T. Grand Assam - 2 Reviews

T. Grand Assam Green Tea Lemon

T. Grand Assam Green Tea Lemon
Look, if an iced tea can even possibly be good past its expiration date, I'm fine with it. Those are just suggestions anyhow, right? Sure, this expired in April and here we are deep into December but honestly, how bad could it have gotten? There isn't anything in this drink that could really go bad. I suppose that could be a bad thing in itself if you think about it. Like that shot of a McDonald's cheeseburger every day for a month that looks just as good as the day it was purchased. Something that will never die and never tarnish is wrong in itself. We're supposed to age. We're supposed to get wrinkles. That's what our natural, genetic makeup is telling our bodies to do. Get hunchy, get grey, and get upset when people walk on your lawn.

This drink, old age and all, was good. I don't think that if I drank it in it's specifically allocated time it would have been any better or even different really. It tastes different than American lemon green teas. It's almost hard to place what makes it different but something here just tastes more right. It tastes like there is some actual tea in there. Sure, in the ingredients it's listed as "green tea extract" and "green tea flavor" but that's about all you can get out of green tea, right? Lemon juice concentrate is real lemon. Honey is honey. "Lemon flavor" is a bit sketch but it's lemon. Who cares? We know what it tastes like. This might be all of the above ingredients plus a hint or essence of something floral.

If I ever go to Taiwan, I will most certainly look for M. Bison, but after that search promptly grinds to a halt, I feel like I will have fun looking for drinks like this because this tastes right.
Iced Tea
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Mike Literman on 12/28/13, 10:46 PM
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T. Grand Assam Green Tea Honey

T. Grand Assam Green Tea Honey
Steve, why did you start brewing the green tea out in the yard? You didn't like the way it made the house smell? Well that is just dumb. Brewing tea smells delicious. In fact I always look forward to coming home from work so I can open up the door and be greeted by that wonderful aroma. Now, my second question; why did you start brewing the green tea out in the yard in the middle of the bee apiary? Oh, that's the only place it would fit where it wouldn't be in the way of your croquet game. I guess that's understandable, but tell me this did you clean the vats out between batches? I mean I know I probably shouldn't have left you in charge for the two months that I was on vacation, but I leave a life of leisure and I need to do that from time to time. The thing is that the bees seemed to have incorporated the vats into their hives and if we want to sell any of this tea we're going to have to filter out the honeycombs and dead bees. Let's just do that and never mention this to anyone else. I just hope the tale of this doesn't end up on some dumb website.

Steve, we've somehow brewed a tea that tastes exactly like Asian green tea. I don't know how to explain the difference between the green tea I brew from a tea bag and the kind you get in a Chinese restaurant, but this is way more like the latter. The bee residue that we filtered out actually gives this a little bit of a honey flavor. I personally like my green tea unsweetened, but I think a lot of people would be into this. It has a medium level of sweetness, which is what many people need for a stepping-stone to the world of unsweetened teas. Your blunder may have actually been a gateway to a healthier America. Good job, son.
Iced Tea
T. Grand AssamWebsite
Jason Draper on 11/18/12, 10:43 AM
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