Thailand - 79 Reviews

Coft Thai Black Tea

Coft Thai Black Tea
I saw this peeking out from my fridge yesterday and decided that today would be the day. I think I bought this as an Asian Market with good ol' Jay. It was dark and didn't appear to have cream in it so I thought it would be something nice. Turns out, there is some form of milk, possibly in the line item "Brewed Thai Tea" although it doesn't explicitly say "milk" outside of "Contains: Milk"

Who cares. Enough milk talk. This is great and do you know why it is great? Because it just tastes like Thai Tea. If we have to differentiate between this and traditional Thai tea, this is less creamy. Back to milk again. This may have more of a black tea base which is actually really good. It's strange. This tastes like black tea sweetened with Thai Tea. It's hard to explain. It tastes like sweet tea, like Southern sweet tea but then you get the flavors and spices (?) of Thai tea.

A+. Quick shipping. Would buy from again.
Iced Tea
Glucose Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/12/18, 9:04 AM
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Honey Bee Basil See Drink with Melon Flavor

Honey Bee Basil See Drink with Melon Flavor
This drink is just as overly sweet and weird as I thought it would be. Here's a rule you can go by; if a beverage this this bright of a green, it will more than likely be sweeter than you want it to be. The thing is that this really tastes like honey dew though. I mean it tastes like if you cut up a melon and dumped the same amount of sugar on it that your grandmother would dump on her morning grapefruit (or was that just mine?). The thing is that the melon flavor is artificial, yet it doesn't taste like candy as things like this tend to do. The basil seeds really do nothing. As far as I can tell they have no particular taste, and they tend to slip down your throat without you even realizing they exist.

I've been waiting patiently for a proper melon beverage to make its way to me (other than watermelon). This is a step in the right direction, but I really want straight up cantaloupe or honey dew juice. I guess I will just have to make do with this until my dreams come true.
Honey Bee
Jason Draper on 3/26/18, 7:40 PM
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Teas' Tea Organic Lightly Sweet Peach Ginger Black Tea

Teas' Tea Organic Lightly Sweet Peach Ginger Black Tea
I know I can be a stickler, but I really would prefer if companies named their products in the order of the prominent flavors. For example, this is labeled peach ginger, but in my mind it should be ginger peach. That's correct, for the first time ever a beverage has peach in it and it is not the flavor that is smacking you a good one, right in the kisser. In fact both flavors in here are fairly tame, but of the two, ginger is what I am getting the most of. They are not kidding when they say this is lightly sweet. Even though it's 20g of sugar, it tastes on the border of being unsweetened, which is where I like my iced tea to reside. So it's a black tea with a tad bit of sugar in it that tastes like it was steeped with a bunch of ginger in it (not enough to give it a burn, but enough for the flavor to be there) and then a single slice of peach was allowed to soak in it while it cooled down. I know I was complaining earlier, but this really is a nice tea, and I apparently just like to complain about something in every situation. I need help.
Ginger and Iced Tea
Teas' TeaWebsite@TeasTea_
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/11/17, 12:09 PM
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Hobbi Basil Seed Drink with Passion Fruit

Hobbi Basil Seed Drink with Passion Fruit
To quote my ladyfriend, “Well, this is just delightful.” It is the lightest flavored passion fruit beverage I have ever had. It still has plenty of flavor too it, but this particular flavor normally punched you right in your taste buds. Hobbi just gives you a little “how you doing?” caress. It's more in the aftertaste than in the sip. The basil seeds are nice and slippery and give the drink an interesting texture. If you drink this like a normal human they just slide right down your throat and are easily forgotten. If you want to be a child, like myself, you can strain them through your teeth and play with them for a bit to give the beverage a little bit of a fun edge.
Jason Draper on 11/8/17, 6:36 AM
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Teas' Tea Organic Hibiscus Green Tea

Teas' Tea Organic Hibiscus Green Tea
The Ito En / Teas' Tea company doesn't mess around. They keep things simple, natural and delicious. Their iced teas actually taste like tea instead of sugar, like most companies. They know the secret that tea is delicious on its own and it does not need to be disguised by sweeteners. Sure sometimes you want a little something extra in it, but for those times you certainly do not need to go overboard and dump the equivalent of a semi's load into a single bottle. With this “Lightly Sweet” tea they added 20g of sugar, as opposed to the 30-40g range that a lot of teas fall into. To be honest I didn't even need that much sugar. I think it detracts a bit from the green tea and hibiscus. When you use quality ingredients you don't need to mask the way they taste, and there is nothing but quality in this bottle. Do I think the floral taste would have been better without any sugar? Yes, I do. Do I really mind that they added some? No. It is still delicious. I believe hibiscus is at its peak when it is paired with some spices, such as cinnamon, but I do think it has a lot to offer in solo form and this drink proves that.
Iced Tea
Teas' TeaWebsite@TeasTea_
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/12/17, 9:56 AM
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Blue Monkey Pure Coconut Water Coconut

