All Sport - 2 Reviews

All Sport Zero Blue Raz

All Sport Zero Blue Raz
What sport are you playing? Oh never mind, it doesn't matter. As long as you are playing something that can be considered a sport I have a drink for you. Whether is be football, golf or curling this drink will cure what ails you. I call it All Sport, because as I have said it covers literally every sport. If you're playing, it's hydrating you.

What does it taste like? Well what do you think? It is a sports drink after all and they pretty much all taste the same to some extent. This one just happens to be diet. We used sucralose and rebiana. It actually doesn't taste that much like a diet drink either. It just tastes blue and I know you know what that it. At first this is pretty great, but by the time you have about a third left, you're done with it. I suppose I shouldn't be telling you that as I'm trying to sell you think drink, but…โ‚ฌยฆwait this isn't my product at all. I found it at Big Lots. Oh, in that case people stick to Gatorade, they are tried and true and have their own decent diet drinks.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
All SportWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 1/11/14, 3:56 PM
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All Sport Zero Orange

All Sport Zero Orange
Orange, eh? Sir, you are under oath. Do not lie to me. You call this orange? Yes, it is the color orange, but to call this orange is pushing the extent of my patience. If you want to walk out of this courtroom a free man, you have to tell me the truth. Did you doctor this drink in any way? There, now. Was it that hard? What did you put in it? Sucralose? That's one of those artificial sweeteners isn't it? Yeah, that's what I thought. You think I got into the judge's chair by being some sort of idiot?

What else have we got here? It tastes like a watered down Gatorade if I can be so blunt. Is that what you want? A diet tasting, watered down Gatorade? You're fine with that? Sir, please. Let me leave you with these words of wisdom: Don't be average. Be great. Average never did anything noteworthy. You may leave and please pay the bursar the small fee of three hundred and seventy dollars and have a nice day. I hope I left you with something to think about.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
All SportWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 10/22/13, 4:51 PM
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