Jeff's Chocolate Soda

Jeff's Chocolate Soda
I saw this on the shelf in a random grocery store and I needed to have it. Then I got home and saw that it fairly largely proclaimed to have "Egg Cream." The thought made me want to hurl. Imagine a nice root beer and then someone dumps a bunch of whipped egg in it. That probably sounds like the worst thing ever.
After putting it off for a few days, I decided this was the night. There were a bunch of people hanging out and I could pass it around, so I wouldn't feel like I had to drink the whole thing.
You know what? It's not that bad. It tastes like someone took a sweet flavorless soda and dumped a packet of Swiss Miss hot chocolate mix in it. It has the consistency of chocolate milk, with a nice thick head on it. It's a bit weird, but the more you drink of it, the better it is. It's really only the aftertaste that is weird.
I also just realized it kind of tastes like when I was a kid and I thought I was awesome, so before school I would mix all of the beverages in my fridge and drink it at the bus stop. On the days that there was chocolate milk, and no orange juice, it really wasn't all that bad. It's like the Burger King self serve special. We've all done that.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 11/16/10, 4:25 PM
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