Blue Monkey Pure Coconut Water Coconut
There is a small island off the coast of Thailand that is uninhabited, that is except for monkeys. Well, monkeys and coconuts. It is also home of the world's most depressed monkey. You see this little guy loves humans, and the other monkeys are total jerks to him. They steal his food, push him out of the trees when he's sleeping and worst of all they chase any human away that comes further inland than the beach. Those other dumb monkeys love playing games with the coconuts as well.

In order to get some revenge/spend some quality time with the humans on the beach, our sad little furry friend goes out at night, after he's been pushed out of a tree, and gathers all the coconuts he can on the beach. The humans then come and pick them up, give him some bananas and they have their own little games. Those few hours before the rest of the monkeys wake up are the best part of the little guy's day.

The humans take all of the coconuts, drain them and sell the liquid. They appreciate all the work the little guy does for them so they named their product after him. “Sad Monkey” didn't have the right ring to it, so they went with Blue Monkey. It's nothing but pure coconut water. It's refreshing, tasty and when you drink it you can think about how it brings joy to what is otherwise a lifetime drenched in misery.
Blue MonkeyWebsite@bluemonkeydrink
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/16/14, 2:40 PM
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Coco Joy Coconut Water Natural

Coco Joy Coconut Water Natural
Herbert loved to travel. He especially loved to sail. He was on a trip to Thailand and was sailing around when his boat hit some coral and took on some water. He docked at the closest island to investigate what could be the problem.

He tied up his boat and started to look around at the damage. A tall man approached him with a package and said, "This is for you." Herbert looked inside and there was some rice, vegetables and a can of coconut water. He sat down on the dock and ate and it was very good. He especially liked the coconut water. It was different than the coconut water he had in the States. It was sweeter but still unsweetened. It was clean tasting and didn't care about the heat like some other coconut waters he had.

He repaired the ship and was about to sail off and the tall man came back. Herbert thanked him and asked where he got that drink from. He said that his brother works for the factory a couple miles away and he gets to bring home cases occasionally. Herbert shook the man's hand and thanked him for his hospitality. Boat accident and all, Herbert had a wonderful time in the sun on an island making new friends, eating great food and enjoying a new drink he was sure to buy more of.
Coco JoyWebsite
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/14/14, 9:22 AM
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Pearl Royal Coconut Water Lemon Lime

Pearl Royal Coconut Water Lemon Lime
In a world where flavored beverages are overly heavy on the flavor, to an extent that the taste of the base is lost, it's nice when a company takes it easy on the old flavor tasters. Pearl Royal does just that with this delicious coconut water. There is but a hint of lemon and lime flavor. I wouldn't be surprised if they stumbled upon this when someone didn't properly rinse a glass that has been used to house some sort of lemon lime beverage and then refilled it with coconut water. It's such a minor addition of flavor, but it goes a long way in making your refreshment experience just a tad different. Oh yeah it also comes in this awesome container, so that's a bonus.
Pearl RoyalWebsite
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/18/14, 3:25 PM
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Pearl Royal Coconut Water

Pearl Royal Coconut Water
Coconut waters have become the new apple/orange juice; for the most part they don't vary too much from brand to brand. I mean when you're sole ingredient is water straight from a coconut there isn't going to be much variation is there? Sure the companies could add flavoring to them, but if you ask me that isn't necessary, when you have something that is great and completely refreshing, why much it up with additives?

Pearl Royal knows the game. So instead of altering their product itself they gave it interesting/fun packaging. Inside this packaging that is made to look like a coconut of some sort is an ordinary can of coconut water. Attached to that can is a little string that comes out of the top of the “coconut.” When you pull the string it opens the can. You then stick the attached straw through the hole and enjoy the nectar within. If only opening a real coconut was that easy. There are plenty of videos online of people attempting, and failing, to open the real thing. I've certainly been vexed in my attempts in the past as well.

