Sparkling Ice Pink Grapefruit

Sparkling Ice Pink Grapefruit
“Like an ice cube made of glitter.” Feel free to use that as a tagline, Sparkling Ice. Yes, I know that it's terrible, but that is the first thing that pops in my head when I hear your companies name. Secondarily I think about people wearing oversized diamond encrusted jewelry that is neither tasteful, nor classy. Which would you rather be associated with? That's what I thought. Glitter cubes it is!

First you take some spring water and generously infuse it with carbon dioxide to make some nice bubbles. The result is carbonated water that is bland and boring and has that weird taste that I don't really comprehend. To mask that you add some grapefruit juice concentrate. This is the moment that I believe you should stop. It would be on the sour side of the street, but that's something that I would enjoy. I understand that this just wouldn't fly with most Americans though; they need some sort of sweetener added. The folks at Glitter Cubes decided to go the zero calorie route and added sucralose to the mixture. Normally the downfall of any drink that contains it, the sucralose isn't absolutely horrible in here. I'd go as far as to say that I don't really mind it, which is a miracle on it's own. Somehow the grapefruit flavor combats the chemical taste, and it's only briefly noticeable in the aftertaste. The fruit flavor is still intake, although not as strong and as bitter as it would be in its natural form.

This is far from the best thing I've ever drunk, but it is a nice option to have for those watching their sugar intake. I do think it's safe to say that Glitter Cubes are not the wave of the future. Possibly just a little swell of the now.
Diet, Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 4/9/14, 10:22 AM
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