Day's Pineapple

Day's Pineapple
It seems that every semi-major city in the United States has it's own regional soda. The thing with these sodas is that they are generally nothing spectacular. Most of the time they are on par with store-brand varieties, but sometimes they are something special like Johnnie Ryan or College Club. Day's, the Eastern Pennsylvanian soda, walks the line between generic and special. I feel like they would fall under the run of the mill category if they didn't make more unusual flavors like they do. For today's installment I'm drinking their pineapple soda. Not many companies make pop of this flavor and I really don't know why. Every pineapple pop I've tried has been more than decent. They all generally tend to taste basically the same as well. You know the candied pineapple flavor that vaguely tastes like the fruit, but you don't really care, because it's a great stand-alone flavor. This tastes like Slice, College Club, or Pop Shoppe's pineapple soda. As far as I know they all use the same recipe because I …€˜m guessing 90% of the people out there couldn't tell the difference in a blind taste test.

Will we someday end up trying every flavor of every regional soda? More than likely no, but we can dream big can't we?
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 6/22/12, 11:37 PM
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