Granny Squibb's - 9 Reviews

Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Raspberry

Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Raspberry
Sugar is the cause of every youth getting in trouble. They get hyper because they ate too much or they get snotty because they can't have some candy that is just out of reach of their kid hands. It rots their teeth. Candy and sugar is to kids what money and sex is to adults; the root of all evil. If kids only knew what it was like to not worry about it. Celibate to sugar. That or just give it up for a little. I know as a crappy adult, I have a pile of sweets next to my desk that I dip into every once in a while. It would be hard for me. That being said, I can't tell you the last time I had a sweetened tea at a restaurant. If restaurants sold different unsweetened teas, aside from the mind-numbingly fantastic tea served at P.F. Changs, then we would all be less chunky and more trim, lean, and happy.

This tea is a nice unsweetened tea but every once in a while the lime gives it a little bit of a bitter taste. It's lime, though. It's not lime flavoring or candy lime, just straight up lime. It disturbs the raspberry a bit but it's not stopping me from coming back. I'm slowly polishing off this bottle and there is nothing that's going to stop me. It is good and I will be sad to see it gone, lime and all.

Kids, less sugar more unsweetened tea. Trust me, the sugar drinks you are consuming as a child suck. Wait until you are a little bit older and can appreciate quality chocolates, teas, and other stuff. You won't look back.
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 2/13/13, 3:08 PM
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Granny Squibb's Black Currant Tea

Granny Squibb's Black Currant Tea
Finally, I say. Finally I have found a black currant drink that doesn't taste like a foot. I don't know what other people were doing but seriously everyone. Are you still mushing up fruit with your feet and are you also not washing your feet? Classic. Classic.

In the modern day, we've got machines and...I don't know...steamrollers...that mush up fruits to make juice. Clean things. This company is pretty spot on with everything we've had. This tea is a good, naturally sweetened black tea with a very nice and fruity black currant drink. It is a good split between the flavor and the base that I could drink again and again.

Look, if you've got a small, intimate company that still makes juice with your feet; I would love to drink it as long as you have some sort of FDA related clearance. I don't often care about the FDA but when potentially skuzzy body parts are involved, I might like a little bit of interference of a third party agency.
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 11/27/12, 5:03 PM
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Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Mojito/Lime Tea

Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Mojito/Lime Tea
I love that Granny and the family has started making unsweetened versions of their line of teas. You see I am an adult, and being one means that I no longer require obscene amounts of sugar in my beverages. Sure I drink a lot of sugary drinks to review for this website, but my intake of fluids is mostly water and unsweetened tea that I brew myself. That's good and well for when I am at home/work, but when I'm out gallivanting with my friends it's nice to have unsweetened options that aren't bottled water.

After those accolades I have to say that I'm not sure this was a good flavor to choose for the unsweetened line. Actually, yes it was. It's a good solid drink, but I would definitely purchase one of their other flavors before this. I love mojito flavored drinks, but they are one drink that sugar definitely helps even out. The lime in this distracts from the taste of the actual tea in this bottle. Tea is naturally a little bitter and that coupled with the sourness of the lime is a bit much. Perhaps I would be more prone to purchase this if the fruit flavor was toned down a bit. The mint flavor here is at a great level. It's very subtle, but still noticeable, meaning that it still has a slight mint flavor without tasting like you're drinking tea after brushing your teeth.

Okay, so I praised this, and then I took it down a couple of pegs, confusing I know. Let me set the record straight. I did enjoy this tea. I just feel that a few small changes could make me really love it. Granny, keep doing what you're doing and I'll keep drinking it, enjoying it and always be dreaming bigger.
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/25/12, 3:19 PM
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Granny Squibb's Raspberry Tea

Granny Squibb's Raspberry Tea
I don't mean to bum everyone out, but I currently have no grandmothers, as mine have both passed on. It happened a long time ago and I have moved on and learned to live in a grandmotherless world. Now that I've tasted my fourth bottle of this brand of tea I realize I was wrong and this is a plea for Granny Squibb to adopt me as her own so that I can get my fill of her tea any time I so wish. You see it's not available in Buffalo, and waiting for her new flavors to come out so that we can get samples is simply not acceptable.

This tastes like a nice black tea that one of my past grandmothers might have brewed up, except they never would have iced it. It was hot tea or nothing with them. This is chilled and sweetened. If it were just black tea I would have loved it, but the addition of raspberry made it perfect. This may in fact be the best raspberry iced tea I have ever tasted. When a tea actually tastes like it was sweetened with real fruit, you know the company has done well.

So what do you think Madam Squibb, will you be my new grandmamma?
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/30/12, 9:41 PM
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Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Lemon Mint

Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Lemon Mint
Charlie, why do you drink pop all the time? You know that the giant things of tea I make are communal, right? You didn't? Tea is like free. I know we're broke, but tea is my eternal gift to you. I don't even care if you finish it. I enjoy making it, I enjoy drinking it, I would enjoy if you enjoyed it instead of that grocery store cola you're always slamming. I put lemons in it, yes. I don't expect you to cut up lemons like I do if you make it but it's a nice little treat to have a lemon tea. Oh, you need more in there? Well let's spruce it up a little bit. What have we got in the cupboard here. Oh, awesome, mint leaves. I don't know when else I would use these. Let's put these in here, go get something to eat, come back and drink some tea.