Overall this is a nice branding technique for a beverage that is nothing new, but also very tasty. Here's your future.
Pearl RoyalWebsite
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/22/14, 11:40 AM
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Rising Sun Thai Coconut Water with Pulp

Rising Sun Thai Coconut Water with Pulp
Sometimes you just have those days where you just need to get out of the city. You feel like you've been indoors too much, and even when you're not it just doesn't feel like the outdoors. You get antsy and start to go insane, and you need to be in the green. Actually, maybe that doesn't happen to normal people, but I most definitely am not normal and yesterday I was just losing my mind. As a result I jumped in my car with some good music and just drove an hour out into the forest. There was no sign of civilization around me for miles. I breathed in deep and took it all in. it was exactly what I needed to even myself out. I ended up hiking for about ten miles and it was glorious, I even saw a bald eagle. Stupidly I only brought one bottle of water, a Cliff Bar and an apple. By the time I was done I was exhausted and dehydrated. There was only one beverage that would give me the refreshment that I so desperately craved and that was a can of coconut water.

This is pretty standard pure coconut water. There is nothing in it but the water and some pulp. By some pulp I mean a lot pulp. More than there probably needed to be, but I can't see anyone buys coconut water with pulp unless they loved the stuff, so in that case it's probably just perfect. The can did just what I needed it to do, and it did so with a pleasant taste. Man, for someone who has such an intense hatred for toasted coconut, I sure have come to enjoy these drinks.
Rising Sun@RisingSunCoco
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/5/14, 8:28 PM
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Rising Sun Thai Coconut Water

Rising Sun Thai Coconut Water
Coconut water; I don't know what I like and I'm not sure what I don't like about you. I think the stuff I like might have some sugar in it. This is a little sweet but you can tell that it's "naturally" sweet and not sweetened with anything. No, I am not just reading the ingredients. I am tasting it and making an evaluation. You think I base everything off the ingredients? Sometimes I don't even read them. I just go by the seat of my pants and hope for the best.

Coconut water. This is naturally sweetened but it's also, I feel, very strong. If you are on the fence about coconut water, this might not be the place to start. There are weaker coconut waters out there which I needn't name. If you love coconut, which a lot of you do, this is going to be a fantastic treat for you. I suppose I just need to put everyone in buckets. Call me a racist, but if categorizing people by the way they like their coconut, then I'm a regular David Duke.
Rising Sun@RisingSunCoco
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/28/14, 3:37 PM
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Zola Coconut Water Espresso

Zola Coconut Water Espresso
Look at you with your designer jeans and sunglasses that cost as much as a months rent. You are so cool, you and your fancy Italian loafers with matching tie and Spider Veloce. You're so cool. Well look at me. Sure I dress like I have for the last twenty years but I'm cool, too, right? I'm drinking two cool things; espresso and coconut water. Those are cool things, right? It's important to be cool. It's how we put ourselves on imaginary pedestals. This is good stuff, too. I might not have the finer things like those dope brown kid leather driving gloves that beautifully match your wooden steering wheel and stick shift. This drink though brother, this drink is smooth and only half tastes like coconut. The coffee isn't totally too strong like you might like it in your Italian mind with your glorious hair. Look, bro. I'll say it. I don't care. You've got great hair. Try this, dude. No, I'm'a call you "dude" right? You're talking to me and I'm going to talk to you like you're talking to me. This is a good drink. I don't know what kind of standards you are used to but seriously this is good. You know what? I'm done. No. I'm done with you. You and your beautiful tight fade and tight beard. Peace, bruh. You are an elitist. I'm trying to share with you and you're being a real jerk. Now I'm the elitist. Peace.
Coconut and Coffee
Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 4/22/14, 12:28 PM
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Zola Coconut Water With Pulp

Zola Coconut Water With Pulp
Whoever decided that coconut water should come packaged in cans like this has done well for the branding of the fruit. Coke has it's unique bottle shape and coconut water has tall cans with ridges. I can't think of anything else that comes in this sort of can. When I see a can of this nature I instantly think of coconut water and that is great from an advertising point of view.

In the past when I heard the word Zola I expected it to be followed by Jesus (she's a musician if you didn't know). Now I will also think of coconut water and nicely shaped cans. This is a fine coconut water. It's nothing new, but it's not trying to be. It's simply natural coconut water with some pulp in it. Nothing stands out about it, but do you really want something wacky from coconut water? I'm guessing now, you want refreshment.

