Organic Fair Trade Unrefined Cane Sugar - 2 Reviews

Organic Valley Organic Balance Milk Protein Shake Dark Chocolate

Organic Valley Organic Balance Milk Protein Shake Dark Chocolate
There are some things that John wanted to do differently. One thing was more "liquid meals." No, not alcohol like when people say, "Hey. Want to get a liquid lunch?" Just to be able to drink more meals and more rapidly turn into vitamins and minerals versus wasting calories with traditional food. Look, John likes pizza and tacos as much as the next guy. He can't keep doing that every day, though. He needs to supplement. John loves chocolate so he figured what better way to replace one meal that he loved with another flavor that he loved?

He bought a case of the Organic Valley Dark Chocolate protein shake and just started replacing. Day after day, meal after meal he found himself enjoying life more and more. He had more time to spend with friends since a meal now took him five minutes versus the hour it took him before. His bosses noticed his dedication and gave him a little raise. Everyone at work saw him as a hard worker and gave him the respect he deserved. He enjoyed the taste. It wasn't chalky like some other protein drinks he's had in the past. It's dark chocolate but just barely.

John has gotten what he wanted and more. He really stuck to it and learned a few things; You spend a lot of your life thinking about food and eating and Janet in accounting eats subs every day of the week and still looks fine.
Milk and Milkshake
Organic ValleyWebsite@OrganicValley
United States
Organic Fair Trade Unrefined Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/23/16, 9:32 AM
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Organic Valley Organic Balance Milk Protein Shake Vanilla Bean

Organic Valley Organic Balance Milk Protein Shake Vanilla Bean
There is an organic balance in an organic valley in an organic town in and organic state in an organic country in an organic world in an organic dimension. That's right, there is a parallel dimension to ours in which everything is organic. Without the aid of manmade materials and products, life expectancy isn't as long as it is here, but the people there know no other way, so they have no complaints. When they drink their vanilla bean milk protein shakes they are quite accustomed to it tasting like ever so slightly thicker milk that has had vanilla beans soaking in it. They don't know/care that it doesn't feel anything like a protein shake in our dimension. It doesn't have the graininess, or the viscosity that we have come ot expect from our protein shakes. It's as if milk came from a cow they added some vanilla and a bit of sugar and they have their meal replacement. Things are simpler in organic world and they just might be for the best.
Milk and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Organic ValleyWebsite@OrganicValley
United States
Organic Fair Trade Unrefined Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/21/15, 3:19 PM
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