Trader Joe's Vintage Orange Cream Soda

Trader Joe's Vintage Orange Cream Soda
I have one question; do you like creamsicles? If the answer is no, don't even bother with this soda, because that is what it is in a bubbly liquid form. If you do, then I urge you to get your hands on one of these. As I said it tastes like a creamsicle, but one that was made with actual oranges. It's probably the most natural tasting orange cream soda I've ever tasted, which is always a good thing.

An employee of Trader Joes once told me that all of their products were actually the ends of the batches of other company's products with a Trader Joes label on it. It makes sense. I want to know what company is the rightful heir to this cream fortune, because I'd guess we already reviewed it, and for some reason I think this version tastes better.
Soda Pop
Trader Joe'sWebsite@TraderJoesList
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/31/12, 5:42 PM
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