V8 - 9 Reviews

V8 + Energy Kiwi Melon

V8 + Energy Kiwi Melon
Mark, I was happy to come over and help you tear our your kitchen. I mean it's always great to help out a pal in order to save them some money. The thing is, this is day three of what was supposed to be a couple hour job. As I said, I'm happy to help out a friend, but I'm calling into work for this and old man Jenkins is getting pretty pissed, not to mention my paycheck is going to be light this week. I feel the need to mention that one jar of salsa and a bag of tortilla chips, does not really count as a meal, especially since you are a known salsa addict and eat 80% of it. The one thing I will say is that these energy drinks you picked up are pretty nice. Sure, you forgot to take the tag off of one of them and I see you picked them up at Big Lots for $.80 each, but I'm not one to care about cost, as long as the flavor is there. There is some taste here too. I'd say this is 20% kiwi melon, 70% apple, 5% sucralose, and 5% other. For something that is supposed to be carbonated kiwi melon green tea, it really tastes strongly of carbonated apple juice. That's not a complaint, more of an observation, so you can put down that pry bar. If you drink it while it's cold that artificial sweetener doesn't come through much, but the warmer it gets the more obvious it becomes. Overall it's pretty tasty and it's probably the thing I would complain about this situation the least. I'm hungry, jacked up on caffeine, and my body feels like it's breaking down. Why are there six different layers of flooring on top of the subfloor? Whoever owned this house before you was a real turd, you know that? By the way how much are you saving by us doing this work? $300?!?!?! Are you serious Mark? You know what? Screw you and screw your house and while you're at it screw your pittance of salsa. I'm taking the rest of this V8 I'm leaving. Yes, you will see me at Margret's on Saturday for Louie's birthday and yes I will have gotten over this by then, but as of now. You my friend are the turd.
Diet and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 12/29/17, 11:27 AM
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V8 V-Fusion + Energy Peach Mango

V8 V-Fusion + Energy Peach Mango
Man, I had no idea that when combined the letter V and the number 8 could be such a turn off to people. I was given a six pack of these little guys and being the generous person I am I offered to share them with the people I was hanging out with and every single one, minus the person who gifted them to me, said “Ewwww. No Thanks!” I know that tomato juice is a horrible thing, but that doesn't mean that every product that V8 puts out is going to taste like that.

I tend to enjoy their Fusion line. It's a combination of fruit and vegetable juices. In this case it is peach, mango, apple, sweet potato, tomato, and carrot. Don't worry though it tastes more like a fruit juice than a cold, sweet soup. Now that would be horrible. There are hints of vegetable flavoring around the edges, but this is almost all fruit flavored.
The energy aspect of this juice comes in the form of added green tea and B vitamins. It doesn't really effect the taste, and I haven't really felt any boost in energy, but I am completely exhausted so that may have overpowered things. I don't think it's meant to be a full on energy drink though, just a little nudge.
Oh yeah, there is also the garbage sweetener sucralose in here, but I luckily couldn't taste it at all. Let those fruits do their job.
Diet, Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 8/4/17, 3:48 PM
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V8 Energy Orange Pineapple

V8 Energy Orange Pineapple
Tommy, you have been drinking far too many energy drinks. I can assure you that they are not improving your gaming skills. Sure, they might help you stay up until the early hours of the morning, but you're a teenage you should have no problem staying up that late anyway. I mean you don't wake up until noon. Fine, I can't handle your whining, you can have some sort of energy drink, but it has to be one of these natural ones and not that chemical swill you and your friends like to down. Also, you have to agree to go outside and have fun with your friends. Go and cause a little trouble, you're young that's what you're supposed to do, not sit in front of the TV all summer. Good, then it's a deal. Here have this can of V8. Don't look at me like that it isn't that gross tomato juice stuff, V8 has expanded their line. This is sweet potato and carrot juice with fruit juice and green tea extract mixed in. Trust me, it tastes fantastic. You don't even notice the juices except for the orange and pineapple. It has some underlying flavor that I can't really place, but it just makes it taste more interesting.

