoy, and a handful of other fruit that kind of blend together nicely. Apples and grapes kind of mush up into a flavor themselves as if someone just angrily let it all out on them when they weren't looking. A horrible mugging that they didn't see coming. Just mushed. Their loss is your gain because this is pretty good. Even the Stevia does a fine job of keeping things sweet but also in their place. It's like a nice but stern history teacher. Ahh history teachers; the oldest teachers in the game.
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Mike Literman on 3/4/14, 5:13 PM
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Motts 100% Apple Juice

Motts 100% Apple Juice
This is basically the standard that all other apple juice is compared to. I'm sure it's not the original, but it might as well be. Motts reigned supreme in the 80's with their juice and applesauce, and it will always be the standard to me.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/13/12, 1:47 AM
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