Mogu Mogu - 3 Reviews

Mogu Mogu Strawberry

Mogu Mogu Strawberry
This was strange. I have personally grown tired of the stingy flavor of these drinks. It doesn't taste bad, per-se, but it's not anything that I would drink out of the context of a mandatory review.

As for the taste, it's got a real strawberry taste. For that I give the fellas and ladies over at Mogu Mogu credit. They use actual strawberry juice in this drink. I saved this one for last and now I wish that I hadn't put so much hope in you, little drink.
Juice and Chunky
Mogu Mogu
Mike Literman on 11/1/10, 9:14 AM
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Mogu Mogu Orange

Mogu Mogu Orange
At my house growing up, we were never allowed to finish the orange juice. My dad never said a single thing, but my mom instilled the fear into us that he would do something if we ever finished it. "Don't finish the orange juice on your father." mom would say. Daily. She would say it so often that I still think it when I buy orange juice for my own house.

This drink does not taste like orange juice, but it does taste like the following made up scenario that I am going to make up right now for you, for free.

I come home from school. I'm thirsty. I drink all but a small bit of orange juice. I then quickly realize that I have drunk too much and that there is an insufficient amount for even the teeniest of glasses. I look around in the fridge. Bingo. Orange drink. You know the stuff. 0% juice. 100% gross. I hear the garage door open. Dad. Crud. I pry the cap off the orange drink and pour a generous amount into the orange juice container. It's orange and after all, orange is orange, right? Pops will never know.

Fast-forward to today and if I poured that glass of "orange juice" this is what it would taste like. Also, add some nata de coco and you're spot on.
Juice and Chunky
Mogu Mogu
Mike Literman on 10/1/10, 8:35 AM
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Mogu Mogu Lychee

Mogu Mogu Lychee
I'll tell you what I love. Giving any drink with nata de coco or aloe vera in it to unsuspecting people. Who thinks that there are chunks in drinks? Who doesn't look at what they are drinking if it comes in a clear bottle? Suckers, that's who.

Onward to the review:

Way better than the apple lemon nata de coco drink I had last week. I'm not playing favorites, but this is better. The lychee gives it a nice floral aroma and the chunks were marinated with the hint of lychee so every time you bit into one, it's like a rush of flowers in your senses. The flavor isn't too sweet and doesn't have that poison sting that a lot of Asian drinks have.

This is on par with some lychee drinks I've had, which is good. Familiar. Familiar is good.
Juice and Chunky
Mogu Mogu
Mike Literman on 9/28/10, 8:12 AM
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