Tommy, the thing about this energy drink is that it won't give you the jitters and will make you actually play your games better with steady hands. See I'm looking out for you. It's just caffiene and B vitamins. It's also on the healthier side because it's 34% juice and it's low in calories. I know you don't care about these things, but I'm your parent and it's my duty to look out for you when it comes to these things. Okay now live up to your end of the deal and go outside. I'm calling Johnny house and if you're there you're grounded mister!
Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 9/26/15, 11:07 AM
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V8 V-Fusion Energy Black Cherry

V8 V-Fusion Energy Black Cherry
The older my son gets, the more I understand why people hide vegetables in food. I could give this to him all day and he would never guess that there are carrots and stuff in here. Is that right? I don't know. He eats some vegetables. Not all vegetables but some. This he would love. This I like. It's tangy like a natural fruit would be. The vegetables don't even rear their ugly head at all.

The fact that I bought this from Big Lots for thirty-three cents makes me wonder if it's still something that V8 sells anymore. It would be one of those things you don't know exists until it's too late. Like me with Bad Brains. I hate myself for waiting until I was in my thirties to hear Banned In D.C.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 7/30/15, 9:50 AM
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V8 V-Fusion Pomegranate Blueberry

V8 V-Fusion Pomegranate Blueberry
Can we all agree that the beverage world has taken pomegranates and blueberries too far? It seems that nearly every company out there has that flavor in their line. Sure some of them add acai into the mix, but that's not really helping much. I understand the allure of antioxidants, but I'm just getting so tired of this flavor (orange mango is not that far behind). The thing is that these are flavors that I loved, and I was excited when they were more accessible in drink form, but enough is enough.

At least with this beverage V8 uses real juice, so it tastes like the fruit. They also mix in some other fruits (apples and white grapes) as well as some vegetables (sweet potatoes, purple carrots, tomatoes, and carrots), which give the drink a little something extra that makes it ticker and darker tasting. It's still primarily pomegranate and blueberry but you can certainly tell that there are some other flavors floating around in the mix.

If this were 5-10 years ago I probably been all over this drink, but it's too late in my beverage life to fully enjoy it the way that perhaps an eight year old would. Man, I wish I could enjoy this drink like he would. I also wish I could enjoy new music as much as he does. Looks like I'll be listening to R.E.M. for the millionth time and complain about how bands don't sound like this anymore. I'm old, it's my right.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/28/13, 3:01 PM
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V8 V-Fusion Sparkling Tangerine Raspberry

V8 V-Fusion Sparkling Tangerine Raspberry
If you think that all of the research that the United States government is of the nuclear genre then you my friend are a damn fool. Truth be told only 3% of the money the government ponies up is actually spent on working to harness the power created by nuclear fusion. The other 97% is given to the V8 company in order to create superior beverages. You see the United States realized that the original V8 was absolutely disgusting, but that was because tomato juice is revolting by nature. In order to help it's citizens the government started giving the company money to make a line of beverages that rated from decent to great.

With their latest grant the V8 company decided to experiment with adding some bubbles to their juices. They did a fine job of it. They took normal seltzer water and mixed in a healthy amount of fruit and vegetables. They did it in a ratio that the drinks taste more like fruit juice, and the vegetable flavor is at a minimum if it is there at all. The problem with it is that they tend to have a general fruit flavor and not like the specific fruits the flavors are names after. A can of tangerine raspberry is quite delicious, but it doesn't taste specifically like those flavors. The addition of the apple, grape and orange juice is to blame. It really does taste more like an apple orange drink than tangerine raspberry. I like it, but I would really enjoy more clarity in the flavor.

Also, they added some stevia extract to the mix. I don't believe it was meant as a sweetener. I think they added it to enhance the natural flavors, as more and more companies seem to be doing. I've said it before and I'll say it again; stop it. The juice has enough flavor on it's own and it doesn't need stevia added to it mucking up the works.
Juice, Sparkling and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 9/16/12, 10:36 PM
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V8 V-Fusion Concord Grape Raspberry

V8 V-Fusion Concord Grape Raspberry
Carl S. Junior, get over here right now and eat your vegetables. You can't just eat the fruit and then run into the mud like a Peppa Pig. I'm sorry, Sharon. Carl is being a bit of a bother. He doesn't like his vegetables. Try what? V8? Sharon, did you listen to me? I said he doesn't like vegetables, not loves them so much he wants to drink them. I swear, Sharon, sometimes...CARL! Get off of Mr. Draper's cat. Manny does not like to be pet that hard and especially not with muddy hands.