The pulp in here are little hard chunks of raw coconut. They are a little bigger than what I would refer to as pulp, but I enjoyed them a great deal. It's nice to chew on them, and they add a little texture to the beverage.

Zola: doing coconuts right and making them proud.
Chunky and Coconut
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/1/14, 8:04 PM
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Teas' Tea Latte Chai Tea Latte

Teas' Tea Latte Chai Tea Latte
Is chai tea magic? I mean it doesn't involve eye of newt or toe of frog, but there is a very specific list of ingredients that when combined together make something truly wonderful. I get the feeling that if you mixed things up and added the wrong thing in comical movie way the results might not be as bad as the silver screen portrays it, but it could get gross, fast. You add cinnamon, cardamom, ginger root, black pepper, cloves and star anise to black tea and bam; you have a beverage that has been enjoyed by many forms of royalty throughout the centuries. I can only imagine that if those ingredients happened to be mixed up that some sort of beheading or torture would have resulted. I mean everyone was treated as savages back then, right?

I don't know at what point milk started being added to this spiced tea, but whoever came up with it deserves a tip of my nonexistent hat. While straight up chai tea is great, the addition of milk makes it so much smoother and more enjoyable to drink. Chill that and you've somehow made it even better.

Tea's Tea has smoothed out their chai tea to the max. This is ridiculously enjoyable as it has a spicy flavor that is not overpowering and at the same time it doesn't taste like milk with spices added to it. This is still primarily a tea, which is as things should be. The only thing I could think of that would improve this would be for it to be made with soy or almond milk instead of skim milk powder. That would be right in the pocket.

Now I just need someone to make me a chai green tea latte. I bet it would be amazing, but too bad it would probably also be considered black magic that would cause it's created to lose his/her head to a blade.
Iced Tea
Teas' TeaWebsite@TeasTea_
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/9/14, 1:47 PM
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Amy & Brian All Natural Coconut Juice with Pulp

Amy & Brian All Natural Coconut Juice with Pulp
Amy and Brian, lovers, loved coconuts. They would go out a couple times a week for dessert and always get a sundae with shaved coconuts on it. Their favorite candy bars were Mounds and Almond Joy in that order. Their favorite place to visit on vacation was somewhere tropical that they could get coconuts right off the tree. They loved the stuff.

They went to the Maldives on their honeymoon just to indulge in coconut fare. They went out the first night they were there and were served a drink that was on the menu simply as "coconut juice with pulp." How could they resist? They could not. They each got a large glass of it and when it came, their eyes lit up. It was coconut water with little chunks of coconut in it. Small chunks, like someone did a poor job straining, not that Amy or Brian were complaining. It had a bit of a natural sweetness that often times comes from coconut water and the chunks just made it more fun than a standard glass of coconut water.

Amy and Brian were in love with each other and this drink. They knew that this was a step in the right direction for their honeymoon and their future lives together. All it took was a little pulp.
Chunky and Coconut
Amy & BrianWebsite@AmyBrianNatural
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 12/31/13, 6:41 PM
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Amy & Brian All Natural Coconut Juice

Amy & Brian All Natural Coconut Juice
Were Amy and Brian extras in the show Lost? By extras I of course mean they were lesser-known characters in the documentary that was filmed in real time. Did they somehow find a way off the island early on, and just forget to mention it to the others because they were all arguing like a bunch of jerks instead of listening to their would be saviors? In their brief time on the island did they fall in love with coconut water? I mean it was that or salty seawater that would eventually dehydrate you, so they had to drink it, and it probably grew on them quite a bit.

I'm going to just assume that everything written above is 100% accurate and that the couple moved back to the states where they started a company that imported coconut water from Thailand and packaged it in their own cans. They did a good job of it too. It tastes fresher than other brands that I have tasted, and of course it's very refreshing. It's not quite the same as cracking open a coconut that just fell from a tree, but it's not that far off.

While everyone else is dead that ever stepped foot on the island, these two entrepreneurs swimming in their money Scrooge McDuck style form their settlement from the airlines and their profits from their juice.
Amy & BrianWebsite@AmyBrianNatural
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/16/13, 4:43 PM
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C2O Pure Coconut Water

C2O Pure Coconut Water
While I was visiting our local Co-Op here in Buffalo I ran into a friend who works there. He told me they just got in some weird carbonated coconut water. Of course my response was, “Ugh, that sounds terrible. Of course I'll buy it.” As I was cashing out my mind kept reeling about how it's ridiculous the amount of things that get carbonated. How could carbonated coconut water be refreshing? I know in Europe people drink carbonated water everywhere. Seriously, they give bands carbonated water on stage. I asked for still water and I was looked at as I was out of my mind. It's not refreshing at all.

