Natalie's - 5 Reviews

Natalie's Orange Beet

Natalie's Orange Beet
I spend far too much time reflecting back on my trip to Mexico last winter. I didn't go to any resorts, or the coast. I toured with friends' band and we hit the major cities and were in the real deal heart of the country. I even had an interaction with a member of a cartel, who happened to be at a show and really liked the band. I only knew because he was bragging to me about his custom made suit that was bullet and stab proof. What a life. I actually never think much about those things, but I always find my mind wandering to the food and drinks I consumed there. My outlook on tacos has forever been changed. I'm glad to have experienced them in their true form, but now the ones back home are lacking and leave me wanting. Another thing I had a lot of was juice, which was obscenely cheap for fresh squeezed varieties. My favorites were the orange/carrot juice that I had with my morning tacos every day and what I believe was hibiscus beet juice that I would buy in the markets. They were both incredible in their own ways, and this juice is like a combination of them both (minus a few ingredients). It's simply oranges and beets juiced with nothing else added and it is completely fantastic, to an extent that it is kind of dangerous. I feel like I could consume mass amounts of this if I wasn't paying attention. Would that really be such a bad thing though? It's just juice and it tastes so fresh and healthy. I already want another bottle. So long savings account.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/31/17, 11:03 AM
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Natalie's Honey Tangerine

Natalie's Honey Tangerine
When I first saw this I thought it was going to be tangerine juice with honey in it. I salivated at the thought. When I looked at it I realized that it's just a type of tangerine. I was a little disappointed until I took as sip and I realized that it didn't need the honey, not at all. This is nothing but juice of the previously mentioned fruit, and it needs nothing else. Sure it's a little acidic, but what do you expect? I think I might get a stomach ache if I drank too much, but this bottle is the perfect size for such a wonderful juice.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/29/17, 1:43 PM
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Natalie's Hand Crafted Seasonal Blends Orange Mango Peach

Natalie's Hand Crafted Seasonal Blends Orange Mango Peach
This drink is good enough that it doesn't need some stupid made up story in its review. If Natalie's knows one thing it's how to make exquisite orange juice. That's right, I said exquisite. This is first and foremost a decently pulpy orange juice of the highest caliber. The company was smart enough to start with an amazing base to their juice. I feel like too many companies depend on the alternate flavorings to carry their products. This could be a straight orange juice and I would love it.

The mango and the peach are there to accentuate the orange flavoring, not to overpower it. If you're looking for a strong mango or peach juice, you should probably look elsewhere, but if you're looking for some of the best orange juice on the market splurge a little and treat yourself to a bottle of this.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/2/11, 11:32 AM
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Natalie's Hand Crafted Seasonal Blends Blackberry Limeade

Natalie's Hand Crafted Seasonal Blends Blackberry Limeade
This was suggested to me by our Thirsty Dudes ally Andy Czuba. He takes awesome photos and sings in a great band called Strangers. I respect Andy's taste in most things so when he texted me last night and told me to give this drink a try, I knew it must be good.

I've seen this brand a lot at the Lexington Co-op but usually pass them by due to the high price ($2.99 for a 16oz bottle oof!). I already had a good feeling on this when I saw the ingredients: water, limejuice, blackberry puree, sugar. Simple. Clean. Delicious. In a world where most food products have a paragraph of ingredients, it's nice and refreshing finding a drink that has a short list and it's all things that are easily recognizable.

So was Andy right? Indeed he was! The blackberry taste is juicy, thick, and deep. It lingers for a little bit after each sip, which is great. The lime aftertaste is super tart but I like it that way. I really like drinks like this that give you two distinct different tastes right after each other. It's like a one-two punch of sweet berry, and then BAM! sour lime in your face. I might have to splurge on the other flavors of Natalie's delicious drinks.
Juice and Lemonade
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/8/11, 4:14 PM
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Natalie's Hand Crafted Seasonal Blends Orange Raspberry

Natalie's Hand Crafted Seasonal Blends Orange Raspberry
Here is a list of the ingredients in this beverage: 1. Florida Orange Juice. 2. Raspberry Puree. It is by far the best orange juice I have ever had. I love pulp in drinks, and when the pulp is ground up raspberries my taste buds are in heaven. The raspberry takes away the bitterness of the orange juice for a perfect addition to your breakfast.
Juice and Chunky
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/17/10, 7:16 PM
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