You know what, Charlie? I don't care what anyone says about McNugget's. I love them and they've always been delicious. Let's get that glass of tea, right? It's pretty good. A little hint of mint and not at all toothpasty. The lemon just kind of adds to the flavor but it's all good. I'm going to have to do this with the mint more often. Thanks, Charlie, for your inspirational recipe additions. Now I know why I keep you around. What? It was a joke. I don't care that you hang around the house all day playing my Xbox, as long as you make rent and bills, you can do whatever you want. We're young. Now is the time to do this. Give me more of that tea. We've got video games to play!
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/18/12, 2:35 PM
Direct Link

Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Black Currant Tea

Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Black Currant Tea
Granny knows best and she thinks it's about darn time you stopped eating so much sugar. She knows you sneak out to the kitchen in the middle of the night and eat spoonfuls of sugar out of the jar. She can tell by the way you're getting paunchy, well that and the sugar you leave everywhere including encrusted onto the spoons you just put back in the drawer. Seriously, that's how you get ants. As of now she's put locks on the cupboards so you can't get to her sweet, sweet sugar, and she's going to start feeding you unsweetened iced tea. Sure at first you might think unsweetened tea is bitter and not for you who loves granulated sugar a mouthful at a time, but after a few classes you will warm up to it, and get used to your unsweetened life. Have we mentioned how you look paunchy and unhealthy?

Don't worry kiddo; she's not just going to put a glass of straight black tea with ice cubes in it in front of you. She knows you love your flavor, so she mixed in some black currant juice with the tea. It's a tart fruit mixed in with a bitter tea, but they do commingle nicely. Granny knew you would still complain a bit about it, so she also put in a squirt of lime juice to spice it up, and spice it up she did. At first sip the lime stands out more than anything, but as your palate gets used to it all of the flavors settle together into a nice sugar free family. Don't you want to get to know this family and lose your paunch? You don't? Well it's too bad because it's what granny wants you to do and she makes the rules! Also, it's a delicious drink. Seriously, just get used to unsweetened tea. You're body will thank you later.
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/30/12, 7:31 PM
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Granny Squibb's Raspberry Lime Tea

Granny Squibb's Raspberry Lime Tea
Granny Squibb's has done it again. She's now 3/3 with great tasting teas, all of which for four bottle ratings. This one here is definitely something special. It's pretty much their mojito tea with raspberry juice added to it. Can you really ever go wrong with adding raspberry? Okay, you can really mess up cakes with fruit, especially wedding cakes. I love fruit, but it has no place in a cake. It always ends up tasting like someone spread some jelly on your wonderful piece of cake and ruined it. Friends take note. I want no fruit in my cake (unless it's whole strawberries on top). Luckily there is no cake involved in this tea, so added the raspberry was a great idea. I hope that Granny Squibb continues to expand their line of outstanding iced teas.
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/13/11, 10:13 AM
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Granny Squibb's Lemon Mint

Granny Squibb's Lemon Mint
My grandma rules. Every time I go over there she has made something delicious like pasta, cookie, or something else. She doesn't fool with drinks, though. If she did, that would run companies like Granny Squibb out of business. That says a lot for my grandma, but I don't want it to sound like this company is easy to beat. It is hard to find a good iced tea company. This tea was very good. It's clearly a lemon tea base with just the right amount of mint. It has enough mint that it's extra cool, but not that it's mouthwash.

Very refreshing.
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/6/11, 11:47 AM
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Granny Squibb's Mojito/Lime Tea

Granny Squibb's Mojito/Lime Tea
Last spring I was on tour in the UK. After our show in Manchester some friends took me out to a couple of clubs. Even though I don't drink alcohol I've been to a decent amount of bars in my time. Most of the time they can be pretty depressing places in a sober state, but every once in awhile things just fall in line and it's a lot of fun. This was one of those nights. You may be asking yourself what someone like myself has for a beverage of choice in a bar. Is it water? Coke? No my friends. When I go out I ask the bartender for a mix of cranberry juice and 7Up. A lot of the time this is either followed by a strange look and some smart-ass comment. I don't care the drink is delicious. So back to Manchester. We get to our first bar of the night and I head up to order my trusty beverage when I notice there is a list of non-alcoholic mixed drinks they serve. Suddenly this night became even better. The first thing on the list was a Mojito. I was floored.

Now time for a back-story inside of a back-story. The year before this event we were down in Athens, GA. Walking around town. Checking it all out. We're walking by the outside patio of a bar and sitting there is Mike Mills from R.E.M. (my favorite band of all time, I don't care if that makes me a nerd). Guess what he's drinking? If you said a Mojito give yourself a fist bump. I'm not one to get all fan boy, but I did engage in a quick, slightly embarrassing conversation with him.

Back to the first back-story. So yeah I had never had a Mojito. Mike Mills was drinking one. I decided that is what I would choose from the list. I made a wise choice. It was delicious. Mint and Lime are a great combination.

This is a different sort of drink. It's Mojito mixed with tea. That means it's instantly improved. Mint in tea tastes like you're chewing gum while drinking tea. It's a sad fact the world needs to accept. When you add lime to the mix, it's a whole new player. The gum factor is out the window and you're on a sailboat to the Isle of Refreshment. This time that boat just happens to be captained by Granny Squibb. She definitely knows how to handle that vessel.
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/26/11, 7:30 PM
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