Okay, so the point of all of this was I walked outside and cracked this can open to be pleasantly surprised that it was not carbonated; it was just a clever name. You know, H2O is water, so C2O is coconut water. I feel I could have easily figured that out by reading the can, but I took my friend's word.

I feared gross bubbly coconut garbage, but what I was delivered was a quite tasty, still coconut water. The only ingredient is 100% pure coconut water, so there's really not much room for it to go astray. On a side note can we all agree that plain coconut water is much better than the flavored varieties? They always end up tasting chalky and kind of wrong.
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/4/13, 11:53 AM
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Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water / Pulp

Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water / Pulp
Hot…€¦so hot. I hear it got up to 94 degrees in Buffalo today. I know to you folks in the southwest that is nothing; I've been in 114 degrees out there. The difference is that with the heat here the air is like soup. Integrity once said that “Humanity is the devil,” but I think a more accurate phrase would be humidity is the devil. It's the type of heat that even a cold shower can't help, because as soon as you get out you're just sweating again. Ugh. It's the kind of heat that melts the ice cream that fills your cone before you can eat it and you're left unsatisfied with sticky hands. No one wants this.

I've drank more water over the past couple of days then any human could consume if they weren't sweating it all out immediately. I'm at a point where I feel like if I had a constant stream of water going into me I would still feel dehydrated. I decided that something stronger was needed, so I've turned to coconut water. I didn't want any sugar or any added flavoring garbage, so I chose Taste Nirvana. This is simply coconut water and coconut pulp, nothing else is needed. It tastes like if I took the three hundred hours it takes to actually crack open a coconut and drank it's liquid inners. It doesn't taste like it's been sitting in this bottle for months. It's actually sweeter than other “no sugar added” coconut waters I've had before. The label says it's because of the region they harvest their coconuts from. It's pleasant. I can enjoy it. It's refreshing.

While the chunks of coconut pulp would be a nice treat on other days, they are just getting in the way of me chugging this whole bottle. I guess that is to my advantage as they are letting me enjoy this longer. I bet I'm still going to feel dehydrated fifteen minutes after this is gone.
Taste NirvanaWebsite@tastenirvana
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/17/13, 4:00 PM
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Teas' Tea Latte Matcha Green Tea Latte

Teas' Tea Latte Matcha Green Tea Latte
Up until I went to the UK a few years back, I had never put milk in my tea. I was strictly a honey man. Then when there, someone (ie everyone) made us tea and made it with milk and a little sugar. It wasn't how I would normally drink tea, actually I don't think I've ever made hot plain black tea at home ever, but it was enjoyable and it seemed fitting. I've still never added milk to my tea when on native soil but the couple times I've been back over seas I always drink it that way.

Cut to a couple of months ago when I was introduced to green tea lattes via the new Bolthouse Farms drink. It was great and tasted like melted green tea soy ice cream. I then got one at Starbucks and it was kind of gross. Okay it wasn't gross, but it just tasted like soymilk with a little green tea. It was perfectly drinkable, but just not what I was hoping for. Now Tea's Tea has released a latte line, and lo and behold there is a matcha one. Luckily it's much better than Starbucks, and closer to the Bolthouse side of things. I would prefer that it was made with soymilk, but for something that is mass-produced and doesn't need to be refrigerated this is more than okay. It's vaguely grainy (in a good way) with a strong matcha taste. It has all of the flavor of green tea without the bitterness.

I don't think I'll go and make this for myself, but it's a nice treat. I wonder if the folks of Britain drink their green tea this way, or if they are a strictly black lot.
Iced Tea
Teas' TeaWebsite@TeasTea_
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/28/13, 3:40 PM
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Foco Mango and Passion Fruit Juice Drink

Foco Mango and Passion Fruit Juice Drink
Get yourself a big ole' bucket of water. Now dump a big ole' bag of sugar in it. Squeeze some of those little ole' passion fruits and those regular ole' mangoes into that there bucket and what you get will probably taste a little bit like this. This only has 30% juice in it, but what amount of the remaining 70% is sugar? It's ridiculously sweet to an extent that it takes away from the flavor of two of my favorite fruits. Both are present but the amount of sugar makes them taste candied. Too bad.
Jason Draper on 5/9/13, 3:16 PM
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