Sparkling Ice - 12 Reviews

Sparkling Ice Essence Lemon Lime

Sparkling Ice Essence Lemon Lime
I love that Sparkling Ice is taking a step back from sucralose, well at least with their Essence line. I just could not get into the dietness of it all. These new ones though have been mostly pretty great. It's just flavored seltzer water, but the flavors have been good, up until now. This isn't bad per say, but it really teeters on the “tastes like a cleaner” line of things. I feel like everyone involved in the lemon industry should file a class action lawsuit against household cleaners because they have ruined a once great fruit. I feel like the world used to embrace lemon in all its forms, but now folks are reminded of cleaning chemicals and it's a turn off. Big money could be made. Big, big money.

Once you get past the association, this isn't bad. I could do with a tad bit more lime, but I'm always going to want more of that. It's not really a flavor for me, but I wouldn't dump it down the drain.
Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 2/6/17, 3:27 PM
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Sparkling Ice Essence Peach

Sparkling Ice Essence Peach
Back to basics. I can't tell you how refreshing seltzer is after some of the crap we drink. Look, nothing we drink is literal crap or figurative crap. Everyone puts their hearts into the products they put out but come one, after 4600 reviews, we have earned the right to start calling things "crap."

This is great. It's pure simplicity. Water, bubbles and peach. I assume they have some sort of vat of peaches just stewing all their Georgia essence into some tube mechanism that sucks up the scent, injects it into water by way of science/witchcraft and then stores the vapors for someone lucky enough to drink it.

If you like seltzer, this is just seltzer. They can call it whatever fancy name they want. It's sparkling water with flavor. La Croix? Polar? The other one? Same deal, bro. Same deal. It's all great seltzer.
Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 2/2/17, 1:48 PM
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Sparkling Ice Essence Of Water

Sparkling Ice Essence Of Water
Do you like water? Do you like having your throat itched by tiny bubbles? Are you sick of sugar? Then here you go. This is simply carbonated water and there's not much to it, because there is not supposed to be. Enjoy.
Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/11/16, 8:01 AM
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Sparkling Ice Essence Tangerine

Sparkling Ice Essence Tangerine
I have to come clean. I have had a handful of new flavors that Sparkling Ice sent me sitting in my fridge for a little while now. Every time I would open up the drawer to choose a drink they would be staring right back at me and I haven't had it in me to taste a zero calorie sweeter tainted drink. Tonight I decided t finally give in and deal with that nonsense on my tongue and what is that? The Essence line isn't sweetened at all. They are all just seltzer water. This instantly made my night better. I expected to take a few small sips and introduce the rest of the bottle to my sink drain, but now I can sip it throughout the night and enjoy it.

This is fairly lightly flavored. It just has slight hints of citrus, which happen to be tangerine. A lot of sparkling waters, sweetened or otherwise tend to go pretty strong on the flavoring, but this is subtle. I could do with a little more, but I do like what they are going for. I also like that this doesn't taste like sucralose and my taste buds would like to express their thanks as well.
Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/7/16, 7:50 PM
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Sparkling Ice Tea Lemon

Sparkling Ice Tea Lemon
Sparkling tea is a strange bird. We've done a couple of them but for the most part, they're just strange. Iced tea is a staple in my life so when you change it by adding sparkles, you're changing when my body expects.

Is this bad? No. It's not the best drink and it's pretty diet at times but you know what? It couldn't have been that bad because I drank the whole thing. I never made a "gross" face. That counts for them and not against them. You could taste the lemon. That's a point. You only sometimes get the diet taste and it's sucralose. That stuff stinks. Sparkling Ice can sometimes and somehow disguise it.

They keep sending us stuff and we keep drinking it. They're good to us. You know why this relationship works, though? They don't mind a couple mediocre reviews. I've always said that if I could have one drink for the rest of my life it would be unsweet tea. This is my favorite drink sharpened, sweetened, lemoned and on a diet. That's where the minuses come in. It's not bad. It's not for me. I drank the whole thing. It's not for me.
Diet, Iced Tea and Sparkling
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 5/25/16, 2:46 PM
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Sparkling Ice Lemon Lime

Sparkling Ice Lemon Lime
How do people do it? How do people drink diet drinks on the regular? I've been told that you get used to it, but I really just can't see that happening. They taste so unnatural to me. Whenever I drink something that has sucralose in it I feel like I'm drinking from a bottle that has a Mr. Yuck sticker on it from when I was a kid. It just doesn't get better for me.