I'm sorry, Sharon, you said there was a different kind of V8? V-Fusion? I've never heard of it because I haven't been to a grocery store in about four years. It's a full serving of both fruit and vegetables and doesn't taste like vegetables? Sharon that would be the answer this current situation right now. You know, the one where Carl Jr has climbed Mr. Draper's tree and is readying himself to jump onto his roof if I make him eat another pea. Can I get this anywhere? Yes? Remarkable. Seriously, Sharon, how does it taste. Just like Concord grape juice and a little bit like raspberry? My idiot son can't read so he won't be able to see that it's good for him but he knows what a carrot is so I am going to have to pour this into a cup so he doesn't know that there are vegetables in it.

I don't mind lying to Carl Jr, Sharon. He's a kid. He'll believe anything. It's almost not lying if it's good for them in the end, right? Sure. I've got to go, Sharon. "Uncle" Tom is here. Hey, he likes having an uncle and I like that "uncle" Tom lets him play video games while we work on...you know...no Sharon. He comes over and helps me garden. I said it like that because he isn't a real uncle. Jeez, Sharon. Sometimes I don't know why we're friends.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/14/11, 10:29 PM
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V8 Spicy Hot

V8 Spicy Hot
Oh, the problems in my life! I don't eat well. I should. I should exercise more, but so should you. Don't give me that face. When was the last time you ran and no, I don't mean that time that you had to chase your dog because you were eating a double Whopper and walking your dog at the same time and when a pickle fell out, you dropped the leash and he ran down the street. That doesn't count. When I was at the store yesterday and saw that this gorgeous six-pack was available. I did not hesitate. It came out a long time ago and for all I know, which is little, it could still be out, but as long as time has gone by, this has been my favorite V8. I will buy plain, still delicious V8 and put hot sauce in it. Don't believe me? Who are you to deny me? You're in a sour mood today, friend.

I remember V8 came out with spicy V8 before and I think they partnered with Tabasco and that was alright, but I'm not a huge fan of that hot sauce and this could be the same thing, but since it's not actually printed on the can, I don't know, which I like. It's not too spicy but it's spicy enough that if this baby sized, 5.5-ounce can was twice as big, it still wouldn't be big enough.

Since I clearly can't say enough about this drink, and that it's not only wonderful, but it's wonderful for you, I have no choice to give it a five. Congratulations, V8, and I thank you for bringing this gem back into my life.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/10/11, 2:05 PM
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V8 V-Fusion + Tea Raspberry Green Tea

V8 V-Fusion + Tea Raspberry Green Tea
Do you know what I hate? Straight up V8. I blame the tomatoes. Tomatoes are strange things. On their own they are the devil in food form. Seriously disgusting. I can't get over it. The thing is, salsa is one of my favorite things ever and the tomatoes in that don't bother me at all. I also like red sauce. I think ketchup is a crime against humanity, though. The smell alone makes me want to hurl. V8 didn't really stand a chance in its original form when it went to war against my palate.

V8 eventually saw that they were never going to be able to please me with their old business model (I mean I am who the company is always trying to please). They stepped up their game with the Splash and V-Fusion lines. They realized that if they mixed a bunch of fruits and vegetables together (yes tomatoes are still in the mix) it actually tasted decent...and not like something Beelzebub would be sipping on in the sixth circle of hell.

This is one of the best that V8 has to offer. Each 8oz glass contains a serving of both fruits and vegetables. In doing so it performs some sort of sorcery that makes the drink still taste like raspberry iced tea. This has sweet potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes in it. You would never know unless someone spilled the beans. Apparently they still keep Satan on the payroll.
Iced Tea and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 3/16/11, 10:32 AM
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