Agave Syrup - 7 Reviews

Little Miracles Organic Energy Black Tea Ginseng Peach Acai Agave

Little Miracles Organic Energy Black Tea Ginseng Peach Acai Agave
I don't know why this was marked down. I'm speaking out of order. This was marked down. Now we're on track. I don't know why this was marked down. It's very good. It's smooth, flavorful, good calorie count and natural. It tastes like peach black tea. You don't have a strong ginseng taste but you can tell that is there with a little bitterness. A kind reminder that Little Miracles is concerned about your mental capacity. They want you to pass that test. They want you to do well in your interview for that new job. They want you to reach your best time in that blindfolded Rubik's Cube competition. 'Tis a fine tea and I would drink it again if given the opportunity but since it's in the markdown endcap, I fear that I won't have the change. I hope all is well, Little Miracles. Maybe a new line is in the pipeline. Let's wait and find out.
Iced Tea and Energy Drink
Little MiraclesWebsite@OrganicMiracles
Agave Syrup
Mike Literman on 12/4/14, 12:10 PM
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Little Miracles Organic Energy Green Tea Ginseng Pomegranate Acai Agave

Little Miracles Organic Energy Green Tea Ginseng Pomegranate Acai Agave
I don't know if I knew what to expect with this drink. There are a lot of flavors in that title. Can you taste all of it? I actually think so. So right away, kudos. Green tea and ginseng? Right off the bat. That's your round one. That is followed by a mix of pomegranate and acai. I have never eaten a raw acai. I have seen that one web advertisement where that "newscaster" girl is touting that it's some sort of cancer killing miracle fruit. Those two friends, acai and pomegranate work together in bitter, fruity harmony. The agave gives it a smooth sweetness. I actually like it. It's sort of calming and rounds out the edges a bit. This has a decent amount of bitterness from all of the companies combined which is nice since after all, it's supposed to be bitter.

All around, it's good. It does what it's supposed to and tastes like how it's supposed to taste. It's not asking a lot but rarely delivered. Congrats!
Iced Tea
Little MiraclesWebsite@OrganicMiracles
Agave Syrup
Mike Literman on 11/3/14, 4:58 PM
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Little Miracles Organic Energy Lemongrass Tea Orange Juice Ginger Ginseng Agave

Little Miracles Organic Energy Lemongrass Tea Orange Juice Ginger Ginseng Agave
Folks, a miracle was truly performed by this beverage. They used lemongrass tea and I didn't find it to be gross. In fact, I actually really enjoyed it. Unlike most miracles this is a divine interaction that I can deconstruct. The secret here is that the lemongrass tea isn't the base of the drink; it is merely an added flavor. The heart of this beverage is a mixture of water, apple juice and agave syrup. It's one of those drinks that you don't really taste the apple juice until you read that it is in the mix, and then its inclusion becomes very apparent and you can't believe you didn't realize it before. Now add a bit of orange juice to the mix and things really start coming into form. Throw in a few miscellaneous ingredients such as lemon juice, ginseng, orange extract, oolong, and that pesky lemongrass. Things are almost ready for the public, but that lemongrass is just sticking out too much in the flavor. Whatever should we do? Oh how about tossing in some ginger which will compete for one of the strongest flavors in the drink, but with not even a hint of a burn.

In the end this is really more juice than tea, but the effects are the same; it gives you a sweet, delicious organic energy, that might not be as intense as the chemical, artificial ones on the market, but it works enough.

Look at that I have explained a miracle. Perhaps the Catholic Church should hire me when they need to investigate such matters. I mean I don't have to be a believer to disprove things, right?
Energy Drink, Ginger and Iced Tea
Little MiraclesWebsite@OrganicMiracles
United States
Agave Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/8/14, 10:59 AM
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Little Miracles Organic Energy White Tea Ginseng Cherry Acai Agave

Little Miracles Organic Energy White Tea Ginseng Cherry Acai Agave
Forgive me, for the only thing I can think of as I sip on this beverage is “Little Triggers” by Elvis Costello. It may not be the strongest track on This Year's Model, but that doesn't mean it isn't one hell of a song. The same thing could be said about this beverage. It's not the best energy drink, tea or juice I've ever had, but it's still extremely enjoyable.

I don't think I have ever disliked any beverage that has contained cherry juice. When the real thing is used it is so superior to anything that is just cherry flavored. Drinking this is like eating a huge bowl of fresh cherries while sipping on some lightly sweetened white tea on the back porch of a country home with a light breeze blowing the laundry on the line clean. Can you tell I've been stuck inside for too long?

You know what, maybe I was wrong before, maybe this beverage is even better than I thought. Every ingredient is in the exact right place with the exact right amount. The choice of using agave syrup and apple juice to sweeten it was the exact right choice. It gives it a very specific taste that is dead on. Sure there are other fruit juices in the mix, but they don't shine too much. Instead they are there to dull down the cherry a bit, as straight juice from that fruit can tend to be a little intense. The way it mingles with the other fruits in here just make it perfectly smooth.

It's called an energy drink, but don't be a fool and think it's anything like Monster, Red Bull or any of those types of companies. The energy in here comes from nature. It's the caffeine from the white tea and a little extra kick from some ginseng. It's not going to make you feel all crazy and give you the shakes. It will just keep you even with a little push to help you keep going. Little Miracles I think I love you. To bring it back to Costello, I will say something about “Miracle Man.” Now discuss which is better, This Year's Model or My Aim is True. There really is only one correct answer.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
Little MiraclesWebsite@OrganicMiracles
United States
Agave Syrup
Jason Draper on 7/27/14, 2:16 PM
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Columbia Gorge Meyer Ginger Lemonade

Columbia Gorge Meyer Ginger Lemonade
Lemonade and ginger= two things I love. I've never had a bad drink from Columbia Gorge, and this did not break the streak. The lemonade is really sweet and refreshing, but then comes the ginger. The ginger sneaks up on your taste buds like a ninja, quick and strong. It makes for a great combination that is a pleasure to drink.
Lemonade and Ginger
Columbia GorgeWebsite
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Agave Syrup
Derek Neuland on 10/24/10, 9:04 PM
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Columbia Gorge Red Ginger Limeade

Columbia Gorge Red Ginger Limeade
I have a love/hate relationship with this drink. I love it a lot because the ginger juice, lime juice, and the blood orange juice make a great flavor when they're mixed together, but I hate it because it's such a strong combination. It's hard to drink a lot of it at a time due to how much it burns my stomach. I love strong ginger and lemonades/limeades, but this can be even too strong for me at times. The bits of ginger at the bottom are especially hard sometimes. It's a great juice to take a big sip of in the morning to wake you up.
Juice and Ginger
Columbia GorgeWebsite
United States
Agave Syrup
Derek Neuland on 10/4/10, 12:41 AM
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Columbia Gorge Lemonade

Columbia Gorge Lemonade
Warning: do not take a big sip of this the first time you try it. You will be in for a big surprise as the strong taste of lemon juice stings your tongue and singes your insides all the way down until it settles into your stomach. If you have ever drunk pure lemon juice, you know the feeling I'm talking about.
That being said, Columbia Gorge knows how to make good lemonade. If you like yours extra tart, then this one is for you. It's sweetened with agave syrup, which I've never seen before but I welcome the change. It really lets the lemon in the lemonade shine through when it's not loaded with sugar.
Columbia GorgeWebsite
United States
Agave Syrup
Derek Neuland on 9/6/10, 10:33 PM
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