This bottle of Sparkling Ice at least uses lemon juice from concentrate that helps fight the poison a bit. I don't know where the lime taste comes from, but it's a bit like a watered down Freezie Pop. Neither of those flavors are quite strong enough to overpower the sucralose taste though. I wish they were, because I think this could be strangely good instead of just good for diet.
Diet and Sparkling
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 3/29/16, 9:46 PM
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Sparkling Ice Crisp Apple

Sparkling Ice Crisp Apple
We're a couple months out from "Apple Mania" but that doesn't mean that we can't still enjoy apples. I remember watching a video a couple months back where people were making "fizzy fruit" by soaking them in dry ice. Where do you get dry ice? Are only scientists and friends and family of scientists allowed to eat a fizzy apple? That's unfair.

Well, one scientist broke the silence and now we, the public, can enjoy (probably) what a sparkling apple tastes like. Sure, the only crispness is in the title, but that's cool. Don't worry about it. Drink an apple. Yeah, drink an apple. Eating apples is so two thousand and late. Yeah, I did it. What? It was fitting.

Apples are great. This, you know what? This isn't bad. It's no apple but it's more quenching. It doesn't taste diet. It doesn't taste like candy. It doesn't taste like a shoe, but then again, why would it? If you eat an apple that tastes like a shoe, I don't know the policy of your local grocer, but you should return that batch and maybe shop elsewhere. It's sweet like an apple. Tastes like an apple. Great work, guys. You captured apples and fizzed up that essence. Yeah, sure, sparkling apple juice exists, already. This is more like a real apple.
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 7/19/14, 2:33 PM
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Sparkling Ice Peach Nectarine

Sparkling Ice Peach Nectarine
There are so many companies out there nowadays putting out zero calories flavored sparkling waters. Want to know a secret? Most of them blow. Their flavors are weak and they are so overly diet that I can't handle it. Sparkling Ice stands out in this crowd, and by stands out I mean they make a palatable drink that is fairly average in the overall scheme of things, but supreme in its specific category.

Even though it's just supposed to be sparkling water they are not afraid to make their flavors bold. In fact they actually add a splash of real juice for their flavoring instead of artificial garbage that tastes more like chemicals than anything else. This has a strong peach taste to it, and yes there is a bit of nectarine in there as well, which in reality is just a smooth skinned peach.

This is one of the few drinks that are sweetened using sucralose that I can actually stomach. They have found a way for the peach flavor to hide the sucralose poison. I would like to know exactly how they do it, but a good magician never reveals their secrets, so I'm sure mums the word.
Diet, Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 6/19/14, 10:51 PM
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Sparkling Ice Cherry Limeade

Sparkling Ice Cherry Limeade
Our nation is in complete disrepair and although I'm not blaming it on the food industry, they aren't helping. Cutting corners has led to a fatter nation and the fact that this drink calls itself "Naturally Flavored Sparkling Mountain Spring Water" and contains 3% juice is not even worth mentioning. It's almost like you're eating the food that your child made you using their foam bread and plastic lettuce, pickles, and tomatoes. If you were wondering why America is so fat, you can easily sum it up with one word: Capitalism.

Faux food aside, this at least tastes good. It's zero calories and quite flavorful. It's pretty sharp and only quasi-diet tasting. It's sweetened with sucralose but apple juice is ahead of that so they're at least trying. This is cherry is pretty good but the limeade is kind of missing. I think that whatever is happening, namely the sucralose, is cutting into the flavor of limeade.

Everything is fake and we're now trying to find out what is the best of the worst. This isn't bad. On a diet or hate calories? This isn't bad. It's like a slightly less thick cherry pop.
Sparkling, Water and Diet
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 5/8/14, 3:26 PM
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Sparkling Ice Pink Grapefruit

Sparkling Ice Pink Grapefruit
“Like an ice cube made of glitter.” Feel free to use that as a tagline, Sparkling Ice. Yes, I know that it's terrible, but that is the first thing that pops in my head when I hear your companies name. Secondarily I think about people wearing oversized diamond encrusted jewelry that is neither tasteful, nor classy. Which would you rather be associated with? That's what I thought. Glitter cubes it is!

