Spree - 3 Reviews

Spree Sparkling Water Lemon Strawberry

Spree Sparkling Water Lemon Strawberry
Marco was a child who could stand to lose a few pounds. His life was spent watching television and playing video games. In fact the only times he left the house were when his mom forced him to go to school and on Fridays aka allowance day, when he would take his weekly pay for nothing and head to the corner store to stock up on candy. It was the happiest day of the week for Marco. Not only was he free from school for two days but also his sugar intake would soar.

There was no doubt about it; Marco was a Wonka man. Nearly all of his money went to buy that company's confectionaries. This past allowance day, Marco waddled down to the corner store and was decided what candies to buy this week when a display caught his eye. Spree sparkling water? Could it be that Mr Wonka had expanded his line and made a liquid version of one of Marco's favorite treats? He quickly grabbed a pile of Nerds, Laffy Taffy and Runts before he grabbed a bottle of Lemon Strawberry Spree. He was so excited that he dropped his change all over the counter. After the monetary exchange was complete he ran out side, sat on the curb and twisted open the cap. This…€¦was…€¦not…€¦what…€¦he…€¦expected…€¦at…€¦all. The contents of the bottle did not taste like liquefied candy at all. It was nice and bubbly, but it had a weird taste, that was almost diet but not like the diet pop his mom chugged all the time.

He was a bit disappointed, but since he had limited income he didn't want to waste his purchase, so he kept sipping on it during his walk home. Somewhere around the 3rd or 4th sip he realized that he didn't mind the diet taste, which he learned was called stevia. Actually he was kind of getting into the drink. Sure it wasn't candy-like, but it was sweet in it's own way, and not as thick as the sodas he was used to drinking. The dietness of it ran most of the flavor, but underneath that was a bit of a strawberry lemonade flavoring.

By the time he got home the bottle was empty, and Marco didn't feel cheated by his purchase. This was something he enjoyed that he could get his mom to buy because he could convince her it was healthy. Now if he could just convince her that his MMO games were good for him as well, and that school was evil, all would be right in the world.
Diet, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Jason Draper on 3/28/14, 12:37 PM
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Spree All Natural Sparkling Water Pina Pina Colada

Spree All Natural Sparkling Water Pina Pina Colada
Hats off to Jimmy Buffett. Seriously. I cannot drink or read the word "Pina Colada" without singing the chorus of that song in my head. I have been to a Margaritaville in Las Vegas and had a pretty decent meal of jerk chicken so once again, Jimmy, I doff my hat to you.

Review. Right. This is not a pina colada. I have never drunk one but this is sparkling and clear and not alcoholic and milky. Taste wise though; I don't hate it at all. I quite like it actually. Initially it tastes kind of diet but then you read that it's Stevia and not something gross and you kind of readjust your taste buds to it and the next sip is far better. One sampler in my focus group said that it smelled like suntan lotion but I don't think that I've ever met a pina colada that didn't.

For this being zero calories, this is very good. It is up there on my list of great pina colada drinks. It's accurate and even though they made it calorieless, it doesn't really suffer any consequences. So from me to both Spree and Jimmy Buffett, good work guys. You've got it.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 3/3/14, 4:30 PM
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Spree Sparkling Water Kiwi Kumquat

Spree Sparkling Water Kiwi Kumquat
Mrs. Mulvaney we are happy to announce that you have won a shopping spree. We understand that you are a 68 year old mother of four children who have left the nest to have families of your own. We also have down here that you are diabetic and that you have a passion for kitten sweaters. After compiling all of that data, we have decided to grant you a seven minute shopping spree at Home Depot. It seemed like the most fitting establishment on our list for your lifestyle. Remember to grab all of that lumber you'll need for those renovations you would like to do to your house, if you didn't live in a third floor apartment.

By our calculations your frail frame should be able to push a shopping cart that weights about 300lbs. So make sure you stock up on power tools while you have the time! By law we are required to furnish you with a beverage during your spree, as to avoid any allegations of neglect in case you die from exhaustion/dehydration. Our team of specialists has determined this bottle of kiwi kumquat sparkling water will be perfect for the job. Oh look at that, it's sweetened with stevia, so you also won't have a diabetic episode because of it. Our specialists really are on their game here.

This thing actually tastes pretty good for being diet as well. I think I might have to contact the head office and have them send me a case. It smells more like kiwi than it tastes like that magical green fruit, but it still has a nice general tropical fruit taste to it. It's rare that you come across kumquats in a drink, but I'm all for it. It's like a tiny fancy orange, with a slightly different taste. I much prefer them to the strawberry that normally accompanies kiwi. Overall it's light, it's fruity and the stevia doesn't make you feel like you're poisoning yourself just to lower your sugar intake. I mean sure it taste more like stevia than any fruit, but that is the nature of the diet game.

Now Mrs. Mulvaney, take off that house coat and grab some comfortable shoes. You're got a store to ransack.
Diet, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 2/18/14, 12:23 PM
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