First you take some spring water and generously infuse it with carbon dioxide to make some nice bubbles. The result is carbonated water that is bland and boring and has that weird taste that I don't really comprehend. To mask that you add some grapefruit juice concentrate. This is the moment that I believe you should stop. It would be on the sour side of the street, but that's something that I would enjoy. I understand that this just wouldn't fly with most Americans though; they need some sort of sweetener added. The folks at Glitter Cubes decided to go the zero calorie route and added sucralose to the mixture. Normally the downfall of any drink that contains it, the sucralose isn't absolutely horrible in here. I'd go as far as to say that I don't really mind it, which is a miracle on it's own. Somehow the grapefruit flavor combats the chemical taste, and it's only briefly noticeable in the aftertaste. The fruit flavor is still intake, although not as strong and as bitter as it would be in its natural form.

This is far from the best thing I've ever drunk, but it is a nice option to have for those watching their sugar intake. I do think it's safe to say that Glitter Cubes are not the wave of the future. Possibly just a little swell of the now.
Diet, Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 4/9/14, 10:22 AM
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Sparkling Ice Pomegranate Berry

Sparkling Ice Pomegranate Berry
Drinking this beverage is like voluntarily taking a vacation to a diet nightmare. Think of yourself as a standard man. You love hamburgers, french fries, milkshakes, and you drive a sweet '64 1/2 Ford Mustang. You have enough product in your hair to be considered a natural disaster and all you wear is blue jeans, black shoes, and white V-neck T-shirts. Sure, all I know about being a man apparently came from "Happy Days", but that was when men were men and women were women...not really, but you know how these reviews tend to go.

So you're a man. While eating a cheeseburger from some chrome diner, you meet another woman's glance and you fall in love. You go to the drive in. You go to whatever a sock hop is. You listen to records. All is great in the world. You decide to get a place together. You first shopping excursion, you buy the following standard items; hamburgers, Murry's pomade, toothpaste, new pack of shirts since yours all have greaze on it from working on your hog, and some cereal. Your girlfriend is trying out dieting even though she can't clock in at more than 110. I mean, she's got a killer body and you can lift her all day long, and you do. She buys items like, low fat milk, egg whites, Lean Pockets, and Sparkling Ice Pomegranate Berry.

You pay the $7.32 bill and head home, not having any idea of the torturous night you have ahead of you.

You make some hamburgers for yourself since you girlfriend wouldn't dare eat meat because it's too fatty and she's endlessly watching her figure, so she makes an egg white omelet. You think it's fine because she's so easy to look at and you ask her for something to drink while she's in the kitchen. She grabs you one of her six Sparkling Ice drinks. You sit down to a nice meal and you take a bite of your burger, love it, and then take a big, manly sip of your drink. You can't believe it. Your otherwise perfect girlfriend is trying to poison you. Surly, no one who is trying to live would drink this. It's fruity but so fake tasting that you swear it's flavored plastic fruit like the kind your grandma has on her living room table like she's permanently doing "still life" art drawing of the same fruit. You take another sip. It's no better than the first. It's so sharp, so strong. It's cuts through the flavor of your meal and slices it's way down your throat like candy coated razor blades.

Needless to say, you and her do not work out and it's unfortunate. She had everything going for her, and people aren't going to understand. You'll catch flak for it for a while until people realize that this "diet" thing that's going on is not good for business. You'll be fine and you will grow from your experience while she will search endlessly for results that will never be enough and she will forever be unsatisfied.
Diet, Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 5/8/11, 4:02 AM
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Sparkling Ice Black Raspberry

Sparkling Ice Black Raspberry
I'm going to a friend's wedding this weekend. As a result I felt the need to step up my wardrobe a bit, so I took a trip to the mall. It was a rare case of shopping instead of people watching. It's a strange, strange place to be, believe you me. While going from store to store quickly growing more annoyed by the second, I suddenly noticed a fellow angered shopper drinking one of these. When I passed by the convenient store a few shops down I popped in and picked this up.

Like always I was quick to purchase before realizing it was a diet drink. I was okay with it because it didn't have an overly diet taste to it. The black raspberry taste is pretty strong and it overpowered the sucralose flavor. If I ever went on a diet I would definitely drink these on the regular. My mom drinks zero calorie flavored sparkling waters all of the time. I bet she would love these. I should probably be a good son and pick her up a couple the next time I'm at the mall watching people, drinking iced tea and eating terrible burritos.
Diet, Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 2/21/11, 11:13 AM
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